Every time she said something, the creases between Li Jingchen's eyebrows deepened, until when he heard "sleeping in separate rooms", he couldn't help but say "what did you say?"

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips, looking stubborn, "Your eyes are already healed, I don't have to take care of you every step of the way."

Playing with me, are you happy? Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, "Then what does 'non-interference in each other's private life mean?"

Lu Wanwan gave him a meaningful look, "It means literally, I think you, as a man, should be happy."

Happy? Who does she take him for? Do you really think that any woman can fall into his eyes? For this reason, he said coldly, "Lu Wanwan, do you know what it means to sleep in separate rooms?"

"I know, but it's better than sharing the same bed with different dreams." On the way back, Lu Wanwan had already thought about it. Li Jingchen's influence on her was getting bigger and bigger every day. It was not just her responsibility, he settled it for her. For Li Yan, he took care of her all night when she was sick and had a fever, this tenderness actually made her a little bit greedy.

But today, he personally shattered the beautiful dream she had started to weave. Perhaps only by sleeping in a separate room can she stop her thoughts that she shouldn't have. Anyway, he has recovered his eyesight now, and no one in the Li family can suppress him anymore. There is no need for her protection, which is better than nothing.

Li Jingchen refused without thinking, "I disagree with all three chapters of your agreement."


"No reason, if you don't shut up, I will make you regret it." Li Jingchen kissed viciously, obviously not joking.

Lu Wanwan wanted to say something, but suddenly he pinched her chin and kissed her! She twisted away with all her strength, and he simply carried her on his shoulders, turned around and walked towards the big bed.

Shocked, Lu Wanwan quickly asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Birth, child, son." Li Jingchen said word by word, "I'm so happy that grandpa's heart is playing with me? Wish."

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe that this was something he would do when he was sober! "You see clearly, I am Lu Wanwan, not Bai Qingluo!"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen raised his hand and "slapped" her little butt, "You mention her once, and I will hit her once."

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