Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 645 Don't You Miss Me One Little Point?

After hearing this, Li Jingchen said: "Tang Yezu wanted to host a banquet to apologize to you, but he slapped Lu Weiwei in the face. If you want to make Lu Weiwei more embarrassed, you can ask Tang Yezu to hold a public banquet to show your sincerity."

Lu Wanwan, who was in Fu's company, heard the words and said, "I'm afraid Lu Weiwei will be so angry that she explodes on the spot?"

"Don't you hate her? If it wasn't for her back then, Liang Zhen wouldn't have sent you to Li Xiangchen."

"Of course I hate her."

"Wanwan, do you know why I haven't cleaned up Lu Weiwei in the past few years?"


"Because I know that the man she married is enough to make her life worse than death. If you let Tang Yezu hold a public banquet, it is tantamount to publicly embarrassing the Tang family. Tang Yezu will vent all his anger on Lu Weiwei afterwards."

After a moment of silence, Li Jingchen replied in a low voice: "OK."

Lu Wanwan actually heard a bit of reluctance and grievance, as if he didn't want her to attend the dinner with Fu Shuo at all.

"Okay, that's all I want to ask, go get busy."

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"It's fine to have a public banquet. I'll ask Fu Shuo to accompany me to attend. As the president of the Fu Corporation, the company deserves an apology for the injustice suffered by the company because of Lu Weiwei."

"What do you miss? Didn't we send Qingling off at the airport yesterday?"

"..." Li Jingchen was speechless.

"By the way, it takes 12 hours to fly from here to France. Did Qingling send you a message this morning?"

Li Jingchen asked, "Is there nothing else to say?"

Lu Wanwan said: "No more, goodbye."

Young Master Li, who was in the building of the Li Group, gritted his teeth and said to this ruthless woman: "Don't you miss me a little?"

"Li Jingchen, did you hear what I said?"

Li Jingchen came back to his senses and said, "I heard that, I will pay more attention to her."

"Well, if there is nothing else, hang up."


"That's good, you should pay more attention to her whereabouts, after all, she is a girl going out."

Listening to her caring words, Li Jingchen suddenly became jealous of Li Qingling who was remembered by her. When will she care about him as much as others?

As a result, Lu Wanwan couldn't receive his brainwaves: "Ah, then I can't bother you anymore, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone urgently.

"..." Li Jingchen's handsome face darkened instantly.

From the beginning to the end, she never asked him a word.

Li Jingchen was a little unwilling, but helpless: "Well, I'm actually very busy too."

[But I still answer your call as soon as possible to see how important you are to me! ] This is Li Jingchen's heartfelt voice.

An hour later, the meeting ended.

Li Jingchen got up and was the first to leave the conference room.

This is the only high-level people who dare to discuss——

After putting down his phone, he turned and went back to the meeting room.

Seeing that his complexion was not as bright as before, the senior executives all calmed down, not daring to gossip any more.

After sitting down, Li Jingchen opened his lips and said, "Go on."


"Isn't that all rejected?"

"Would it be a waste of time to co-operate?"

"Uh, has anyone counted how many proposals Mr. Li has rejected in total?"

"Me! I've counted! Mr. Li rejected 9 of our proposals in total!"

"How many proposals do we have in total?"

At this time, Lao Guan's voice continued to sound discordantly: "Let me tell you, if it were Vice President Li, he would never delay the meeting because of a woman!"

"..." No one dared to answer him.

After a while, the secretary walked into Li Jingchen's office after packing up the meeting materials, and called softly, "President Li?"

While complaining, the senior executives looked at the secretary who was still packing up the meeting materials——

"Secretary, didn't Mr. Li quarrel with Miss Lan just now when he went out to answer her phone call?"

"Secretary, go and comfort President Li later, our R&D department is still waiting for him to allocate funds."

Li Jingchen said quietly: "There is no quarrel."

If there is no quarrel, there is a stinky face. If there is a quarrel, wouldn't the conference room be blown up?

While thinking about it, the secretary asked, "What's the matter? Why don't you tell me, and I'll analyze it for you?"

Li Jingchen looked at him with cold eyes.

But the secretary was not afraid at all, and even went up to her and asked, "Did you quarrel with Ms. Lu?"

When the high-level executives guessed that it was Lan Qin who called like lard, the secretary concluded that it must be Lu Wanwan who called to find President Li!

At the end, Li Jingchen asked with self-doubt: "Did she regard me as Baidu?"

If you don't understand something, use it for a while, and say goodbye to him after using it?

The secretary suppressed a smile and said, "Mr. Li, this is a good thing. It shows that Ms. Lu still relies on you subconsciously and trusts you."

After giving him a sideways glance, Li Jingchen asked suspiciously, "Can you really analyze?"

The secretary rubbed her nose and said, "Of course I can! I accompanied you to buy schoolbags for the young master, and sent you flower baskets to Fu's, wasn't it all me?"

Li Jingchen thought about it, so he called Lu Wanwan to ask him about Tang Yezu, and said it concisely.

Seeing this, the secretary continued to comfort her: "I even think...Miss Lu is deliberately looking for something to talk about so that she can call you."

Li Jingchen said "Oh?"

The secretary said: "According to my understanding of Ms. Lu six years ago, she is a shy character. If she wants to call you, she has to think of an excuse first? And Tang Yezu is her excuse!"

Li Jingchen had a "really" expression on his face.

The secretary went on to say: "Or, why didn't she ask someone else, but asked you?"

Li Jingchen's phoenix eyes light up slightly.

"If a woman says no, she wants it! If she says she doesn't want it, she must mean she wants it! Anyway, you should listen to it the other way around."

Li Jingchen thought about it for a while. If this "theory" is pushed forward, wouldn't the unpleasant words that he said that night become more pleasant?

Seeing that he seemed to be relieved a lot, the secretary continued to make suggestions: "Also, do you mind if Miss Lu attends the Tang family's banquet with that Fu Shuo, can you do some tricks?"

Li Jingchen tapped his index finger on the table twice, then stopped and said: "But she only talked about other people the whole time, and never asked me a word."

"Hey! Mr. Li, with Miss Lu's shy character, it's good to be able to call you on my own initiative. Maybe she can relieve the pain of lovesickness just by listening to your voice."

"I asked, and she said she didn't miss me."

The secretary hurriedly said: "Buy Miss Lu jewelry, let her crush Lu Weiwei that day! She has a deep hatred with Lu Weiwei, and she must be eager to win her."

Li Jingchen was displeased: "You think Wan Wan is too mundane."

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen said, "I'm asking, what should I do?"

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes: "Small move?"

Seeing this, the secretary hurriedly said: "I made a mistake, Mr. Li! You are aboveboard, why would you want to do something small?"

The secretary hurriedly added: "Uh... the most important thing is, if Miss Lu is wearing the jewelry you gave, wouldn't you be able to give that person surnamed Fu a hard time?"

Li Jingchen's heart was moved, Wanwan might not be a worldly woman, but he is a worldly man!

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