"Oh, so Miss Lu is the one that Big Brother Li wants to make a change for?"

Lu Wanwan thought that Bai Qingluo was teasing her, so she couldn't help explaining, "It's not me, it's his ex-girlfriend."

"Ex-girlfriend?" Bai Qingluo's voice trembled inaudibly, "Don't Brother Li hate her?"

"Hate can sometimes be transformed into motivation, isn't it?" Lu Wanwan paused for a moment, then brought the conversation back to the topic, "I don't know if you are satisfied with the layout of the venue? If you have any comments, you are welcome to submit them now come out."

But Bai Qingluo said absent-mindedly, "I have no objection, you can continue to arrange."

"Really? That's good." It was the first time that Lu Wanwan met such an easy-going Party A, and she couldn't help feeling a little fond of Bai Qingluo.

In the next second, Bai Qingluo turned sideways to face her, "Miss Lu, after I get engaged to Xiang Yang, I will officially move into Li's house. I hope it won't affect your life by then."

Lu Wanwan felt that she was being too polite, "How could it be that there are so many people, so it's lively!"

After a short contact, Bai Qingluo discovered that Lu Wanwan is so young and energetic, and this is what she once had. In other words, she gave Li Jingchen her best years, but now she is by his side Yes, it was Lu Wanwan. At this moment, a ringtone from the mobile phone brought Bai Qingluo back to her thoughts. Seeing Li Xiangchen's name displayed on the phone, she hurriedly said to Lu Wanwan, "Excuse me, I'm going to answer the phone. "

Are you raising your man? Lu Wanwan naturally agreed.

After Bai Qingluo walked away, she took a deep breath and answered the phone gently, "Hello, Xiang Chen, what's the matter?"

The male voice on the other end of the phone asked quietly, "Qing Luo, what are you going to see Lu Wanwan without telling me?"

Bai Qingluo's complexion changed, and he tried his best to calm down and said, "It's nothing, I just asked Miss Bai out to visit the engagement scene between me and you.

Li Xiangchen laughed lightly, "Really? I thought you had lost your love for my elder brother, so I couldn't help but ran to demonstrate to Lu Wanwan."

Bai Qingluo hurriedly said, "Why? The person I love now is you!"

"That's the best." Li Xiangchen asked slowly, "You probably didn't say anything to Lu Wanwan, did you?"

"Of course I didn't." When she said this, Bai Qingluo couldn't help but look back at Lu Wanwan, and when she saw Lu Wanwan, she immediately smiled at her.

She couldn't help thinking sadly, how many rounds can this girl who is as simple as a piece of white paper survive in Li Xiangchen's hands? I'm afraid she is worse than her two years ago! After get off work, Lu Wanwan remembered Xie Rou was leaving the hospital today, so she took a taxi to the hospital.

In the ward, after packing Xie Rou's luggage, Lu Wanwan picked up the package and said with a smile, "Dean's mother, we can go!"

On the way to send Xie Rou home, Xie Rou suddenly asked gently, "Wanwan, when did you start talking about your boyfriend? Why is there no news?"

Lu Wanwan felt a "thump" in her heart, thinking that what should come is still coming.

Are you raising your man? Xie Rou has always been able to read words and expressions, seeing her eyes flickering, she couldn't help but frown worriedly, "Wanwan, do you have something to hide?"

Lu Wanwan quickly covered it up, "No, you were in a hurry to have the operation, so I didn't tell you."

Xie Rou nodded, somewhat convinced, "Then you should tell me now, what kind of person is he?"

As for what kind of person Li Jingchen is, Lu Wanwan only knew that he was a legendary figure before marrying him.

After marrying him, at first she only thought he was a frustrated man who was uncertain and difficult to get along with, but later, his methods refreshed her cognition and made her realize that some people even if they lose their water. , is still a dragon, as long as she moves her mouth, she can easily solve the problems that she can't solve even if all her money is gone.

However, when she first heard Xie Rou's question, she really didn't know how to answer it.

So, Lu Wanwan secretly clicked on the Baidu entry about "Li Jingchen", and read it according to the script, "My boyfriend is a local, 29 years old, 1.9 meters tall, excellent grades since childhood, and studied abroad, and later took over No, I mean, being a former employee of a certain listed group company is not right! It’s a former employee!”

