Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 626 You are getting more and more impatient

After being taken aback, Lan Qin looked at Li Jingchen: "Six years of companionship, is this how you treat me?"

"I didn't want to at first, it's because you are getting more and more senseless."

Li Jingchen said that his heart only belonged to Wanwan, and told Lan Qin not to do useless work, but she challenged his bottom line with actions time and time again, which made him feel that it was very important to keep her.

Since she can't be kept, these recordings and files of Lan Qin are one of the first objects he destroys!

There are too many unknown scandals in the Li family, including the truth about his father's imprisonment, the reason for Li Xiangchen's disappearance, and the process of falling into the sea late at night...

Lan Qin looked at the man in black searching for her file, realized something and said: "You are my most special patient,

This is also thanks to Shi Yu's reminder.

He told her that once Li Jingchen turns his face and denies anyone, he will attack with thunder, so she'd better prepare early, lest she doesn't have a trump card in her hand.

Even if your people smashed my computer, I have already backed up the recordings of what you said after being hypnotized by me over the past few years in the cloud,

As long as I change the computer to log in to the account, it will all come back. "<

Lan Qin looked at the messy office, and his red lips curved into a sneer: "President Li showed me what it means to be ruthless. What if I don't plan for myself?"

She dubiously backed up everything about Li Jingchen and uploaded it to the cloud. In fact, she didn't take Shi Yu's words seriously in her heart. No matter what she said, she had been with Li Jingchen for six years. She didn't believe that he would be so heartless.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yu's words came true today, Li Jingchen brought someone to smash her computer and search her files, it was like tearing her skin apart!

"Go to the treatment room." Li Jingchen didn't want to let go of a possibility.

"Yes." The man in black went immediately.

Lan Qin's duplicity made Li Jingchen feel that only Wan Wan's love for him is pure and without calculation, and other women are not worthy to compare with her!Don't even think about taking the position of "Madam Li"!

After a while, the man in black came to Li Jingchen, leaned down and said, "President Li, I can't find your medical history files anywhere."

Lan Qin was afraid in her heart, but she still analyzed a little bit: "Mr. Li, if you want to protect the woman you love, you'd better be polite to me.

Especially my personal safety, once I am not your girlfriend, I can break the news as much as I like, and the scandal of the Li family will spread all over the sky,

Lan Qin said seriously: "It's useless, I have hidden all your medical history files elsewhere."

"Lanqin, don't challenge my patience, I've already given you enough face." Li Jingchen's voice was as cold as ice: "If you don't want your personal safety to be threatened, you can put all the recordings and medical history files about me in the past six years. Hand it over."

Li Jingchen pressed one hand on the other with some force: "I underestimated you."

"Is this a compliment to me? Thank you." Lan Qin didn't say that there was an expert behind her for advice, she was just wondering why Shi Yu knew Li Jingchen better than her?

Most importantly, if the heroine in that kissing photo isn't me, then who is it?

Do you want everyone to focus on Lu Wanwan?You can do it to me if you want. "

After Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, he looked at Lan Qin.

I just heard Lan Qin say: "Perhaps Mr. Li will accompany me to have a candlelight dinner to satisfy my request that I be your girlfriend, and I will give you everything you want?"

After half an hour—

After searching all over the men in black at the psychological clinic, they returned to Lan Qin's office and shook their heads at Li Jingchen.

Shi Yu is right, she really can't be too honest, she should fight back when it's time to fight back, otherwise Li Jingchen will never take her seriously, although what she has done these two days is a bit dangerous, but at least let him look directly at her up!

To get into the eyes of these powerful men, it's not enough to just "spot the water", she must "leave traces after the geese pass"!

Li Jingchen looked at her calmly for a moment, then suddenly asked, "When do you want?"

Lan Qin's heart trembled, he actually agreed? !

After Li Jingchen nodded, he said, "Then wait for my notice."

Lan Qin finally showed a smile: "No problem."

However, she didn't dare to say "Just tonight", that would challenge Li Jingchen's endurance too much, and it would easily produce the effect that things will go against each other.

After thinking about it, Lan Qin left the problem to him: "I can do it anytime."

"Wait a minute, since she wants to play, then I'll play with her." Li Jingchen said as he walked out in the wind, "From today on, we will secretly monitor Lan Qin, including who she meets every day."

You must know that a person will not change so much in a short period of time, and Li Jingchen's intuition tells Li Jingchen that something has been ignored by him.

Li Jingchen didn't stay long and left soon.

The people in black followed behind him, asking for instructions with a blank face: "President Li, do you want to get rid of her?"

Lan Qin looked up at her and said, "Don't ask, come in and help me tidy up."

"Okay." After the little assistant walked in, seeing the smashed notebook, he couldn't help but anxiously said: "My God, your notebook was smashed! There are so many precious materials!"

At this time, Lan Qin was squatting on the ground, sorting out the medical history files that had been messed up by the men in black.

At this moment, the little assistant ran in clutching his heart, panting, and said, "Doctor Lan, who are those vicious people just now? They scared me to death! They tied me to a chair outside, and I couldn't even get in." Come!"

With a "slap", Lan Qin threw the pile of medical history files in her arms on the desk, and did not answer with a sullen face.

The little assistant immediately fell silent and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Lan Qin said calmly: "It's okay, I have a backup, just buy another laptop."

After the little assistant let out a sigh of relief, he helped her tidy up and asked, "Doctor Lan, did you quarrel with President Li?"

In the evening, Mingyuan.

Zhi'er came to Lu Wanwan, handed over a list, and said respectfully: "Young Mistress, I will do everything you want me to do."

On the other hand, the more Lan Qin tidied up, the more aggrieved he became, it was all Lu Wanwan's fault!If she hadn't come back from the dead, Li Jingchen would have regarded her as his soul mate sooner or later!Instead of smashing her office like today!Embarrass her so much!


Lu Wanwan took it over to take a look, and saw the signatures of 8 maids on the list, which meant that these 8 maids had objections to Xia Zhi, and felt that she had misbehaved and seduced Fu Shuo, so she should be severely punished.

Zhi'er took the opportunity to say: "Young Mistress, there are 15 maids in the family, and 8 of them have already signed on this. Look... shouldn't the minority obey the majority?"

The list came out before it was dark, so Zhi'er and the others couldn't wait to drive Xia Zhi away.

But what's wrong with Xia Zhi?Fu Shuo lost control last night, not because of being seduced by Xia Zhi, but because of her!

While Lu Wanwan was thinking about it, she opened her mouth and said to Zhi'er: "At 10 o'clock tonight, tell the 8 maids on this list to gather in the study. I will make my own decision on what you want."

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