Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 639 Makes him feel sick

Seeing Li Jingchen's serious face, Li Qingling couldn't help but said softly: "Okay, brother, I've listened to your suggestion, and I'll make my own decisions. Don't worry about me."

"..." She didn't understand at all, but it was impossible for Li Jingchen to tell her, lest she do something shocking for Lin Yue, and besides, everything was just his speculation, so it's better not to make extra troubles for the time being.

Thinking of this, he said lightly: "Brother, I hope you can have fun."

Li Qingling nodded heavily: "I will."

"Then keep tidying up, brother won't bother you anymore." After Li Jingchen finished speaking, he straightened up and left her room.


One day later, S City Airport.

After receiving the news, Lu Wanwan drove An'an to the airport after school, and bid farewell to Li Qingling.

An An looked around her and found that there was no companion, so she couldn't help asking curiously: "Aunt Qingling, are you free to travel alone?"

Li Qingling nodded: "Yes."

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The little guy raised his head and asked, "Aunt Qingling, are you going to France?"

"Yes, thank you little guy for coming to see me off." Li Qingling said, and gave Lu Wanwan a grateful look.

Before she left, she wanted to see her precious nephew, but luckily the sister-in-law agreed.

"I think it depends on whether the handsome guy from abroad can keep you." Lu Wanwan half-jokingly said.

Li Qingling raised the corner of her mouth, pretending to be frivolous and said: "Sister Wanwan still understands me."

After a meal, Li Qingling said to everyone: "Come on, give me a hug, I'm going on a long voyage!"

After touching his little face, Li Qingling said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm wearing anti-wolf spray. If anyone dares to trouble me, I will make him pay the price."

After An An nodded, she asked again: "How long will Aunt Qingling be going?"

Li Qingling shrugged and said: "I don't know, maybe a month, maybe two months, maybe three months... It depends on whether the scenery abroad can keep me."

An An still felt that the shower gel on her mommy smelled better.

Li Qingling took the opportunity to whisper to him: "Little guy, don't stay at home all the time during the holidays, come out and do some outdoor activities, you know?"

An An said milkily: "Well, Uncle Li asked me to ride a horse on the weekend a few days ago."

An An looked up at Lu Wanwan, and saw Lu Wanwan nodded to him.

Only then did An An raise her little hand, and then she was hugged into Li Qingling's arms violently.

Aunt Qingling smells so good.

Li Qingling whispered back in her ear: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

An'an couldn't hear it anyway.

The next second, Li Qingling looked at the silent Li Jingchen, seeing him standing coolly blankly, she knew that he would not take the initiative to hug her.

It seems that the eldest brother has really grown a lot!

After a chuckle, Li Qingling let go of An An, got up and looked at Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan took the initiative to hug her, and whispered in her ear: "It's really light, I hope you can find your true son."

"Okay, I know I'm not a sister-in-law."

After admiring the big brother's embarrassment, Li Qingling let go of him, picked up the plane ticket, waved at them and said: "I'm leaving! Call."

After watching Li Qingling board the plane, Lu Wanwan heard Li Jingchen heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Let's go back."

So Li Qingling hugged him up, poked his chest muscles with his index finger, jokingly said: "Brother, you are so hard, can't you relax? I am your sister, not those women who are greedy for your body."

Lu Wanwan watched from the side and wanted to laugh, when did Qingling become so unrestrained?

After Li Jingchen stopped his sister's unruly fingers, he said awkwardly: "I'm already very relaxed."

When passing the bathroom, Lu Wanwan suddenly felt her belly swell, and she couldn't help saying to An An: "Honey, Mommy, go to the bathroom, wait outside."

An An said obediently: "Okay."

Lu Wanwan then looked at Li Jingchen and said politely, "President Li, please take care of An'an for a while."

An An subconsciously walked between the two.

From a distance, it looks like a family of three.


When she finished changing out, she saw a middle-aged woman walking out from another compartment. The two of them inadvertently looked at each other, and they were both shocked!

In a daze, Lu Wanwan spoke first: "You are..."

"You've got the wrong person!" After hastily denying it, the middle-aged woman covered her face with a scarf and left quickly.

Li Jingchen nodded and said, "Yes."

in the bathroom.

Lu Wanwan found out that it was her aunt who came, but luckily she brought a sanitary napkin.

I think she was so beautiful back then, and she trapped Li Jingchen in the small storage room on the second floor and abused her wantonly, but now she is wearing the most plain clothes, covering her face with a scarf and dare not see anyone, who once had to look up to her "Big daughter-in-law".

Lu Wanwan came back to her senses and walked out of the bathroom.

I saw An An standing in front of a bookstore, fascinated by a comic book.

But Lu Wanwan had already recognized her.

She is Zhuang Jing!

The biological mother of Li Xiangchen, Li Qingling, and Li Xuyang!

Li Jingchen was dissatisfied with her deliberately keeping a distance from him: "I didn't hear clearly, you sit here."

"Then I won't talk about it." Lu Wanwan really started playing with her mobile phone.

After Li Jingchen was suffocated, he asked with the desire to squeeze her: "You ask me what I saw?"

Li Jingchen sat on a row of chairs next to the bookstore, receiving the baptism of many eyes.

It's nothing more than his appearance that attracts too much attention.

After Lu Wanwan sat down two chairs away from him, she pretended to be playing with her mobile phone and asked, "Did you see it just now?"

"Forget it, let me just say it, I saw Zhuang Jing just now."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen said firmly, "Impossible."

"Why is it impossible?"

Lu Wanwan stared at the phone without raising her head and said, "A middle-aged woman came out of the bathroom just now."

Li Jingchen frowned and asked, "Do you think I'm the kind of pervert who likes to stare at people going to the toilet?"

This time it was Lu Wanwan's turn to choke.

"Six years ago, I froze all the assets under her name and ordered her never to set foot in City S!"

Lu Wanwan was thoughtful, no wonder Zhuang Jing's dress was so shabby, she seemed to be ten years older.

Li Jingchen continued: "I also warned the banker that if you don't want to be implicated by Zhuang Jing, you are not allowed to take her in! The banker is in city S, and they dare not make small moves under my nose."

And the reason why he did this, on the one hand, was because he hated Zhuang Jing, and on the other hand, he also wanted to completely cut off Zhuang Jing's contacts with Li Qingling and Li Xuyang.

He didn't want him to cultivate Li Qingling and Li Xuyang while they secretly helped Zhuang Jing, that would make him feel sick.

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