Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 876 I hid it from you before, I hope you don't get angry

Zhou Mozhi hesitated and asked, "Can you tell me why we are not suitable?"

Zong Qi said: "I want to adopt Xiao Mian, but you said that you prefer your own child."

Zhou Momei narrowed her eyes slightly: "Is there any conflict between these two things?"

"Yes, I'm infertile." Zong Qi turned his eyes away, he didn't want to see the sympathy or contempt in Zhou Mo's eyes: "I'm sorry, I concealed it from you before, I hope you don't get angry."

After Zhou Mo finished listening, he suddenly turned his back without saying a word.

Zong Qi thought that Zhou Mo was crying because of him, so he couldn't help but nervously said: "If you are really angry, you can scold me!"

Zhou Mo still didn't speak, but turned his back to him and raised his hand to wipe his face.

Zong Qi was surprised: "You didn't cry?"

Zhou Mo shrugged: "Why am I crying? It's not that I'm infertile."

Zong Qi could no longer maintain his composure and walked up to her, he said in a panic, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide you on purpose! I was just worried that I would scare you away from the beginning..."

Wait, where are the tears on Zhou Mo's face?

He actually felt that she was different because she cut Xiao Mian's hair.

"Miss Zhou, I won't appear in front of you again in the future, so farewell." After finishing speaking, Zong Qi wanted to leave.

Zong Qi frowned, although he was glad that she didn't cry, her words undoubtedly stepped on his pain.

It turned out that she was no different from those people.

Yes, why is he angry?

Shouldn't he be used to it by now?

"Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet."

But Zhou Mo stopped him, looked at his stiff handsome face, and asked playfully: "It's strange, I should be the one who should be angry? I'm the one you kept in the dark, why are you angry?"

He should have gotten used to it by now!

And in the face of these people, fighting back is the best choice!

Even at a peer exchange meeting, after learning that he is infertile, even if others respect him on the surface, they will gossip about him behind their backs.

What's more, they would directly glance at his lower body with explicit eyes.

After Zong Qi froze, he asked, "You already knew?"

Zhou Mo nodded: "Of course I know. You were introduced by my mother to adopt a child here. She knows your situation best."

Zong Qi looked directly at Zhou Mo, and said word by word: "Since Ms. Zhou has the leisure to tease me, it can be seen that she is not angry? It seems that Ms. Zhou, like me, is not sincerely involved in this love. We are not the same. "

"I'm different from you." Zhou Mo's expression suddenly became serious: "If you don't tell the truth again, I will really get angry."

Speaking of this, Zhou Mo finally had a smile on his pretty face.

For some reason, looking at her smiling face, Zong Qi not only felt a sense of relief, but also an indescribable warmth flowing.

Zong Qi asked in disbelief: "Then you told the mayor's wife about your relationship with me?"

"Don't ask me about it. In short, I know that infertility is hard to talk about, so I have been waiting for you to tell me, but I also have a deadline. If you keep it from me for more than a month, I will definitely Will make you notorious after dumping you! Fortunately, you are honest and confessed to me today."

"Why me?" Zong Qi asked hoarsely.

Obviously Lu Wanwan said that Zhou Mo has many choices, why him?

She didn't seem to despise him.

Because she knew about his situation a long time ago, but still chose to propose a relationship with him.

After Zong Qi was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but smiled softly.

Zhou Mo continued: "But I still say that, I want a child of my own."

"To be honest, I just wanted to make Wanwan face, so I tried to get in touch with you. I didn't expect your meeting ceremony to be so unique, and it immediately aroused my interest."

Zhou Mo said, shaking the electric shock bracelet on his hand, a little distressed, but also a little funny and said: "Every morning at six o'clock, I will be shocked by it until my heart becomes numb, and I can't help but think of you."

The root of the heaviness is that he has already developed a good impression of Zhou Mo.

Just now, he saw that she was the mayor's daughter, but she used a pair of skillful hands to cut Xiao Mian's bangs properly. Also, she knew about his situation a long time ago, but she still chose to date him.

Zong Qi immediately tasted the bitterness on the tip of his tongue: "I can't do this. So be it, goodbye, Miss Zhou."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked outside step by step, his steps seemed a bit heavy.

The next second, Zhou Mo caught up with him angrily, and beat him with his bag, cursing while beating: "What, you really let me down!"

Zong Qi was caught off guard several times and couldn't help turning his head, just in time for Zhou Mo's bag to hit his face.

All of this moved him more than her status as a "well-known jewelry designer".

But no matter how tempted he is, he can't change the fact of infertility, so he can only stop the loss in time.

Zhou Mo stared at him, and asked angrily: "Zong Qi, let me ask you, because you failed an experiment, you will tell the people in the team that you have nothing to do, so forget it?"

Zong Qi opened his thin lips.

He subconsciously grabbed her bag and looked at Zhou Mo who was in anger.

He looked confused. When she found out that he was sterile, she could interact with him so calmly. Why is she so impatient now?

Zhou Mo stared at him, with a moving red glow on his suet-like face: "In this case, why don't you use this perseverance on me? If one day, I am moved by you, love You surpass your expectations for future children, and you think that even if you don't have children, you can live your life without regrets, so you are successful?"

Zhou Mo's words fell on Zong Qi's ears like a thunder, making his head buzz.

Zhou Mo replied for him: "You must be right? Otherwise, how could you make your body like this!"

Zong Qi silently clenched his fists. Yes, instead of giving up, he would persevere and devote himself to the research over and over again until it was developed.

She was like a ray of evening wind in summer, blowing away Zong Qi's restlessness and leaving behind a piece of coolness.

Zong Qi's eyes turned hot, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

He stared blankly at her, only to see the writing in her black and white eyes - "Come and conquer me!"

"How? Can you do it?"

"Wanwan, we're going back, come and see Xiaomian next time." Zhou Mo said with a smile to Lu Wanwan after standing still.

"Oh, good." Lu Wanwan said, "I'll see you off."


When Lu Wanwan saw Zong Qi and Zhou Mo again, she found that they were shoulder to shoulder, and seemed to be closer than before.

Lu Wanwan asked: "All confessed?"

Zong Qi nodded: "I confess."

When Zhou Mo was changing his high heels, Lu Wanwan took the opportunity to pull Zong Qi and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Zong, have you confessed to Sister Mo?"


"Sister Mo isn't angry?"

Zong Qi looked at Zhou Mo, with a tenderness in his eyes that he didn't have before: "She can understand me. Miss Lu, thank you for introducing her to me."

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