Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 594 Forget There Is Someone Waiting For Her

Li Jingchen said lightly: "You can ask passers-by for help."

"Okay, then I'll find a passer-by." Lu Wanwan took out her mobile phone and walked towards a couple who were resting not far away.

After standing still in front of them, Lu Wanwan politely asked: "Excuse me, can you take a photo for us?"

After the couple saw her, their eyes lit up first, and then they heard the girl say to the boy: "Brother, your chance has come."

Lu Wanwan was startled, and changed her words: "Are you brothers and sisters?"

The boy smiled lazily: "Don't we look alike, beauty?"

After taking a closer look, Lu Wanwan said, "It does look a bit like it. Are you free now?"

The boy's expression cracked a bit. He thought all this was the beginning of an affair, but he didn't expect that he was already a **** mother.

"I really can't see that you are so young and have such a big child!"

Lu Wanwan smiled politely and handed him the phone: "Thank you for the compliment."

"Yes, I'm always free when beautiful women ask for something." The boy said with a smile, got up and followed Lu Wanwan to the group.

Seeing that there were three lovely children among them, and one of them had a three-point similarity to Lu Wanwan's facial features, the boy couldn't believe it: "Beauty, are you married?"

Lu Wanwan turned on the phone camera and nodded, "Yes."

Lu Wanwan wanted to explain: "No..."

In the end, the boy interrupted him self-consciously: "But if it were me, I would definitely keep an eye on it more closely."

"..." Lu Wanwan had no choice but to go back to the people and stand up again in the previous standing posture.

Li Jingchen didn't know what she was talking to that boy, he only knew that she just smiled at that boy, which displeased him.

He couldn't help reminding: "Miss Lu seems to have forgotten that there is still someone waiting for you?"

After hearing this, the boy couldn't help but said, "Ahaha, your husband is watching you too closely, right?"

Just as the boy was counting down, Lu Wanwan's hand was suddenly gently held by someone!

That hand was wide and warm, with calluses that often held guns, Lu Wanwan knew it belonged to Li Jingchen.

But how dare he do this?This is in public!

After the boy raised Lu Wanwan's mobile phone, he said, "I call three two one, and you all call eggplant!"

Wei Nian complained: "It's too old-fashioned to call eggplant, so I won't call it."

"Okay, whatever you want."

But Li Jingchen just let go of her hand, and said without changing his face: "Miss Lu, don't you want to get back the phone? Or do you want me to help you?"

Anyway, he didn't want to see her in contact with other members of the opposite sex.

Lu Wanwan smiled and said: "No need, Mr. Li, please take care of your own hands."

But at this moment, she didn't dare to turn her head to look at Li Jingchen, for fear that she would be photographed by the camera.

Think about it, when everyone took a group photo, she didn't look at the camera, but looked at Li Jingchen, what would everyone think when they saw it?How should she explain to An An?

Therefore, she could only keep smiling, and waited until the boy who took pictures of them put down his mobile phone and made an "ok" gesture to them, then glared sideways at Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen knew what she was nervous about: "don't worry, when we took pictures just now, there were children standing in front of us, so I couldn't take pictures of me holding your hand."

After Lu Wanwan realized that what he said was reasonable, she no longer cared about An'an and the others, but said to him: "Whether you can shoot or not, you shouldn't touch me."

Li Jingchen thought to himself: "Compared to Wei Yu, I am already a gentleman to you, from beginning to end."

While they were talking, An An, Li Xiuqi and Wei Nian couldn't wait to run over to ask for Lu Wanwan's cell phone.

After all, this was the first photoshoot between the three kids, and they were all much more excited than the adults.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan said nervously: "An'an, come back soon!"

Li Jingchen nodded: "it will be in the future."

Lu Wanwan tried not to be moved and said: "Li Jingchen, don't think that if I agree with you to meet An'an, you can imagine more from it. Let me tell you, these are all delusions of yours, and it is impossible to succeed."

Li Jingchen smiled suddenly: "Really? Then you could have imagined that An An would become so harmonious with me?"

Lu Wanwan emphasized: "They are husband and wife."

Li Jingchen asked back, "Aren't we?"

Lu Wanwan gritted her teeth heavily: "It used to be!"

And this is what I fought for. Similarly, since I can make An An like me, I can make you accept me again. "

After Li Jingchen finished speaking, he looked at the three children and said, "Look, our children are back."

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to shut up aggrievedly, and looked at the children.

To be honest, Lu Wanwan couldn't even imagine it in her dreams.

"Do you still remember the poisonous oath that Fu Shuo asked me to swear? He asked me not to tell An An that An An is my son.

He also said that it depends on my performance before deciding whether to tell An An that he is my son. Now I have performed and achieved good results.

He was sitting on a chair and didn't dare to laugh, for fear that he would not be serious if he laughed, because it was a ID photo after all.

As a result, when he was about to leave the photo studio, he accidentally heard the teacher who helped him take the photo mutter: "Is this kid not good at laughing?"

What Li Xiuqi didn't say at the time was that he didn't know how to laugh, but that he didn't know how to laugh.

I saw An An holding her mobile phone, returning to them and saying, "Mum, look! That big brother's camera skills are really good."

Wei Nian felt: "It's not that his photography skills are good, but that we look good."

Li Xiuqi is also very satisfied with himself in the photo. He remembered that the last time he took a photo, it was the entrance photo of the first graders, which was taken by the school.

"Then let's go." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she took An An and Li Xiuqi's hands.

It turned out that the temperature of Li Xiuqi's hands was slightly lower than that of An An's, so she couldn't help asking, "Li Xiuqi, are you okay?"

"Ah?" Li Xiuqi glanced at her wonderingly: "I'm fine."

Now looking at himself in the photo, with a smile on his face, blue sky and white clouds above his head, his best friend by his side, and the uncle he adores, Li Xiuqi is really satisfied!It's even more satisfying than taking the number one grade exam countless times! !

Or maybe, his number one grade is always satisfying his mother's desires, never pleasing himself.

After Lu Wanwan sent the photos to everyone, she began to discuss which project to play next, and everyone unanimously decided to go to the ocean show and digest lunch by the way.

Lu Wanwan saw that he didn't look like he was lying, so she nodded and said, "That's good."

As a result, on the way to the aquarium, Li Xiuqi suddenly felt a stomachache.

He was a little nervous and thought, could he be suffering from heat stroke?No, shouldn't heatstroke be dizziness?

Lu Wanwan noticed his bony little hand tremble slightly, and couldn't help but look at him again: "What's wrong?"

Li Xiuqi cheered up and said, "It's nothing, it's noon, I'm just a little sleepy."

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