Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 855 I'm sorry to trouble you

Li Jingchen and Li Xiuqi looked at each other, while An An in the car looked at Wei Nian and reminded, "Nian Nian, didn't you say that Uncle Li is here to pick you up?"

"Oh yes, I was busy and forgot! Let's go down now!"

Wei Nian's heart skipped a beat, almost revealing himself.

She quickly put the medicine on her lap into the bag, and said to An An: "An An, I'm leaving, see you tomorrow~"

An An nodded: "Well, see you tomorrow."

After Wei Nian got off the car, he called out sweetly: "Uncle Li, thank you for coming to pick me up after school."

Wei Nian's appearance interrupted Li Jingchen and Li Xiuqi's gaze.

Li Jingchen turned to look at her, and said in a full-fledged manner, "Let's go."

Unexpectedly, he was disturbed by Bai Qingluo and turned into what he is now.

Wei Nian also knew this, if it wasn't for her, Bai Qingluo wouldn't have come to trouble Lu Wanwan, so she said embarrassedly, "Auntie Wanwan, I'm sorry to cause you trouble." <.97 xiaoshuo. net

She figured it out, the reason why Wei Nian dragged Li Xiuqi to her car to chat was to delay Li Jingchen and create a chance for them to meet.

After Li Xiuqi said "um", he looked up at Li Jingchen with urgency in his eyes.

In front of them, Li Jingchen didn't want to get too close to Lu Wanwan. After saying "I'm leaving" to her, he took the two little ones and walked towards his car.

After stretching out her hand to lightly pinch Wei Nian's red apple face, Lu Wanwan smiled, "I forgive you."

After Wei Nian breathed a sigh of relief, he stretched out his hand to hold Li Xiuqi's good hand, shook it and said, "At the same table, let's get in the car."

He still had something to say to Li Yuanzhong, so he sent Wei Nian home first.


When Li Jingchen's driver saw him getting into the car with two baby babies, and one of them was Li Xiuqi, whom the Li family didn't want to see, he subconsciously asked, "Master, are you...?"

Li Jingchen said: "Drive, go to Wei's house."

Lu Wanwan lowered her head and asked in confusion, "What's the matter? Sudden pestering Mommy to act like a spoiled child?"

Was it frightened by what just happened?

On the other side, as soon as Lu Wanwan got into the car, a small head leaned against her in his arms, leaning against her.

"Mommy~" The little guy's voice was unbelievably sweet.

"Yeah." An An affirmed.

Li Xiuqi's mistreatment by Bai Qingluo made An'an realize how good Lu Wanwan was to him. Who would he choose if he didn't choose her for such a good mommy?

When Lu Wanwan was about to comfort him, she heard An An say, "If someone asked me to choose between the two, I would definitely choose Mommy without hesitation."

Lu Wanwan was stunned, and asked with both emotion and expectation: "Really? An'an only chooses me?"

Inside Li Yuanzhong's mansion.

"Yuan Zhong, let's eat."

An'an didn't know how much courage these words brought to Lu Wanwan.


Before they knew it, they were all old guys, and this sleepiness didn't distinguish between time and place, and they hit whenever they said.

Tang Qiong stepped forward, pressed Li Yuanzhong's shoulder and shook: "Yuanzhong, let's eat!"

Seeing that she had yelled for a long time, but her wife didn't respond, Tang Qiong couldn't help but walked out of the kitchen to look around, and finally found Li Yuanzhong in the living room.

Seeing Li Yuanzhong dozing off on the sofa with a chess book open in his hand, and the old butler Wen Zhong standing behind the sofa with his eyelids twitching, Tang Qiong felt it was extremely funny.

Li Yuanzhong said stubbornly: "It is the temperature of the air conditioner that is too low that makes me sleepy, not because I am old."

"Yes, yes, yes." Tang Qiong knew that Li Yuanzhong, who had been strong all his life, was unwilling to obey his old age.

Two seconds later, Li Yuanzhong woke up. Seeing Tang Qiong looking at him with a smile, he couldn't help blushing: "I fell asleep again?"

"Well." Tang Qiong persuaded: "If you are sleepy in the future, go back to your room to sleep. Have you forgotten that you slept here a few days ago and ended up catching a cold? We are getting older now, so we should pay more attention to our health. "

Li Yuanzhong stared at him, and said fiercely: "You know I'm talking about An An!"

"Don't dream, An An doesn't know that he is Jing Chen's son." Even so, Tang Qiong's eyes also showed longing.

Li Yuanzhong continued: "Also, the house is too quiet. If there are children, I will definitely be full of energy!"

"I'm still thinking about children, Jingchen and the others have grown up." Tang Qiong laughed at him.

In front of his wife, Li Yuanzhong said very naively: "Hmph, you were not there in the dream, so I missed An An and called you great-grandmother!"

Ding dong, ding dong.

Li Yuanzhong, who was splashed with cold water, said angrily: "How do you know that I was dreaming just now, dreaming of An'an? I also dreamed that he called me great-grandfather!"

"Really?" Tang Qiong said in a tone of "you are bragging".

Ever since the news of Li Yuanzhong's move to S city spread, all the dignitaries in S city came to Li Yuanzhong to make friends in the name of visiting, but they did business with Li Jingchen.

Tang Qiong was very annoyed by this. They moved here for the convenience of seeing Wan Wan's mother and son, not to get involved in secular disputes.

Just then, there was a ringing of the doorbell.

Tang Qiong turned her eyes and said to the old housekeeper: "Wen Zhong, go and see who is here. If there are outsiders who come to visit Yuan Zhong again, send them away."

Hearing this, Li Yuanzhong and Tang Qiong looked back and saw that there were one big and one small coming in, and the big one was Li Jingchen!The younger one is... Li Xiuqi?

What kind of weird combination is this?

"Yes." After Wen Zhong replied, he walked towards the entrance with drooping eyelids.

After a while, Wen Zhong left and came back, his sleepy old face was smiling, and he walked like the wind: "Master, old lady, let's see who is here!"

Li Jingchen's gaze fell on Tang Qiong after sweeping over Li Yuanzhong, and he warmed up slightly: "Grandma, I want to entrust Li Xiuqi with you, is that okay?"

Tang Qiong asked in surprise, "Why? Did something happen?"

After Li Yuanzhong was stunned, he found that Li Xiuqi was wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag, so he guessed: "Jingchen, did Li Xiuqi cause trouble at school?"

That shouldn't be sent by Jing Chen, he has never waited to see Li Xiuqi, seeing him is like seeing a source of pollution.

Li Yuanzhong's eyes were fixed: "How did you do it?"

After a flash of struggle flashed in Li Xiuqi's eyes, he raised his hand, and the mottled scars on it could be seen at a glance.

Li Jingchen then closed his eyes, and gave Li Xiuqi an order coldly: "Stretch out your hand."

Li Jingchen said: "Bai Qing did it."

Tang Qiong frowned: "What is she doing?"

Li Jingchen said coldly: "Bai Qingluo found out that Li Xiuqi was staying in Wanwan's car after school, and wanted to drag him out of the car by force. When he saw me appear, he planted the blame on Wanwan to lure Li Xiuqi into the car, so as to stir up their mother-child relationship."

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