Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 867 I Don't Know How I Died

On the way back to Mingyuan, Lu Wanwan didn't worry too much about the fact that Bai Qingluo would come to beg her, and even if Bai Qingluo came to beg her, she would not be moved.


In the middle of the night, just as Lu Wanwan was falling asleep soundly, the cell phone she put on the bedside table suddenly rang.

Lu Wanwan, who was woken up, reached for the phone with ease, slid the answer button without looking at it, put it to her ear and asked, "Yi Song, is that you?"

"it's me."

Sure enough, as Lu Wanwan expected, it was Yisong who called.

In the past few nights, they have kept talking and exchanging information with each other.

Because of the familiar relationship, Lu Wanwan's tone became a little more casual: "By the way, why do you call me so late every time?"

Yi Song said: "I didn't convince them, I just revealed accidentally that Dong Yi may not come back, if we don't cooperate with the police investigation, we will have no good fruit to eat, they will tell Dong Yi's crimes The police are here, but I haven't said a single bad word about Dong Yi."

"..." You have a dark belly, you kid.

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Lu Wanwan was slightly taken aback: "Wait, didn't you convince the other kids to record?"

Yi Song breathed a sigh of relief: "Then when will you pick us up?"

Lu Wanwan asked, "You guys? Besides you, who else?"

Yi Song immediately asked: "By the way, the police who took care of us said that today is Dong Yi's trial day. Have you gone? Did the process go smoothly?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I went, and the process went smoothly. If there is no accident, Dong Yi will be sentenced to death."

Xinrui said happily: "Yeah, it's me! I can also work with Yi Song to list those scumbags for the sister in charge. The premise is that the sister in charge will take me in too, okay? ? Ruirui will be very obedient."

Lu Wanwan thought that one would be accepted as well, and the two would be accepted as well, so she agreed: "I'll find time tomorrow to go through the formalities for you, is that okay?"

In the next second, a sweet voice came in: "There's still me, sister in charge~"

Lu Wanwan recognized the other party's voice: "You are... Xinrui?"

Originally, I wanted to find a new home for the children in the psychotherapy center, but I didn't expect the new home to be found. Instead, I took away a prostitution den and took over two new children.

Fortunately, the world has been peaceful recently, so she doesn't have to worry about the safety of her children for the time being.

This time it became Yi Song's calm voice: "Okay, I won't disturb your rest, goodbye."

After finishing the call, Lu Wanwan put her arms on her forehead, thinking in distress——


Meanwhile, Dong Yi's orphanage.

Let's do this first.

No, think of another way.

Xinrui snorted: "There are better places to go, why should I go with that fat pig?"

Yi Song said: "That dead fat pig can buy you a beautiful dress, but the psychotherapy center can't."

In the corridor, in a secluded corner, two children stood facing each other in the shadows, their faces illuminated by the faint light of the phone screen.

Yi Song asked: "Aren't you leaving with your client uncle?"

He had found out who the man they had seen at the psychiatric center that day was.

That man is the president of the Li Group and the helm of Deepwater Harbor——Li Jingchen!

Xinrui said: "In the short term, I really lost money, but in the long run, the sister in charge has so many high-quality handsome guys around me, I can definitely put a long line to catch big fish."

Yi Song squinted his eyes: "I advise you not to get your ideas on them, lest they don't know how they died."

"Anyway, you asked me to help, and I helped, but if you're stupid, don't get me involved." After emphasizing it again, Yi Song went back to the room holding his phone expressionlessly.


That's why Yi Song chose to join Lu Wan Wan. Apart from taking revenge on Dong Yi, he also wanted to win a bright future for himself!

It's just that one night, when he sneaked out to make a phone call, Xinrui overheard him, and the scene just now happened.

Fortunately, before Lu Wanwan came, he had already contacted Director Wu on the phone, so he was put in without any interrogation.

Lu Wanwan drove through the winding path according to her previous memory, and finally parked the car outside the office building of the orphanage.

At noon the next day, Lu Wanwan took advantage of the company's lunch break and drove to Dong Yi's orphanage.

I saw several policemen standing guard outside the orphanage to prevent irrelevant people from entering.

Lu Wanwan guessed that they came here today to take back the children who were sold to Dong Yi before, so as to restore a bit of their lost image in front of the public.

"Comrade police, we were negligent before and fell for Dong Yi's tricks. Please give us another chance to take the child back, okay?"

As soon as she stepped in, she saw a group of familiar faces in the office building communicating with the police.

This group of people was the leaders of various charitable organizations that Lu Wanwan met outside the court yesterday.

A policeman asked coldly: "When you collected the money before, why didn't you find out your conscience?"

This group of people in charge blushed when they were asked.

The police asked: "We asked you to take the children back. Can you mend your ways and treat them well?"

"Yes, yes!" The group of people in charge hurriedly said: "We promise to raise the children to be white and fat, take good care of their physical and mental health, and let them forget the bad things that happened here!"

Then, in just one day, Dong Yi was on the hot searches on various websites, and even the people who came forward to testify with them became popular.

While praising Wei Yu, netizens scolded them all for selling children.

They met here today not because of their conscience, but because if these children are not brought back, people from all walks of life can drown them if they spit.

Just because the video of Dong Yi's trial yesterday was posted on the official website of the Supreme Court.

That's why they unanimously decided to pick up the child they sold.

This day and night, their mobile phones kept ringing like ghosts, and there were suspicious people wandering downstairs, scaring them so much that they stayed up all night.

Forget it, the netizens also launched human flesh, not only them, but even their family members were not spared.

It is better to make amends than to do nothing.

"Comrade police, we are fully aware of the mistakes we have made, and we voluntarily accept criticism and rectification. We just ask you to give us another chance."

Faced with their pleas, the police finally let go: "Our police will go to your place to inspect from time to time. If we find that you have not fulfilled your promise, then..."

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