Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 857 This is the end, tell him

"Shut up!" Li Yuanzhong yelled violently, his usually majestic face was full of remorse at this moment: "I shouldn't have left your mother back then, I should have let her be buried in the bottom of the sea, never to be reborn forever!"

Li Xiuqi had never seen Li Yuanzhong's expression before. His eyes were bloodshot and his fists were clenched, as if he had turned on the berserk mode.

Li Xiuqi even had a premonition that if his mother stood in front of his great-grandfather at this time, he would punch her to death!

Could it be... what the fuck said is not true?

So what is real!

Li Xiuqi hugged Li Yuanzhong's leg violently, raised his tear-soaked face, and begged the furious old man: "Great-grandfather, I beg you, please tell me the truth?"

This scene was seen by Tang Qiong who was passing by, and she couldn't help walking over and asking, "Yuanzhong! What are you doing?"

Amidst his wife's questioning, Li Yuanzhong calmed down a little. He pointed at Li Xiuqi and said in a cold voice, "This kid is kneeling here and asked me if his father is Li Xiangchen? He also said that Bai Qingluo accused Wan Wan of seducing him back then." Dad, listen, how ridiculous."

Being hugged, Li Yuanzhong kicked Li Xiuqi away subconsciously, looking at him as if he was looking at a dead thing that shouldn't live in this world.

Li Xiuqi persevered in standing up straight, raised his fragile neck and said, "Great-grandfather, if you don't tell me, I will kneel down here until you are fulfilled..."

for a long time--

"My dad... why did he abandon me and my mother? Is he... dead?"

Hearing this, Li Xiuqi's pupils shrouded in water mist contracted violently, and a small mouth opened, but no sound came out.

Great-grandfather admitted that Li Xiangchen was his father!


Xiangyu waterfront.

At this moment, Li Xiuqi was like a candle in the wind, his thin body was crumbling.

After Tang Qiong sighed, he said, "Yuan Zhong, this is the end of the matter, tell him."

It was Li Jingchen who ordered this strong man to guard here, in order to prevent Bai Qingluo from running to Li Yuanzhong's house and find Li Xiuqi.

After all, Li Xiuqi had just left his mother, so he would miss her very much, and Bai Qingluo would coax Bao Buqi back.

Bai Qingluo was losing his temper at a strong man guarding the door: "My son has already been taken away by your master! His luggage was also emptied by you, what else do you want?"

The strong man glanced at Bai Qingluo expressionlessly, seeing that she was disheveled like a ghost, he quickly moved his eyes away.

Now, not only Li Jingchen hates her, Li Xiangchen abandons her, even a little bodyguard doesn't like her anymore!

Annoyed and angry, Bai Qingluo couldn't help pointing at the door, and shouted at the strong man, "Get out, this is my house, I don't welcome you kidnappers!"

Bai Qingluo didn't miss the disgust in the strong man's eyes.

Back then, two brothers Li Jingchen and Li Xiangchen became her servants one after another, which shows that she has infinite charm.

After pacing back and forth in the room for several minutes, Bai Qingluo suddenly had an idea, and his face became distorted.

No matter what the price is, she must take Li Xiuqi back!

But no matter how much she yelled, the strong man stood like an old monk in meditation.

In the end, Bai Qingluo could only stare, shut his roar that was about to smoke, turned around and closed the door with a "bang".

At this point, Li Yuanzhong couldn't help the sadness in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice: "I sacrificed Wan Wan's mother and son in exchange for you, so that they were killed by Li Xiangchen and fell into the sea. No one was seen alive, and no corpse was seen after death. !"

If at that time, he knew that Wanwan was also pregnant, he would definitely choose Wanwan mother and child without hesitation!


"In order to keep the blood of that evil beast, I ignored everyone's objections and ordered Jingchen to choose Bai Qingluo first, but in the end..."

Tang Qiong, who was forced to recall the past, looked at Li Xiuqi with cold eyes at this moment: "Is it necessary for your great-grandfather to lie to you?"

Hearing this, Li Xiuqi couldn't control the despair in his heart anymore, he crawled down suddenly, lowered his head and shed tears at Li Yuanzhong's feet.

After listening to Li Yuanzhong's words, dullness, astonishment, shock, and disbelief alternated on Li Xiuqi's face.

In the end, he opened his dry mouth from crying and asked, "Is this all...really?"

He and his uncle failed to rob the company, so they killed him. Later, when the conspiracy was exposed, they kidnapped his mother and Fu Huai'an's mother, forcing the uncle to choose one of the two!

Also, his father didn't love his mother at all, so his mother secretly abused him for six years because of love and hatred!

It turned out that the father he fantasized about since he was a child is such a person——

"The son of Xiaosan", "born rebellious"!

At this moment, Li Yuanzhong's desolate voice came from above his head: "What else do you want to ask?"

After Li Xiuqi's back stiffened, it took a lot of effort to say a whole sentence: "Xiuqi understands everything, thank you great-grandfather for making it happen."

And the "bitch" his mother kept calling her was the wife of his most respected uncle!

Lu Wanwan is his eldest aunt, and Fu Huai'an is his brother!

Li Yuanzhong stared at his hair and asked, "What are you doing? I'm not dead yet."

Li Xiuqi just shook his head, stood up from the ground, and walked towards the second floor.

Li Yuanzhong said: "Then get up and get out of my sight. Now that I see you, I feel ashamed of Wan Wan's mother and son."

However, Li Xiuqi suddenly kowtowed to Li Yuanzhong. He used so much force that the wooden floor made a sound.

Li Yuanzhong was taken aback after hearing this, and then showed a complex expression: "It's just as good as what you said, it shows that he has a sense of shame, unlike his parents."

Tang Qiong said "hmm" and said, "Let's see how he behaves in the future."

Li Yuanzhong saw that he left just like that, and his face darkened: "This kid, are you angry with me?"

"He is thanking you for saving your life." Tang Qiong next to him said: "That's why I kowtowed to you. As for why he didn't speak, it may be because he feels ashamed and doesn't know how to face us."


Li Yuanzhong and his wife who heard the sound looked together, only to see Li Xiuqi suddenly rolled down the stairs.

When Li Xiuqi walked to the stairs on the second floor, Li Yuanzhong's words kept circling in his mind. If it wasn't for protecting him back then, Lu Wanwan would not have fallen into the sea.

Thinking of that gentle woman, the hand that was stretched out to him on the school stairs when they first met, Li Xiuqi's tears could not stop gushing out, he should hold it!He should hold it!

Seeing Li Xiuqi fainted at the bottom of the stairs, Wen Zhong couldn't help but walked down the handrail quickly.

Wen Zhong, who was tidying Li Xiuqi's room on the second floor, also came out after hearing the movement.

Li Yuanzhong's face turned serious, and he said to his wife: "Go, go and have a look!"

At the same time, Li Yuanzhong and his wife also rushed to Li Xiuqi's side.

Li Yuanzhong said: "Wen Zhong, let's see how he is doing?"

After holding up Li Xiuqi's little head, Wen Zhong first sniffed his breath, then checked his body, and said, "He just fainted, there shouldn't be any serious problems."

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