Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 684 You Still Accept The Reality

Hearing this, Lu Hongye raised his head and glanced at him, his voice hoarse: "To be honest, I... just wanted to say that I don't believe that Weiwei killed people."

His expression was painful. This was a father who wanted to protect his daughter, but instead of doing it, he allowed his eldest son to give Lu Weiwei a hard push in front of the media!

Lu Zeyu's attitude was indifferent: "This is the end of the matter, you should accept the reality."

Lu Hongye couldn't help asking: "Zeyu, do you really have no brotherhood towards Weiwei at all?"

Lu Zeyu squinted his eyes, and suddenly said: "After my sister went to Tang's house for a banquet last night, Tang Yezu died, don't you think it's too strange?"

Not long after, the phone was connected, and Lu Wanwan's voice sounded: "Brother?"

Lu Zeyu asked concerned: "Sister Wanwan, is there a reporter going to interview you today?"

"No, what's wrong?"

Lu Hongye was stunned, and asked in a trembling voice: "You mean, there is Wanwan's...relationship?"

"Whether it's true or not, make a phone call and ask Wan Wan's sister, will you know?"

Lu Zeyu said, took out his mobile phone, called Lu Wanwan, and turned on the speakerphone, so that Lu Hongye could hear her voice.

"It's like this..."

It took Lu Wanwan 2 minutes to sort out what happened yesterday from the beginning, but the thrills in it were not something that Lu Zeyu could digest in 2 minutes!

His Wanwan sister was almost defiled by Tang Yezu? !

"The reporters came to interview me and Dad. I just sent them away. You met Lu Weiwei and Tang Yezu yesterday. Those reporters will probably interview you."

"I see, brother, I will be careful not to leak."

Lu Zeyu's expression froze: "What do you mean by leaking...?"

Lu Zeyu's eyes were red, and he said with hatred: "Not only Tang Yezu, but also Lu Weiwei!"

Lu Hongye burst into tears, but he couldn't say "no" again.Forget it, let it be like this, although Tang Yezu was not killed by Lu Weiwei, but she did a lot of evil and hurt Wanwan so many times, let her redeem it all at once!


Not to mention Li Jingchen, even he wants to kill that old thing! ! !

As for Lu Hongye, he was even more heartbroken, these were his two daughters!How did you get to this point?

Before I knew it, the call ended.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang.

Xia Zhi immediately found an excuse and brought An An back to the room.

At this time, a maid came over and said, "Young Mistress, there are a group of reporters outside who say they want to interview you and your husband."

On the other side, the Fu family.

After Lu Wanwan heard about the reporter's visit to the Lu's house, she immediately told Xia Zhi vigilantly, "Xiao Xia, as soon as someone rings the doorbell, take An'an back to the room and wait for me to call you before coming down. do you know?"

Xia Zhi looked at Lu Wanwan's condensed expression, and responded obediently: "Yes, young mistress."

I saw Lu Wanwan sitting on the sofa, looking at the phone with a serious expression.

After hearing their walking, she raised her head and said, "Please sit down."

After the reporters took their seats, they asked, "Madam Fu, is it convenient for you to leave the country?"

Lu Wanwan's eyes flashed. Fortunately, the elder brother told her on the phone about the reporter's visit to Lu's house just now, so she had to type up the manuscript in advance.

"Please come in."

Not long after, the reporters filed in.

After the reporters put down the cameras, they held up the microphones and asked, "Mrs. Fu, may I ask that Lu Weiwei killed her husband and ran away with her lover overnight, have you heard?"

Lu Wanwan frowned: "I just checked the news when I woke up this morning, and I was still checking the news until just now."

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan turned the phone to the reporters to let them see clearly that it was indeed related to Lu Weiwei.

Lu Wanwan took a look at her clothes and said embarrassedly, "I'm wearing pajamas and no makeup, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient."

The reporters asked again: "Then we don't shoot, can we just record?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Yes."

"Until the four of us started having lunch together, Mr. Tang ordered Mrs. Tang to shave a whole crab meat for him, but Mrs. Tang accidentally hurt her hand. Mr. Tang didn't care about her, but scolded her for being useless. "

What Lu Wanwan said was what she saw with her own eyes, so there was no unnatural pause.

The reporters replaced Lu Weiwei, and immediately found her motive for killing.

The reporters believed her words and said, "Then I would like to ask Mrs. Fu, you and Mr. Fu were invited to Tang's house for a dinner yesterday, did you find any disagreements between them?"

Lu Wanwan slowly recalled: "Fu Shuo and I went to Tang's house yesterday, and when we saw Mrs. Tang pushing Mr. Tang, I felt a little strange. After all, Tang's family has servants, but Mrs. Tang is required to push the wheelchair herself. I didn't think much of it at the time until..."

The reporters couldn't wait to ask: "Until what?"

Lu Wanwan was relieved from the bottom of her heart when she saw that they had finished brainstorming for her.


At noon, in the rental house.

Lu Wanwan continued: "On the way, Mr. Tang asked Mrs. Tang to apologize to us. She was a little dissatisfied. I thought we were the ones who were dissatisfied. Now that I think about it, it should be Mr. Tang who is dissatisfied. She is probably blaming Tang. Mister didn't protect her, did he?"

A female reporter felt the same way: "It must be like this! If my boyfriend dares to embarrass me in front of outsiders, I will bite him to death!"

As soon as this remark came out, more reporters agreed.

But he was in front of the camera, threatening that once they saw her, they would put her to death on the spot!

Her father and elder brother actually wanted to arrest her?

Hahaha, this is ridiculous!

Lu Weiwei, who was eating cheap instant noodles, was so angry that her lungs would explode after seeing the interview with Lu's father and son on TV.

She couldn't help but said to Xiao Liu: "You see, they all want to get rid of me and hurry up!"

Lu Weiwei originally thought that there was nothing she could do, so she went back and begged Lu Hongye to help her. No matter what, she was his most beloved daughter.

Because she and Tang Yezu's ancestors designed Lu Wanwan, even if Lu Wanwan killed Tang Yezu, she would still be in self-defense!

Seeing her tears, Xiao Liu panicked all of a sudden: "Madam, don't cry, I think Mr. Lu and the others should be protecting you."

"protect me?"

Lu Weiwei laughed so hard that her eyes were blurred, and finally coughed violently.

She asked herself that only Lu Wanwan was targeted from beginning to end, why did Lu Hongye and Lu Zeyu want to put her to death?

But she couldn't rush to the camera to expose Lu Wanwan's crimes!

With tears in her eyes, Lu Weiwei looked at him: "Xiao Liu, can you do me a favor?"

Xiao Liu asked blankly, "What's the matter?"

A hint of viciousness flashed across Lu Weiwei's eyes: "Go to Nankai Elementary School and kidnap Fu Huai'an."

"Yes, there are more and more people chasing you now. Mr. Lu and the others probably want to tell you through TV that the Lu family will be searched by the police and ambushed by reporters at any time, and you can't go back."

This little Liu is so innocent that it makes people laugh!

But it happened that the simpler he was, the easier it would be for her to use him.

"What... what?"

"I want to force Lu Wanwan to admit that I did not kill Tang Yezu."

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