Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 618 I Like All of Us

On the other side of the phone, An An breathed a sigh of relief after observing Li Xiuqi carefully: "Student Li, your complexion looks much better than yesterday! Can you come to school tomorrow?"

Li Xiuqi, who was in the ward, nodded and said, "I'm fine, of course I have to go to school tomorrow."

After a pause, he continued: "By the way, I forgot to return the earphones you lent me yesterday, so I can only return them when I go to school tomorrow."

An An was stunned, and said generously: "If you don't tell me, I will forget it. If you like it, I will give it to you."

After hesitating for a while, Li Xiuqi shook his head: "I have it myself."

"Okay then, give it back to me when I go to school tomorrow." An An didn't worry about such trivial matters: "By the way, did you tell Nian Nian?"

At this moment, Li Xiuqi turned his head to look away, then turned to An An and said, "My mother is here, I have to die!"

An An immediately waved to him: "Well, see you tomorrow, bye~"

Li Xiuqi replied: "I called her, but she didn't answer, she should still be sleeping."

An An nodded: "As expected of her."

After An An scratched her head, she picked up her phone when she remembered something, clicked on WeChat, found out the WeChat name added just yesterday, edited a message, and sent it.


"Fu Huai'an, let's go to the amusement park again when we have a chance!" Li Xiuqi finished the video quickly, making An'an think he heard it wrong.

"No way, is that really what that nerd would say?"

He walked over, picked it up, and saw that it was a WeChat message from An An, so he couldn't help smiling.

But he quickly remembered that when Lu Wanwan got off the car last night, he told him that he would take An An and Fu Shuo to travel together on National Day, and his smile quickly disappeared.

At the same time, Li Zhai.

After Li Jingchen finished his health, he went back to his room to take a shower and change clothes, when he saw that his mobile phone was plugged in and turned on.

[Uncle Li, can you not buy Tong'an Amusement Park? ]

Li Jingchen squinted his eyes. The acquisition of Tong'an Amusement Park was just an excuse for him. If he didn't say that, An An would have doubted why he, an adult, appeared in the amusement park yesterday.

Taking him and his son to go on a National Day trip with another man, Lu Wanwan is really nice!

He opened An'an's message box a little viciously, only to see a message from his son——

Li Jingchen then cooperated and asked: [Why? ]

After a while, An An's answer appeared in the dialogue box: [Because Li Xiuqi said that if there is a chance in the future, he will go to Tong'an Amusement Park with us~]

He quickly replied: [OK. ]

After a while, An An's news came again: [Uncle Li, you are so kind, you don't even ask me why? ]

A full minute later, there was a reply from An'an——

[I love all of us!Including Aunt Lin Yan, Uncle Wei and Uncle Li!I hope that when you are old one day, I, Nian Nian and Li Xiuqi can turn around and take you to Tong'an Amusement Park to ride the Ferris wheel!That is our common memory! ]

Li Xiuqi again?

After pondering for a moment, Li Jingchen asked: [Do you like him? ]

That's seven full days!Without the interruption of work, only love and romance are left, who knows if that woman will be moved by Fu Shuo?

After looking at the dialog box, Li Jingchen suddenly inquired in a casual tone: [I heard from your mother that I want to take you on a trip on National Day? ]

Li Jingchen's heart warmed. He imagined himself and Wanwan with gray temples and children and grandchildren around their knees, and suddenly felt that getting old was not terrible.

However, when he thought of that woman taking An An and Fu Shuo to travel together, Li Jingchen felt a pain in his throat.

"..." Li Jingchen didn't expect his son to be the hindrance, and suddenly wanted to grab this little troublemaker from the phone and give him a spanking.

The point is, last night he not only misunderstood Wanwan, but also seemed to murder her.

After a while, An An's reply came into Li Jingchen's eyes——

[That's what I suggested to Daddy first!At that time, Mommy went on a business trip to the mountainous area in the north. I thought she was working very hard, so I told Dad that we should go on a trip as a family during the National Day. As a reward for Mommy, Dad agreed!Hey, Uncle Li, do you think I am Mommy's caring little padded jacket? ]

When Lu Wanwan left the study and went downstairs to eat breakfast, she saw An An spooning yogurt with one hand and clicking on the phone with the other, and she didn't even know that the yogurt dripped on the table.

She couldn't help walking over and asking, "An'an, if you don't have a good meal, who are you messaging?"


On the other side, Mingyuan.

The corners of Lu Wanwan's eyes twitched, and she suddenly remembered the matter of talking about the collapse with Li Jingchen before getting out of the car last night, so she couldn't help but softly said: "Is that so? How about Mommy helping you back, can you concentrate on eating breakfast?"

An An thought that anyway, he and Uncle Li were almost done talking, so she happily pushed the phone to her: "Then trouble Mommy!"

An An raised her head and said sweetly to Lu Wanwan: "Good morning Mommy, I'm sending a message to Uncle Li."

Li Jingchen!

In exchange, Li Jingchen was silent for a while.

Lu Wanwan smiled unkindly. Wasn't Li Jingchen very fierce when he teased her last night?Now facing his own son, he became dumb instead.

After Lu Wanwan opened the chair next to her and sat down, she took a deep breath and checked the conversation between An An and Li Jingchen.

It turned out that their conversation was not painful, and Li Jingchen didn't say anything that shouldn't be said. Instead, An An explained to him that it was An An's idea to go out for fun on National Day.

Xia Zhi knew that it was the young master's credit that she was able to stay.

As for the young mistress, she specially sent her to repair the pen yesterday morning, and she will never forget this kindness.

At this moment, Xia Zhi's energetic voice came: "Good morning, Young Mistress!"

Lu Wanwan put down her phone and looked up, only to see Xia Zhi asking with a smile on her face, "Is there anything you want to eat, Young Madam? I'll do it!"

"Uh..." For some reason, Xia Zhi's pretty face blushed inexplicably.

She thought of the scene last night. Although it was just an accident and Fu Shuo's palm didn't directly touch her chest, it still made her feel very shy.

Because of this, she wants to do everything possible to repay the mother and son. She swears that there will be absolutely no intentional flattery this time!

"I don't really want to eat anything." After Lu Wanwan's meal, she said casually, "Xiao Xia, it's already 8:[-], can you help me call my husband down to have breakfast together?"

At this time, An An's voice sounded in wonder: "Sister Xia, what's wrong with you? Your face is so red."

Hearing this, Xia Zhi hurriedly covered her face with her hands, shook her head frantically and said, "No, it's nothing, young master!"

Lu Wanwan looked at her meaningfully, and Xia Zhi's reaction was really like that of a girl in Huaichun.

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