Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 889 She Is Always Behind Him

When the three of Lu Wanwan looked up again, they saw several meteors falling together, which made people's eyes overflow with tears.

"No wonder the experts said that this meteor is rare in a hundred years. It seems that we have not lied to us!"

"Haha, it's a good thing we installed a tent here, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see such a spectacular scene!"

Gradually, the voice of discussion quieted down.

Looking around, there are very few people talking. Everyone is either taking pictures or closing their eyes to make a wish.

Even Fu Shuo, who doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, closed his eyes and whispered something between his thin lips.

An An, holding her fists with a sense of ritual, made a wish in the direction of the meteor.

Lu Wanwan watched the meteor shower quietly until the last meteor fell, and An An's curious voice sounded beside her: "Daddy, Mommy, what wish did you make?"

The three of them stood with the crowd for a while, and dispersed after making sure that the sky had returned to calm.

Soon after, the photos posted by journalists and photographers became popular on the Internet.


Since An'an closed her eyes as soon as she saw the meteor shower, she didn't realize that Lu Wanwan didn't make a wish the whole time.

Lu Wanwan turned her eyes away, smiled at him and said, "It won't work if you express your wish."

An An immediately said: "Oh, then we will keep it a secret."

After thinking for a while, Li Qingling said: "As for the location of the wedding photo shoot, it should be in China."

Abroad she worries about insecurity.

The wedding planner said: "Okay, there are beautiful mountains and rivers in China, we will definitely choose a shooting location that both you and Mr. Lin are satisfied with."

Li house.

Li Qingling was lying on the bedside, with a wedding planning book in front of her, flipping through it, and said to the phone: "As for the style of the wedding dress, I don't want to be fancy, but simple, so that I can move easily, you hear me? ?”

The wedding planner on the other end of the phone replied, "Okay, Miss Li, I've made a note. Besides that, do you have any other requests?"

After Li Qingling threw away the phone, she couldn't help hugging the pillow and rolled around on the bed.

When she raised her pretty face, she saw that there seemed to be two clear springs in her beautiful eyes, and she bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, revealing the delicacy of a little girl.

Early this morning, Lin Yue finally came to Li's house to propose marriage to her!

After Li Qingling said "Yes", she said: "For the time being, let's do this for now. If you have other requirements, I will contact you."

"Okay, then I won't disturb Miss Li's rest, goodbye."

After a few polite words, the wedding planner ended the call with Li Qingling.

After the elder brother rubbed his temples, he cursed "foolish".

But she is just stupid.

Otherwise, how could he have waited for Lin Yue for so many years?

She was so happy that she tugged on the corner of the clothes behind her elder brother, asking him to agree quickly.

Probably because her elbow was too obvious, the elder brother turned around and gave her a fierce look.

But she was not afraid at all, instead she looked at her eldest brother with a smile.

Although Li Qingling didn't care about these external things, people of the older generation said that the bride price represented the man's heart.

What's more, Lin Yue is rich and powerful, so it's impossible that he can't even afford a dowry, right?

Is it because she has replaced Wendy's identity and is engaged to him, so she has become dispensable in his heart?

"Lin Yue, you want to marry my sister empty-handed, don't you think she has no other suitable candidates for marriage besides you?"

The elder brother's words reminded her.

Lin Yue came here empty-handed!

The eldest brother asked what the key was, and Lin Yue said it was the key to his safe.

She got the key to Lin Yue's safe, which is equivalent to mastering the wealth code of the Lin family.

In other words, he wanted to hand over the Lin family to her!

Li Qingling couldn't help feeling a little lost.

"Who said I didn't bring a bride price?" Lin Yue took a look at Li Jingchen, took out a brocade box the size of a palm, and stuffed it into her hand domineeringly.

She opened it in a daze, and saw a silver key in the brocade box.

With a burning heart, she nodded in agreement with him.

After Lin Yue left, she dared to look at her eldest brother's face, and was relieved to see that he was not angry.

In the afternoon of that day, Li Qingling personally drove to the largest wedding planning company in S City to understand the process, and was so excited that she couldn't sleep at such a late hour.

"I promise you!" She looked at Lin Yue with red eyes, and even rushed to speak before her elder brother.

Lin Yue's originally tense eyebrows softened instantly.

He is not a man who likes to talk nonsense, and he doesn't like to make intimate gestures in front of her elder brother, so he said: "The wedding date is set on the eighth day of next month. On that day, I will come to welcome you in a grand manner."

When the voice was sent out, a trace of annoyance flashed in Li Qingling's eyes, what stupid thing was she asking?

Lin Yue must have not slept when he sent her a message at this time.

After a while, Lin Yue's voice came out: "I can't sleep either."

At this time, a text message came from her mobile phone.

Li Qingling took it over and took a look, and found that it was a voice message from Lin Yue, she clicked it to listen: "Are you asleep?"

Li Qingling lay on her back on the bed, and also replied in voice: "Not yet, can't sleep, what about you?"

This man has never said sweet words to her.

Now suddenly say so, it must be true.

But what does she have in mind?He can see whatever he wants to see.

Li Qingling couldn't help worrying and asked: "What are you doing? Are you worrying about business affairs, or is uncle feeling unwell again?"

"No." After a pause, Lin Yue replied, "I just miss you."

After hearing this, Li Qingling's pretty face burned slightly.

Since then, every night, he always woke up.

At the age of 18, she planted a seed in his heart, and it took six years for her to take root in his heart.

He thought that was all there was, and his heart was vast. To him, this little sapling was nothing but dispensable.

It only takes one turn to turn around, and she will always be behind him.

What she didn't know was that after the life-and-death contest with Wendy at the engagement banquet, Lin Yue became dependent on her to a certain extent, to the point where he would think wildly if he didn't see him for a few days.

He was the one who dragged her to risk himself, put her on the blood-stained wedding dress worn by Wendy, and walked up to the murderous palace with him. During the hail of bullets, she always stood by his side, The identity of "Wendy" protects him...

Who would have thought that on the day of the engagement banquet, this small sapling would suddenly become a towering tree, and he would instead be the one who depended on her for survival.

From then on, Lin Yue knew that he could never get rid of her. Even though their union was a collision of light and darkness, which went against common sense, he still wanted to welcome her into his home and spend the rest of his life making up for her. , love her.

For Lin Yue's rare enthusiasm, Li Qingling replied with even greater enthusiasm: "I miss you too!"

After Lin Yue chuckled lightly, he asked, "Where did you put the key I gave you during the day?"

"It's around my neck, don't worry, I will keep it close to me." Li Qingling said, using her fingers to hook up the silver keys she had strung together with a rope, took a photo and sent it to him.

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