Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 60 You dare to do it, but are you afraid of being told?

But after thinking about it, even if Wan Jingchen happened to be standing in front of the French window in the morning, he couldn't see her talking to Li Xiangchen and leaving in his car.

While thinking about it, she walked up to Li Jingchen and called softly: "Young Master Li.

Seeing that he closed his eyes and didn't answer, as if he was asleep, she stretched out her hand hesitantly, covered the back of his hand and shook it: ""Young Master Li?

In the next second, a force pushed her hand away, Lu Wanwan blinked, pretending to be relaxed and said with a smile: "It's a lot of strength, I thought you fainted from hunger.

These words made Li Jingchen open his eyes suddenly, and suddenly said angrily: "Since you choose to go with him, why do you want to come back?!

Lu Wanwan's heart beat violently: "Who told you that?"

This description of acquiescence caused the veins on Li Jingchen's forehead to bulge, and his whole body burst out with strong hatred: "Since you dare to do it, you are still afraid of people talking about it.

Lu Wanwan felt a little guilty, but she got into Li Xiangchen's car to discuss the details of the engagement, so she didn't do anything else.

Even the more than 100 yuan fruit basket, she insisted on paying for it herself.

Young Master Li, I can explain.

Do you think I'll still trust you, a flirtatious woman like you? !

Chao Qin Mu Chu?Quick and easy?

She grew up so big, why didn't she know that she still had these attributes!

A sullen look appeared on Lu Wanwan's face, but she still tried her best to calm down and said, "Since I'm married to you, I won't do anything sorry to you during the marriage, I hope you can keep your mouth clean too." Li Jingchen's eyes gleamed It was unnaturally red, and the jaws were clenched and creaked: "Do you think my speech is not good?Then go find Li Xiangchen!He is the best at talking sweet words! "

After finishing speaking, he threw all the things at hand to the ground, his whole person was unprecedentedly irritable!

This is so abnormal.

Lu Wanwan's eyes came to his face from the debris all over the floor, and thinking back on every sentence he said just now, he always felt a little disobedient.

just like.He's scolding someone else through her

But she wasn't sure, so she took two steps back and got away from him before asking: "Do you think I'm the first love who betrayed you?

Wan Jingchen froze all over.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan was even more convinced of her guess.

For some reason, this is more annoying than Li Jingchen scolding her directly, because he actually treats her as someone else?

Before, she never cared how deep Li Jingchen's affection for his first girlfriend was. After all, she came with a mission, so she just took care of him.

However, she is human and has a heart. After a long time, she also hopes that he can treat and respect her as a human being.

For this reason, she emphasized calmly: "I am Lu Wanwan, not anyone else.

Li Jingchen was panting heavily, the darkness, hunger, and the anxiety of waiting for a day made his mind very confused, and even his memory was deviated.

At the same time, Lu Wanwan was explaining: "I did hitch a ride with Li Xiangchen this morning, but it was just to talk about the details of his wedding, nothing else.

Wan Jingchen frowned, Bai Qingluo's voice "Jingchen, I'm with Xiang Chen" overlapped with her voice, making him feel like he was falling into darkness.

I know it's hard to be betrayed. "When she said this, Lu Wanwan thought of Su Lin, the man who resolutely broke up with her for Lu Weiwei: "However, you shouldn't kill everyone with one shot, there are still many good people in the world.

Her words were like tearing a hole in the darkness, and the wine cast a glimmer of light.

Wan Jingchen subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it a few times, but it was in vain.

He suddenly remembered that he just waved her hand away, as if.Abandoned the light.

Lu Wanwan! "He couldn't help standing up, but his body shook.

Lu Wanwan's heart softened, and she couldn't help supporting him, but she regretted it the next second, maybe a fall would wake him up.

The light returned to his hands again?

After Li Jingchen paused, he immediately held her with his backhand. This time he held her tightly, and the joy of regaining control of her extinguished the boiling anger in his heart. He suddenly felt a little uneasy because she could control his emotions so easily. mood.

Lu Wanwan's hands hurt from being caught by him, and she thought he was still angry, so she couldn't help saying: "I really admire you, you almost passed out from hunger, and you can still get so angry, but this also proves that you must love me very much." her?

not at all! " Li Jingchen gritted his teeth and said.

Don't worry, I didn't mean to laugh at you. After all, everyone has been in the same boat, but I am free now. I hope you can come out soon, huh? "In order not to vent your anger on her at every turn.

Pity each other?

Wan Jingchen couldn't help thinking of her ex-boyfriend, and immediately grabbed her hand even tighter.

Lu Wanwan struggled uncomfortably, but to no avail, so she said, "Let me go.

Why put it! "Li Jingchen pulled her into his arms displeased, breathing heavily: "" I haven't asked you yet, why did you go there for so long?

"Please, I'm going back to my mother's house, so I'll be fine after just one night.

Thinking about it now, she still feels sorry for her elder brother. At this time, she should be playing Lego with him.

Wan Jingchen was dubious, as far as he knew, Lu Wanwan and her father were not close, and this time they went back only to get money.

In the next second, his sensitive and suspicious emotions were like continuous drizzle, causing him to ask uncontrollably: "Are you sure Li Xiangchen just gave you a ride?"

Lu Wanwan was stunned, and immediately realized what he was referring to, and couldn't help but widen her eyes and said, "Are you here again? I won't tell you anymore!

OK, I won't ask! "Li Jingchen took a deep breath, he couldn't scare her away, that would only satisfy Li Xiangchen: "How are you doing today?

Although he changed the subject rather bluntly, but at least he learned how to behave, Lu Wanwan replied: "Half-half.

What is half-half? Li Jingchen asked sharply: "They deducted half of your money?"

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth and wanted to say "yes", but after thinking about it, this was her business, so she changed her mind and said, "Li Qingling said you haven't eaten all day, I'll go and make you something to eat. You sit down and rest first.

Only then did Wan Jingchen let go of her slowly, paused, and said, "Don't listen to her nonsense, I'm fine!

Regarding this, Lu Wanwan just shrugged her shoulders, not trying to expose his stubbornness.

After Lu Wanwan finished sacrificing Li Jingchen's Wu Zang Temple with delicious food, he suddenly reported a series of numbers quickly and urgently, and then ordered: "Lu Wanwan, this is my mobile phone number, do you remember?" one time.

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then took out her mobile phone and asked, "You spoke too fast, can you speak again?

So he reported again, this time slowing down a bit.

After clicking to save his phone number, Lu Wanwan raised her head and said, "It's a courtesy, let me tell you my phone number too?

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