Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 852 Are You That Lack of Love?

"Come out!" She slammed Lu Wanwan's car door open, and then reached out to pull Li Xiuqi out.

Seeing that Li Xiuqi's wrist was almost out of shape, Wei Nian was the first to see it, "Hey, can't you be gentle?"

Bai Qingluo turned her eyes and glared at her: "Little girl, this is my son, how I want to discipline him is my business, but you, who take my son to fool around with some dubious people all day long, If your mother doesn't teach you well, I can only discipline you some other day!"

"You're so nonsense! Also, you don't deserve to have such a clever and lovely daughter as me, and you still want to discipline me? You can circle the earth three times with your thick skin."

With a pale face, Li Xiuqi said in a trembling voice, "Nian Nian..."

Wei Nian just fell on An An's feet, and An An pulled him up, and said, "Nian Nian, show me if you are injured!"

Wei Nian's delicate tone of "Which onion are you?" caused Bai Qingluo to grab Li Xiuqi harder and harder, and the flesh on Li Xiuqi's wrist was even squeezed out.

"Let go!" Wei Nian wanted to save Li Xiuqi's hand, but was pushed back by Bai Qingluo, hitting the back of his head.

Bai Qing yelled at him: "Can you come out?"

Li Xiuqi was silent, this was the first time he blatantly resisted her, because Bai Qingluo hurt his best friend!

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On the other side, Li Xiuqi had already been dragged half of his body out by Bai Qingluo, but with his other hand, he was holding onto the handrail of the car tightly, unwilling to leave.

The reason why Bai Qingluo was so angry was because Lu Wanwan saw her standing in front of him at this time, and immediately shifted his firepower: "You should be the one who should be enough? You are not satisfied with seducing the big one, and now you are here to seduce the little one." Yes, are you that lacking in love?"

Lu Wanwan's face turned cold: "What did you say?"

Lu Wanwan couldn't stand it anymore.

She got out of the car and stopped Bai Qingluo's tugging: "Enough! Bai Qingluo!"

Looking at the person in front of her, Lu Wanwan felt both ridiculous and pathetic: "Bai Qingluo, your son told me just now that he will take back the first place in the grade from An An in the next monthly exam.

He is so hardworking, yet you compare Li Xiangchen to him?With all due respect, Li Xiangchen is a piece of rubbish compared to him, very suitable for you who are full of dirty thoughts. "

Bai Qingluo looked at Lu Wanwan's beautiful and elegant look even frowning, and was so jealous that he said: "I said, it was not enough for you to seduce Li Xiangchen back then, now you have to seduce Xiu Qi and let him do the same for you." I'm right! You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

At this time, Bai Qingluo didn't notice that the thin white wrist she was holding stiffened for a while.

These words were like stepping on Bai Qingluo's sore spot. She raised her hand suddenly, but stopped in time when she saw the Rolls Royce approaching.

Is it Li Jingchen's car?

Hearing this, Bai Qing Luoqiao's face was ashen. She went crazy when she found out that Li Xiuqi was sitting in Lu Wanwan's car just now. He should do it! If you can't even get the first grade, what is the difference between it and a waste?"

Lu Wanwan's eyes became colder: "What about you? What are you who survived on Li Yuanzhong's charity all these years?"

After seeing the person who got out of the car, Bai Qingluo burst into tears immediately, as if he had been greatly wronged: "I have tried my best not to obstruct your eyes, why do you still use Xiu Qi to anger me?"

In the next second, Li Jingchen's deep voice sounded from behind Lu Wanwan: "Wanwan, what happened?"

After Bai Qingluo retracted his gaze, his eyes turned red suddenly, and he said, "Lu Wanwan, I only have Xiu Qi left, can't you hold him high and let him go?"

Just when Lu Wanwan felt weird about her inconsistent reactions, the Rolls Royce stopped behind her.

I want him to go back with me, but he refuses to get out of the car without saying anything. Xiu Qi has always listened to me, and I don't know if someone said something to him, so he suddenly became so rebellious. "

Hearing this, Li Jingchen, whose eyes had been locked on Lu Wanwan, forced a glance at Bai Qingluo.

Lu Wanwan turned her head and looked at Li Jingchen who appeared here in surprise, just about to ask him why he came, when Bai Qinglu sobbed and said——

"President Li, it's fine, but when I came to pick up Xiu Qi, I couldn't find him, and I was so anxious that I found him sitting in Lu Wanwan's car.

Bai Qingluo hurriedly "explained": "I didn't do it on purpose, it was because she insisted on rushing to fix it with me, so I touched her lightly, and she fell down unexpectedly."

Li Jingchen has no intention of arguing with her about these things, he always likes to beat snakes and beat seven inches: "You mean, Li Xiuqi insists on taking Lu Wanwan's car and refuses to leave with you, right?"

I saw Bai Qingluo with her head hanging down, her long eyelashes stained with tears, she looked as moving as a begonia hit by the rain, and in her words, although she didn't name her name, she implied that Li Xiuqi was led badly by Lu Wanwan.

As soon as Wei Nian in the car saw Li Jingchen coming, instead of being surprised, he poked his head out with joy and said, "Uncle Li, this bad woman pushed me just now! You must have hit me on the back of my head!" Take revenge for me!"

Bai Qingluo had no choice but to continue aggrieved: "I have a deep relationship with Xiuqi, mother and son, and we regard each other as the only one, but today... no, it's because he has become more and more separated from me since he came back from the amusement park. There must be something in it." What's the secret?"

What she said was equivalent to saying that Lu Wanwan had been feeding Li Xiuqi ecstasy soup since the trip to the amusement park.

Bai Qingluo was taken aback for a moment, why is the cause and effect different from what she said?

Obviously what she said was that Li Xiuqi was lured into the car by Lu Wanwan, but what Li Jingchen said seemed to be that Li Xiuqi wanted to stay in Lu Wanwan's car in a shameless manner.

If Li Jingchen dared to ask her for an explanation, then she would immediately turn around and leave, ignoring him again.

And Li Jingchen nodded at this moment, as if understanding Bai Qingluo's words: "Since Li Xiuqi has separated from you, it's better to move to live with Li Yuanzhong, lest you will be more sad by his anger in the future."

No matter what Li Xiuqi said, they were all children of the Li family, Bai Qingluo didn't believe that Li Jingchen could indulge Lu Wanwan to provoke her and Li Xiuqi's relationship!

As for Lu Wanwan, she just listened quietly and didn't refute a word.

Bai Qingluo didn't expect that the eye drops he gave Li Jingchen not only had no effect, but also had terrible side effects, so he panicked, "No, that's not what I meant!"

"What do you mean by that? You're talking outside the box, aren't you just saying that you have nothing to do with a 6-year-old child?"

Bai Qingluo was dumbfounded: "What did you say...?"

Li Jingchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed during the period: "Didn't you say that Li Xiuqi is not listening to you more and more? Don't worry, Li Yuanzhong's thunderous methods will definitely help you train your children to be obedient. "

Li Jingchen spoke like a knife, stabbing Bai Qingluo with precision.

She was clearly saying that Lu Wanwan had confused her son!

But why did Li Jingchen hear that she couldn't do anything with a 6-year-old child?Was his focus wrong?

Li Jingchen put his slender fingers into his trouser pockets, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Then, Bai Qingluo only heard Li Jingchen say: "Go to Xiangyu Waterfront now, pack up Li Xiuqi's luggage, and wait to send Li Xiuqi to Li Yuanzhong with Li Xiuqi."

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