Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 675 Don't forget to care about another man

Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, always felt that Wan Wan's back didn't look angry, but more like running away.

After Lu Wanwan took a seat at the dinner table, a maid immediately helped her spread the napkins and arrange the dishes. She was unbelievably attentive.

"Thank you."

"Young Mistress, you are too polite."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help emphasizing: "They all said don't call me that!"

The maid said stubbornly, "But, you are our young mistress."

After being speechless for a moment, Lu Wanwan said angrily, "Forget it, call it whatever you like, as long as I don't admit it."

Yes, it is like that!

After Lu Wanwan silently strengthened her belief, she looked up at Li Jingchen.

I saw him sitting next to her calmly, a place where he could take care of her with his hands. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Unexpectedly, when she opened her mouth, Li Jingchen immediately put the spoon into her mouth.

Then, when the tip of the spoon was tipped, Lu Wanwan tasted the warm porridge.

"Your hand is hurt, do you need me to feed you?"

While speaking, Li Jingchen took a bowl of nutritious porridge from the maid, took a sip, and said to her, "Come on, ah—"

It's really decent.

But the hungry stomach was protesting to her, so she had to swallow the porridge obediently.

After Li Jingchen took the spoon away, Lu Wanwan immediately said, "If you feed me, what will you do? You can eat too."

Li Jingchen hooked his thin lips: "Do you care about me?"

Seeing her slightly swollen face because of stuffing the spoon, Li Jingchen coaxed, "Swallow it, and I'll pull it out again."

What's coming out?

Probably because of the ups and downs with him just now, Lu Wanwan always felt that a car was running over her face.

"Yes, yes, I'm afraid you're starving..."

"I'm strong and strong, and I'm not hungry."

Lu Wanwan's legs were weak, ah, she had already fully felt this on the bed.

She just didn't want him to feed her anymore, after all, all the maids around wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh looking at them.

However, if the truth is told, this man will probably be unhappy.

Let's coax him, who made him show up in time today and save her?

"Don't lift it." Li Jingchen gently pressed the back of her hand, and said, "Be careful to rub the ointment on your sleeve."

"Oh." Lu Wanwan put down her hand.

Li Jingchen immediately put the nutritious porridge on her table and said, "You eat it by yourself first, and if it hurts, ask me to feed you."

"The main reason is that I don't like to eat alone, so you can eat with me."

Li Jingchen looked at her worriedly: "Are you really capable?"

"Yes! If you don't believe me, look at it." Lu Wanwan said, raising her hand and then putting it down, repeating this several times.

Li Jingchen's originally good mood suddenly sank: "When you eat with me, don't you forget to care about another man?"

Lu Wanwan noticed his calm expression, if she hadn't asked him for something, she wouldn't have bothered to talk nicely to him: "After all, Fu Shuo accompanied me to risk his life, and I got him hurt."

Li Jingchen defended his shortcoming and said, "It's not your fault."

Seeing that he was really worried about her, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but nodded when she saw that he was really worried about her, not for taking advantage or playing some special tricks.

The two enjoyed their dinner quietly.

During the process, Lu Wanwan asked, "How is Fu Shuo?"

Seeing her gloomy expression, although Li Jingchen was displeased, he couldn't bear her sadness: "I have ordered someone to rescue him from Lu Weiwei's clutches, but he is still in a coma."

Lu Wanwan vaguely remembered that Lu Weiwei said that the amount of medicine Fu Shuo drank was enough to make him fall asleep for a day and a night.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Is it true? You didn't lie to me?"

Tang Yezu spread the news, saying that he would apologize to Fu Shuo and Lu Wanwan. If Wanwan didn't go, it would be a shame.

It was an overt conspiracy, and even he was tricked into it.

Lu Wanwan lowered her eyes and said, "If something happens to Fu Shuo, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

"Then where is he now?"

Li Jingchen explained: "He is under the custody of my people for the time being. He went out with you. If I send him back alone, An'an will be surprised."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan suddenly thought of something and touched her pocket, but it was empty, and then she realized that she was wearing Li Jingchen's shirt.

Li Jingchen frowned coldly: "Do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you?"

Seeing his affirmative tone, Lu Wanwan was relieved.

If Fu Shuo lost his virginity to Lu Weiwei, he would probably die of depression, after all, he is still a virgin.

"Yes." The maid went.

After a while, the maid took off Lu Wanwan's bag and handed it to her.

Lu Wanwan opened her bag and took out her mobile phone from inside. After looking at it, she found that there were two missed calls.

Li Jingchen asked, "Are you looking for your phone?"

Lu Wanwan said "Yes": "Fu Shuo and I haven't been home for such a long time, I'm afraid An'an will be worried."

Li Jingchen didn't want his son to worry, so he turned his eyes and said, "Go to my room and take down a lady's bag."

Li Jingchen put down the knife and fork and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Lu Wanwan's heart was on An'an, so she asked slowly, "What do you say?"

"Do you want to say that Tang Yezu and Fu Shuo hate each other so late that they want to keep you at Tang's house?" Li Jingchen sarcastically said.

The first link is from An An, and the second link is from Xia Zhi.

It must be that An An couldn't get in touch with her, but she was afraid of disturbing her, so she could only secretly worry, Xia Zhi called her as a last resort.

"I'm going to call An An!"

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "No, it's just an excuse to appease An'an."

The anxiety in Li Jingchen's heart was soothed by her words: "Let's fight."

After a hasty "um" sound, Lu Wanwan straightened up.

After Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, she said, "I can say that Fu Shuo gave me a ride."

Heh, it's so romantic.

Li Jingchen thought mockingly, and his tone became colder: "He often takes you for a ride?"

Li Jingchen said, "I know."

Only then did Lu Wanwan call An An back.

Within two seconds, An An's little milk voice rang out: "Mum, what business are you and Daddy going to do? It will be done from noon to afternoon, and then to night!"

But Li Jingchen grabbed her hand and said, "Just hit here."

"Then you must not make a sound, and be heard by An An."

An An's new tablemate secretly took photos of them holding hands in the amusement park. If An An knew that she was with Li Jingchen, she would have to be suspicious.

Lu Wanwan said nonsense: "On the shore."

"Then can you send me a picture? I'm so bored right now."

Lu Wanwan was dumbfounded: "Photo?"

Lu Wanwan heard that he was worried and anxious.

Thinking that she was almost ashamed to come back to see him, her heart ached a little, but she still had to pretend to be happy: "I'm sorry baby, after Daddy and Mommy finished their business, they saw that it was still early, so they went for a drive. "

"Really?" An An immediately cheered up: "Where is Mommy going for a ride?"

Lu Wanwan's eyes lit up, and she said, "Honey, Mommy will send you the photo right now!"

"..." I don't know if it's too late for her to rush to the shore to take pictures?

At this moment, Li Jingchen suddenly handed his mobile phone in front of her, and there was a photo of the coast in the mobile phone.

"That's right, the scenery on the shore must be very beautiful. It's worth it for Daddy and Mommy to hang around for so long and not go home. It makes me really want to go and see it."

"Okay~" After An An responded, she said sweetly: "I know that Daddy and Mommy are fine, so I don't worry. Even though you are dating, I will coax myself to sleep~"

It's too obedient to coax myself to sleep or something.

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