Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 582 You want me to treat him well, right?

"Companionship" and "apology" are exactly what Li Xiuqi lacks the most.In the end, it was given to him by a woman whom his mother hated.

At this time, Wei Nian's curious voice sounded: "At the same table, what are you holding in your hand? Show me too!"

"No, nothing." Li Xiuqi subconsciously wanted to hide the candy wrapper.

In the end, An An said: "Don't hide classmate Li, isn't my mommy giving you candy? Here, look, I have it too!"

Li Xiuqi saw An An take out a handful of candies from his trouser pocket, which was exactly the same as the one Lu Wanwan gave him!

"It turns out that the tablemate is pinching candies." Wei Nian also took out a few candies from his small bag and said, "I have them too."

Wei Niandao: "Mine was given by An An before getting on the roller coaster."

Li Xiuqi said "Oh" inexplicably disappointed.

Li Xiuqi asked subconsciously: "Why do you have them too?"

An An replied: "My mommy gave it to me before I went out." <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Thinking of this, Li Xiuqi took out another candy from his pocket, and said calmly: "I choked on that candy just now, and I didn't even taste it. Now I want to eat another one, how about you?"

He thought that the handful of candy Lu Wanwan gave him was originally intended for Fu Huai'an and Wei Nian, that's why he was sneaky, for fear that Fu Huai'an and Wei Nian would get angry with Lu Wanwan if they saw it.

In the end, it turned out that all three of them had candies.

Li Xiuqi said: "Mine is white."

Wei Nian said with a sense of ceremony: "Then, let's hold up the candy and celebrate our friendship!"

"Then I'll eat one too." Wei Nian said, "I'll eat the pink one."

An An said: "I like blue ones."

"Why?" Lu Wanwan looked away from the children and landed on the man beside her.

Li Jingchen narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly: "Why did you ask An An to apologize to him for Li Xiuqi?"

Lu Wanwan, who was sitting opposite, couldn't help laughing when she saw the three little guys holding candies, as if they wanted to get married in Taoyuan.

In the next second, Li Jingchen's deep voice sounded: "Why?"

Lu Wanwan looked at him and said softly: "I'm just discussing the matter. If An An didn't realize his mistake today, and he was so scary next time, and I happened to be not by his side, what should he do? manage?"

Li Jingchen said meaningfully: "Li Xiuqi is Bai Qingluo's son, and he can act and deceive people just like her."

Lu Wanwan asked lightly: "Are you distressed?"

Li Jingchen emphasized in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "An An is my son, of course I feel distressed."

"I think a 6-year-old kid, not that good at acting yet."

After a pause, Lu Wanwan said: "Besides, I have been in the treatment center, and I found that some of Li Xiuqi's behaviors are very similar to some children suffering from mental illness..."

Lu Wanwan asked: "Do you think Li Xiuqi was acting when he choked just now?"

Li Jingchen said: "Since he was a child, he likes to use his illness and achievements to win the attention of adults. Li Yuanzhong will be fooled, but I will not."

After a meal, she continued: "Li Jingchen, don't you think that you are qualified to tell me how to educate An An just by taking An An to play in the amusement park today? When I taught An An, you didn't Know where."

"Wanwan!" When Li Jingchen's voice was raised, his handsome face looked a little dull.

Li Jingchen interrupted her involuntarily: "Wanwan, if you think so, you'll really be fooled by him."

Lu Wanwan was interrupted by him, a little unhappy: "Haven't you been fooled by Bai Qingluo? More than once, why blame me?"

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips, and her tone was deliberately indifferent: "I don't care how many people you have."

"You should care." Li Jingchen said, and suddenly leaned over and kissed her.

Lu Wanwan glanced at the opposite side and reminded: "You'd better keep your voice down, lest the children hear your romantic past."

After Li Jingchen glanced at An An and the others, he turned his eyes and said, "You are the only one in my romantic past."

He was just afraid that she would be deceived by Li Xiuqi's acting skills and do something that would hurt her peace of mind, so he reminded her, but she didn't expect her to be so disgusted.

Can Lu Wanwan not feel disgusted?

Although this kiss only fell on Lu Wanwan's cheek, it still made her heart beat violently.

Seeing her nervously looking at the three children whose backs were turned to them, Li Jingchen said softly after sitting down again: "Wanwan, I don't mean to accuse you, but every time I think of you, it's because of Bai Qing's failure." Mother and son fell into the sea, I can't help but hate them."

Lu Wanwan rationally said: "When I fell into the sea, it was your lord's mistake, not Li Xiuqi who was still in Bai Qing's belly at that time."

Li Jingchen asked tightly, "don't you hate him?"

Li Jingchen clearly wanted her to pamper An An and not to criticize his behavior of threatening Li Xiuqi.

But a mistake is a mistake, even if An An scares a beggar on the side of the road, she will make him apologize.

Li Jingchen felt a pain in his heart, and after a while, he revealed a tone of discussion: "You think I'm good to Li Xiuqi, don't you?"

"I didn't say that, I just told you that he may not be as bad as you think now, and his reaction doesn't look like acting to me."

If Wanwan didn't even hate Li Xiuqi, why did she refuse to forgive them so long?

Lu Wanwan was in a daze. She did hate it, but—"I hate you who made the choice at that time more than you who are just an embryo."

She is not a saint, and she cannot save all living beings.

Maybe one day, Li Xiuqi will be raised badly and become a person like his parents, but this could have been avoided originally, as long as the Li family gave this child more eyes or attention.

At least Li Xiuqi, whom she came into contact with, has a low self-esteem and a sensitive personality. Looking at his frail body, is Bai Qingluo really taking good care of him?

After a meal, Lu Wanwan said complicatedly: "As for whether you want to treat him well or not, he is a child of your Li family, so you can do whatever you want."

However, Lu Wanwan didn't say all these thoughts in the end.

She is also just an ordinary person.

But they chose to ignore it. This is tantamount to conniving at Bai Qingluo's evil. Li Xiuqi might be trained to be the next Li Xiangchen!

Lu Wanwan didn't want An An to have a "Li Xiangchen" by her side. The days when she and Li Jingchen fought wits and courage with Li Xiangchen six years ago were really terrible. She didn't want her son to experience it too.

She also had a grudge against Li Xiuqi, so naturally she would not fight for his rights.

Just then, the ferris wheel stopped.

Wei Nian's exclamation followed: "At the same table, An An, look, we have reached the highest place. It is said that as long as we kiss the person we like, we will keep walking!"

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