Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 635 He was about to be beaten to death

In the evening, Nankai Primary School.

When Xin Lei came out of school happily, she saw her mother was waiting at the school gate with her younger brother in her arms.

Xin Lei couldn't help walking forward, and asked strangely: "Mom, why did you come to pick me up today? You came with my brother in your arms, aren't you tired?"

After Xin Lei's mother saw that her daughter was safe and sound, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Don't talk about me now! Lei Lei, I called you at noon, why didn't you answer?"

While playing with her younger brother's little hand, Xin Lei said, "Huh? Classmate Fu was asleep at the time. I was afraid of disturbing him during his lunch break, so I turned the volume down to the minimum. I didn't hear you calling me."

When Xin Lei's mother heard the word "Classmate Fu", she immediately thought of what happened this morning, and her face turned blue.

It's hard for Xin Lei's mother to tell the truth: "Mom accidentally lost that one last night, please send it again."

Xin Lei couldn't help wondering: "But, those two photos have been deleted by me."

The more she thought about it, the angrier she said: "Leilei, send me the photo you sent me last night, and send it to me again."

Xin Lei was startled, and asked wonderingly: "Mom, didn't I already send it to you last night?"

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Xin Lei's mother was not happy at all, her daughter deleted the photo, and her only chance to vent her anger was gone!

"What?!" Xin Lei's mother asked in a high-pitched voice, like a bolt from the blue: "It's so good, why did you delete it?"

Xin Lei laughed innocently: "To reconcile with classmate Fu! Mom, you don't know, classmate Fu not only forgave me today,

As soon as An An saw Lu Wanwan, she immediately grinned and walked over, calling softly, "Mommy~"

Lu Wanwan asked gently: "Honey, have you reconciled with your new tablemate today?"

Otherwise, she could find a newspaper to expose her and let out the bad breath she received this morning!

At this moment, I saw Fu Huai'an walking out of school with his schoolbag on his back, and Lu Wanwan got out of the car, waiting for his son's arrival with a smile.

"Well, let's go home~" An An pouted her little butt and climbed into the car.

Lu Wanwan turned her head to look at Xin Lei's mother. Seeing her carrying her youngest son to find her eldest daughter, she thought that although this person was stupid and greedy, at least she was a good mother.

An An nodded: "It's reconciled."

Reconciliation means that Xin Lei deleted the photo, Lu Wanwan smiled slightly and said, "Then get in the car."

Xin Lei's mother remembered that Lu Wanwan said in the morning that she would find her youngest son at any time, and that look must have been a warning, so she couldn't help saying badly, "Okay, let's go home quickly!"


After looking back, she also got into the car.

After Xin Lei noticed Lu Wanwan's gaze, she said excitedly: "Mom, An'an's mommy just came to see her. Does she want to get to know us?"

3103 Presidential Suite?

Doesn't Wendy live in this suite?

The next day, Fu's company.

Lu Wanwan suddenly received a call from the front desk of Jinzhao Hotel: "It's not good, Manager Lu, the foreman has clashed with the guests in the 3103 presidential suite!"

When we arrived, there was blood all over the ground!The side foreman was beaten half to death, we had to rush him to the hospital! "

Lu Wanwan pondered for a while. The last time she went to check on the performance of Jinzhao Hotel, she warned the foreman, don't be fascinated by Wendy's beauty, be careful!

Lu Wanwan frowned and asked, "What's going on? Tell me in detail."

The front desk said: "We don't know the details, we only know that the side foreman was beaten by the Italian man next to Miss Wendy somehow in the presidential suite today.

Thinking of this, she said, "I'll go there now."

The front desk couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Okay! Manager Lu, come quickly, we're afraid we won't be able to deal with that Italian man!"

Could it be that the foreman took her words as a deaf ear?Continue to find Wendy to flirt, but Wendy's subordinates couldn't see it, so they beat the foreman?

But the foreman, as the male publicist of Jinzhao Hotel, was beaten up now, so it was impossible for Lu Wanwan to just expose it lightly.

3103 Presidential Suite.

The receptionist who called Lu Wanwan to report the matter, led Lu Wanwan out of the elevator, stood still in front of Wendy's presidential suite, and said softly, "Manager Lu, that Italian man is here. "

After Lu Wanwan picked up the car keys, she immediately set off for Jinzhao Hotel.


Lu Wanwan sighed in her heart. These security guards without guns are like a dish in front of the mafia, and they will be easily cooked.

Thinking of this, she reminded the security guards: "Check the protective clothing and wrap up the parts that are not tightly wrapped."

Lu Wanwan glanced at the security guards lurking around.

Regarding this, the front desk explained: "Sister Lu, the side foreman was beaten so badly, I'm just in case of accidents."

Lu Wanwan took a universal room card from the front desk and said, "If you don't open the door, I'll just swipe the room card and go in."

This time, the door opened.

After that, she raised her hand and knocked on the presidential suite in front of her, and said in English: "Mr. Paul, I am the person in charge of the hotel. I would like to ask about the conflict between you and our foreman. Can you open the door?"

In the end, I heard a sound from inside: "Get out, see you!"

She continued to ask in English: "So Mr. Paul, can I go in and have a chat with you?"

"Are you a policeman?" Paul blocked the door and asked warily.

Paul's deep green eyes fell on Lu Wanwan unhappily, which made the people around him feel great pressure.

But Lu Wanwan took it for granted, after all, Li Jingchen's aura was unparalleled.

Lu Wanwan walked in.

Seeing this, the front desk and security guards will also follow if they are worried.

Lu Wanwan pointed to the name tag on his chest: "I told you, I'm the person in charge of the hotel. You had a conflict with my staff and sent him to the hospital. I have to know why."

Paul glanced at the name tag on her chest, and saw the words "Fu's Company" on it. He had read the news and knew that the present hotel was owned by Fu's Company, so he said coldly: "Okay, I will Let you see what good things your employees have done!"

As a result, Paul's eyes were full of disgust: "It's fine for her to come in alone."

The front desk replied with a smile in English, "Okay, Mr. Paul", and then said in Chinese: "Who are we, are we germs? I thought you were handsome before, but now I think pigs are cuter than you! "

Since the front desk spoke with a smile, Paul, who couldn't understand Chinese, thought she was flattering him. After snorting in disdain, he turned around and walked away to Lu Wanwan.

At this time, Lu Wanwan was looking at a broken vase beside the bed, a bouquet of roses was knocked over, and the floor was soaked by the water flowing out.

In addition, there was a large puddle of wet blood on the ground, and it was known to be the foreman without asking.

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