Hearing this, the worry on Xie Rou's face became heavier, "That is to say, he doesn't have a job now?"

Lu Wanwan realized that this was true in a sense, so she nodded and said, "Not for the time being."

Xie Rou looked at her distressedly, "Is that why you raised him?"

Lu Wanwan rubbed her nose, trying to win Li Jingchen's respect, "No, he is very well connected."

Are you raising your man? Xie Rou thought she was trying to be brave, and she couldn't help reminding softly, "You are good at everything, but you have a bad eye for men. I'm really worried that you will be deceived again."

Why do we say "again"? Of course it is because of Su Lin.

In the past, Lu Wanwan thought that Su Lin was as good as he looked at, but now she took off the filter and found that this person is just like that. How can she compare with her Mr. Li? At least, Mr. Li would, when she was sick and had a fever, Contact the doctor for her as soon as possible, and take care of her all night long. You know, he is a patient himself, and Su Lin, let alone take care of her, would be fine if she was not allowed to help him run errands and buy food. ! Li's house, second floor.

"Mr. Li, I'm back!" As soon as Lu Wanwan opened the door, she saw Chu Mo standing in front of Li Jingchen, and couldn't help saying hello, "Doctor Chu, are you there too?"

Chu Mo stopped checking Li Jingchen's eyes, turned around, smiled at her and said, "That's right, I'm going back."

Lu Wanwan nodded, "I'll see you off."

The two came to the door all the way, Chu Mo suddenly stopped, and asked softly, "Miss Lu, have you felt nauseous or retching recently?"

Lu Wanwan said without thinking, "No.

She recently ate Ma Ma Xiang, and her health is very good.

Hearing this, Chu Mo looked regretful, "Then you have to hurry up.

Lu Wanwan"?"

Chu Mo reminded, "Did you forget that the old man wants you to give birth to my young master as soon as possible?"

Do you support your man?" It turned out that he was referring to this kind of nausea and retching.

"The old man said, as long as you can give birth to a son and a half daughter for the young master, there will be a big reward."

"I sold myself, but I didn't say I would sell my baby." Now that Lu Wanwan was no longer short of money, she naturally had the confidence to speak.

Chu Mo asked strangely, "Didn't you say, 'Having a baby is another price?'"

Lu Wanwan recalled the slip of the tongue at that time, and couldn't help regretting, "I was joking!" After Chu Mo looked at her quietly for a few seconds, he suddenly said, "Not even a hundred million? One hundred million? Lu Wanwan swallowed, But he still had the backbone to refuse, "No life!"

Chu Mo showed a bewildered smile, "Okay, then I'll go back and tell the old man that you are lazy and don't want to do half of the work. Oh, I don't know if the old man will take back more than half of the previous rewards?"

"Wait!" Seeing him walking away, Lu Wanwan grabbed his arm in desperation, "Doctor Chu, we have something to discuss!"

Chu Mo asked slowly, "The matter of having a baby?"

"Is it possible for me to be the one to make decisions about having a baby? You should also let your young master fight!" After thinking about it, Lu Wanwan finally dragged Li Jingchen out as a shield. Anyway, he didn't want to have a baby anymore than she did. What about the child! Chu Mo heard the words, and his words were playful, "You mean, my young master can't do it?" Grabbing Chu Mo's hand, Wanwan wondered how long the two of them would continue to fight? You are raising your man? Suddenly, he coughed lightly and said, "Lu Wanwan, I'm thirsty, come here for me. I pour a glass of water. "

Hearing this, Chu Mo blinked at Lu Wanwan, and said, "Remember, the old man is in a hurry to hug his great-grandson. If you still can't figure out the young master, I have plenty of medicine!"

It doesn't sound like a real medicine.

When Lu Wanwan closed the door and brought Li Jingchen a glass of water, he asked in a deep voice, "What are you whispering behind my back?"

Thinking that he was also one of the victims, Lu Wanwan couldn't help confiding to him, "It's not because your grandpa asked me to give birth to you."

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