Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 647 I am so happy to have a good father like you

After Fu Shuo withdrew his gaze, he admitted to Lu Wanwan, "Okay, I'm too impatient, let's look at other things?"

At this moment, the rich woman walked over wearing that exaggerated diamond necklace, looked at Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo and said, "Hey, are you the staff here?"

Fu Shuo only felt a flash in front of his eyes, this fist-sized diamond was indeed too ostentatious, not suitable for Wan Wan's tranquil temperament.

The salesman followed behind, afraid of any mistakes, said: "Madam, let me take off the necklace for you first."

But the rich woman couldn't put it down and said: "No need to pick it, I want to buy it."

The salesperson asked again: "Then have you seen the price?"

"I've seen it, isn't it 800 million? We can afford it." The rich woman said, she took a serious look at Fu Shuo, and then said, "But I need you to explain to me the design concept of this set of jewelry. "

The salesperson could only look at Lu Wanwan for help.

Lu Wanwan said: "I am the manager here, if you have anything you want to know, I can introduce it to you."

The rich woman's husband immediately said: "Okay, okay, it's you!"

"Yes!" At this time, the rich woman's husband came over, stared at Lu Wanwan and said, "We really need a professional shopping guide, are you?"

The salesperson hurriedly said: "Uh, sir and madam, I am the professional shopping guide here, why don't I introduce it to the two of you?"

In the end, the rich woman and her husband said in unison, "No need for you!"

Although the salesperson's appearance was already outstanding, it was still pale in comparison to Fu Shuo and Lu Wanwan. Of course, this couple with ulterior motives wanted them to serve them.

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "This way, please."

Fu Shuo called unwillingly: "Wanwan, we haven't..."

In the end, the rich woman pointed at Fu Shuo and said, "No, I want him to come."

The rich woman's husband stared at Lu Wanwan intently and said: "What kind of jewelry does a man know, let this little sister do it."

This couple is at least 50 years old, and it is not an exaggeration to call Lu Wanwan a younger sister.

The rich woman still held his arm and said with a smile, "I'm really heavy."

Fu Shuo pulled his arm back with a sullen face.

As a result, the rich woman laughed even more happily: "Yo, you young man has quite a personality, I like it."

Before he finished speaking, the rich woman grabbed his arm and said with a smile, "You come too!"

I was only looking at the diamonds just now, but I didn't realize that the man in front of me is much more dazzling than diamonds!

As soon as Fu Shuo was touched by her, his handsome face immediately darkened, and he said, "Please respect yourself!"

And with Fu Shuo's sales experience, he should explain in more detail than her.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan reluctantly gave up the commission and was two steps behind on purpose, only to hear the rich man say, "Hey, beauty, don't leave, I'm still waiting for you to introduce me!"

Fu Shuo suddenly felt cold.

Fu Shuo looked at Lu Wanwan, and saw that she was leading the rich man towards the display cabinet. During this time, the rich man slowly drew closer to her, and his shoulder touched hers slightly.

Fu Shuo immediately raised his footsteps, and chased after Lu Wanwan to separate Lu Wanwan from the malicious rich man, but was stared at by the rich man several times.

Lu Wanwan looked at Fu Shuo in surprise, wondering if he wanted to negotiate the deal in person?But 800 million is indeed not a small number.

"Ah? When did it happen?" Lu Wanwan really didn't notice it.

Fu Shuo explained: "Just now, he rubbed his shoulder against you, I can see clearly from behind."

Six years ago, Lu Wanwan had experience in dealing with this when she was an intern at Fu's, so she said to him, "Don't worry, he doesn't dare to go too far in public, and besides, his wife is watching."

Fu Hao then said to Fu Shuo expressionlessly: "Go, you entertain my wife in the back!"

When Fu Shuo was about to reveal his identity, he heard Lu Wanwan lean over and say, "For the sake of 800 million, are you wronged?"

Fu Shuo said in a deep voice, "But he took advantage of you just now."

You can compare him with anyone, but you can't compare him with Li Jingchen and say that you are inferior to him!

He smiled on the surface and said: "Okay, let me introduce this set of jewelry to you in detail."

However, no matter what Fu Shuo introduced next, the rich woman didn't listen at all, she just stared at his face.

"Late night..."

Fu Shuo wanted to say something, but was pestered by the rich woman and said, "Handsome guy! I come to you to buy things, is it right for you to leave me alone like this? I think you have to learn from the people in Deepwater Harbor in this regard. We As soon as we walked in, there were a lot of shopping guides scrambling to serve us, so that tourists like us from other places can feel what it means to be at home!"

These words can be said to have accurately stepped on Fu Shuo's minefield!

……some type of.

After scanning the jewelry lined up in the display cabinet, Lu Wanwan pointed to a leaf-shaped earring and said, "This is an earring that is more popular among young girls recently. It has a sense of design, and it is leaf-shaped, which can slightly modify the shape of the face. It makes people look more beautiful.”

"Oh~ you like this?" The rich man looked back at his wife, pretending to be chic and said: "Then I will buy it for..."

On the other hand, the rich woman's husband also asked Lu Wanwan about everything, and at first he asked some jewelry-related questions, but the latter questions gradually deviated from the direction of——

"how old are you?"

"What kind of jewelry do girls of your age like to wear?"

Fu Hao felt guilty for a moment. Judging by his appearance, Lu Wanwan was about the same age as his daughter, which made him feel a little guilty.

Lu Wanwan didn't ask him if he had a daughter for no reason. Generally, men with a bit of conscience would wake up at this time.

After the rich man coughed lightly, he followed Lu Wanwan's words and said, "Well... I really want to pick some beautiful jewelry for my daughter. She is a senior this year and will be working soon. Do you have anything else to introduce?" ?”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Wanwan interrupted with a smile: "Do you have a daughter?"

The rich man looked surprised: "Huh?"

Lu Wanwan continued: "If you have a daughter, you can buy her these earrings, they are really popular recently."

"My daughter likes the pink packaging, see if you can..."

"Okay, I'll give you a beautiful one wrapped in pink ribbon, so that you can surprise your daughter."

Lu Wanwan's smile at this moment is completely from the heart. Although this rich man is a bit wretched, he has a bottom line, and it can be seen that he really loves his daughter.

Lu Wanwan introduced him conscientiously, and at the end, she did not forget to say, "Your daughter is so lucky to have such a good father as you!"

The rich man was so flattered by the praise that he couldn't help pointing and pointing. When Lu Wanwan settled the bill, he got a total of 50.

The rich man took a look at Lu Wanwan. Although the girl was out of date, it seemed more enjoyable to think of spending money for his precious daughter.

At the same time, Fu Shuo said to the rich woman: "Madam, I have already introduced the design concept of this jewelry and the origin of the diamonds. Do you have any questions?"

The rich woman looked at him bewilderedly, and asked absent-mindedly, "What are you asking?"

After Fu Shuo took a deep breath, he smiled and said, "What are you asking?"

The salesman couldn't stand it and raised his voice: "Madam, we've finished the introduction! To be honest, this diamond necklace is just like tailor-made for you, and it will make you exude luxury..."

"Don't talk." After giving the salesman a glance, the rich woman said to Fu Shuo kindly, "You, wrap it up for me."

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