Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 633 This Man Is Really Stupid and Greedy

The next day, Fu's company.

The assistant knocked on Lu Wanwan's office door and said, "Sister Lu, there is a woman downstairs who wants to see you."

Lu Wanwan stopped what she was doing and asked, "Did she say who it was?"

The assistant said: "She claims to be Xin, and she is the parent of your son's new tablemate."

An An's new tablemate...

After Lu Wanwan took out the ipad in the drawer, she said, "Please come in."

The assistant went immediately.

A few minutes later, Xin Lei's mother followed the assistant into the office.

Lu Wanwan took the opportunity to observe her.

I saw that Xin Lei's mother's clothes were a little white, and she must have worn them for many years. There were faint fine lines on her face when she was less than 30 years old, and her outstretched hands were a little rough, which showed that the family conditions were very ordinary.

Lu Wanwan then said: "Please sit down, can I drink Blue Mountain coffee?"

Xin Lei's mother asked strangely: "What coffee?"

Lu Wanwan said again: "Blue Mountain."

While thinking about it, Lu Wanwan raised her hand and shook her hand: "Hello, Mama Xin."

Xin Lei's mother was shocked by her beauty: "Hi, hello."

As a woman, she was so envious of Lu Wanwan's smooth and white hands, the man's heart softened when he held them, no wonder even Li Jingchen couldn't help it.

Xin Lei's mother glanced at the nameplate on Lu Wanwan's desk, and asked, "Should I call you Mrs. Fu, or Manager Lu?"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said: "You don't have to be so polite, just call me An An's mother. An An told me after school yesterday that he has a new deskmate."

After a meal, Lu Wanwan asked, "By the way, is your daughter Xin Lei?"

"Okay." Anyway, she didn't know what it was like, so whatever.

Lu Wanwan immediately said to the assistant: "Go and make two cups of coffee."

"Yes." The assistant answered, closed the door and left.

"This..." Xin Lei's mother was inexplicably embarrassed. She didn't come here to contact her, but to extort money.

Lu Wanwan said softly: "Mother Xin Lei, don't worry, my family An'an is very good, she won't bully girls, usually the two children can communicate with each other if there is something they don't understand, isn't it great?"

Xin Lei's mother laughed dryly: "'s pretty good."

Xin Lei's mother was surprised: "You even know my daughter's name?!"

Don't you mean that these rich people look down on people?What's more, she is the wife of the richest man in city y, but why is the current situation different from what she thought?

Lu Wanwan said softly: "Xin Lei is my son's deskmate, can I, a mother, not care about it? Just like you came to the company today to find me to contact you, isn't it also for the sake of your daughter?"

This is a great opportunity for Xin Lei to ascend to the sky in one step! !

If you were a parent with a long-term vision, you immediately agreed.

But Xin Lei's mother, with the greed and short-sightedness of a small citizen, said: "It's like this, Mother An An! My daughter, I took pictures of you at Tong'an Amusement Park the day before yesterday. I went to the toilet and didn't pay attention to what she took pictures of. , until last night, my daughter suddenly showed me the photo, guess what I saw?"

Lu Wanwan continued: "If it's a holiday, you can still send your daughter to my house as a guest. An'an came to S City not long ago, and it's time to make friends."

Xin Lei's mother looked at her flattered: "Really?!"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Of course, An An has a good relationship with the daughter of the Wei family and the son of the Li family. If Xin Lei is willing to join, maybe the four children can play together."

After Lu Wanwan picked up a cup, she said to her, "Have a taste?"

Logically speaking, it is a pleasure and an honor to drink coffee with the wife of the richest man in city y.

But because Xin Lei's mother was impatient, she took a big gulp, and it turned out to be hot and bitter!

"Oh?" Lu Wanwan asked with the same expression, "Did you take your child to the amusement park?"

Xin Lei's mother was afraid that the conversation would go on, she was about to talk about feelings, so she took out her phone, slid open the photo album and said, "The point is not this, but that you are in trouble, maybe you are willing to spend money to settle this trouble, come out with a... ..." Price.

At this time, the assistant came in with two cups of Blue Mountain coffee, interrupting Xin Lei's mother just in time.

The more Xin Lei's mother listened, the colder her hands and feet became.

Lu Wanwan put down her coffee and said softly, "Also, your youngest son is Xin Xiang. He is 3 years old and has not yet gone to kindergarten. Usually, when your husband is hospitalized, he can only be at home alone. If it were me, I will never leave such a small child alone at home, it's not safe."

Xin Lei's mother straightened up "swish", and the coffee cup in her hand fell to the ground!

While Xin Lei's mother was sticking out her tongue, Lu Wanwan said, "By the way, I heard that your husband had already spent a lot of money on his family because of lung cancer three years ago?"

Hearing this, Xin Lei's mother raised her head in disbelief.

After Lu Wanwan took a sip of coffee, she said, "I also heard that these two days coincide with your husband's surgery period. If the chief surgeon accidentally slips his hand and declares the operation a failure, who knows what will be left for you orphans and widows?" , will you be sad?"

Only then did Lu Wanwan ask: "By the way, can you show me the photo you just mentioned?"

Xin Lei's mother broke down and asked, "What are you going to do to my son?!"

"That depends on what you want to do to me." Lu Wanwan paused, "Give me the phone."

Lu Wanwan picked up the iPad at hand, tapped it twice, and handed the iPad to Xin Lei's mother.

Xin Lei's mother looked down and saw two men in black broke into her house at this moment and kidnapped her son!

She screamed "Ah!": "Xiangxiang!!!"

Looking at the hands of the man in black that were bigger than her son's face, Xin Lei's mother couldn't help but yelled anxiously: "Get those two people to let my son go! Otherwise, I, I will call the police!!!"

Lu Wanwan said: "If it were me, I wouldn't provoke the kidnappers, lest they tear up the ticket, what do you think?"

Xin Lei's mother had no choice but to hand over the phone, panicking: "I'll give you the phone, let them release my son quickly!"

Xin Lei's mother clutched her mobile phone, trembling so hard, Lu Wanwan, who was inviting her daughter to visit her home one second, had her son hijacked by someone the next second. How could there be such an evil person in the world? ? !

At this time, the crying of a child from the ipad made Xin Lei's mother's eyes turn red.

In the end, she saw a man in black covering her hand like this, and her son couldn't scream!

After Lu Wanwan took her mobile phone, she looked it up, and saw a backside photo of them in Tong'an Amusement Park. Although Li Jingchen was indeed holding her hand, he didn't even have a face, so he wanted to blackmail her?This man is really stupid and greedy.

Lu Wanwan directly formatted her phone, deleted everything, restored the factory settings, and said to the man in black on the iPad: "You can leave now."

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