After An An noticed Lu Wanwan's serious face, she couldn't help asking: "Mummy, I said that Li Xiuqi promised to go to the amusement park with me tomorrow, you don't seem very happy."

Lu Wanwan originally planned to ask Bai Qingluo to refuse, but unexpectedly she agreed and left the problem to her.

But she didn't want her son to be disappointed, so she said, "No, Mommy is just thinking about what to bring tomorrow."

An An suddenly thought: "Nian Nian asked me to bring soda, and she is responsible for bringing snacks."

Lu Wanwan joked: "That Niannian is very smart, let you take care of the weight."

An An readily accepted, "I'm a boy, so it's okay."

"Okay." After An An responded, she said to Fu Shuo, "Daddy, I'm going to fill the drinks first, let Mommy tell you!"

After finishing speaking, he went downstairs with a "da da da".

Lu Wanwan immediately said to Fu Shuo, "Tomorrow is Saturday, and I told An'an about going to the amusement park."

While talking, Fu Shuo, who came back from get off work, walked up to the second floor, and An An immediately yelled, "Daddy!"

Fu Shuo saw that both mother and son had smiles on their faces, and after he smiled, he asked, "What are you talking about, so happy?"

Lu Wanwan said, "An'an, go downstairs and find Sister Xia, and ask her to pack drinks for you."

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she said, "An'an said, Wei Yu and Sister Yan will bring Niannian with them tomorrow, so you don't have to worry about me being alone with Li Jingchen."

After Fu Shuo heard this, his mood became more complicated. He had never integrated into Wan Wan's circle of friends.

Even Lin Yan, the sister who was close to Wan Wan, left a bad impression on him when they first met him at the police station.

Fu Shuo's smile faded.

Saturday is the day when An An meets Li Jingchen, and he personally agrees.

After a while, he said: "Okay, let's go, there are so many people in the amusement park, it's not good for Li Jingchen to do something to you."

Later, she saw that Xia Zhi had installed drinks for Ann in front of the refrigerator downstairs, so she said to Fu Shuo, "Come on, let's go downstairs for dinner."

Fu Shuo said, "Okay, I'll go back to the bedroom to put the briefcase, and you go and call my parents for me."

Lu Wanwan went.

Lu Wanwan was afraid that he would be worried, so she said: "If Li Jingchen goes too far or is too ostentatious tomorrow, I will take An An away from him. Anyway, his request is only to see An An."

After Fu Shuo nodded, he said softly, "Wanwan, remember to call me before you come back. I'll pick you up and An'an, and I'll arrange the time later."

Lu Wanwan smiled and said: "Okay, An'an was still lost just now, you can't go to the amusement park with him tomorrow, I believe he will be very happy after hearing what you said."

Downstairs, the kitchen.

As soon as Fu Shuo tasted the steak, he frowned handsomely.

Immediately, he put down the knife and fork, and said to the servant beside him, "Go and call Xia Zhi."

Fu Shuo, who was standing there, gradually became lonely.

Since when, the only topics between them seem to be business affairs and An'an.


"Well, I see." After Xia Zhi put away the British black tea cup in her hand, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

At the dining table, everyone else was eating quietly, except for Fu Shuo, who was tapping the table with his fingertips impatiently, taking only a small bite of the steak in front of him.

Xia Zhi bit the bullet and asked, "Sir, do you have any orders?"

Xia Zhi, who was arranging utensils in the kitchen, had a bad feeling upon hearing this.

The servant kindly said: "Let's go, Xiao Xia, don't keep Mr. waiting, your trouble will be even bigger."

Fu Shuo likes to pick on Xia Zhi's thorns, and the other servants in Mingyuan are all aware of it. For this, some servants exclude her in private, but some are more sympathetic to her.

Everyone else at the table stopped and looked at them.

Among them, Fu's mother wanted to say something, but Fu's father pressed his hand, so she fell silent.

Xia Zhi explained: "Sir, I didn't cook the steak tonight, but I will report it to the chef."

Fu Shuo glanced at her, and asked quietly, "Who sprinkled black pepper on my steak?"

Xia Zhi asked: "Sir, aren't you used to it?"

After Fu Shuo picked up the cup and took two sips of clear water, he said, "Do you think I'm used to eating?"

Fu Shuo smiled and said: "I hope so."

Seeing that it was almost time, Lu Wanwan stepped in and said, "Xiao Xia, ask the chef to re-fry a steak, can I use tomato sauce this time, Fu Shuo?"

Fu Shuo smiled and said, "Of course."

After a meal, Xia Zhi responded slightly: "Besides, Mr. has never said that he can't get used to black pepper."

"I've said it now, is it okay?" Fu Shuo's voice was gentle, but he felt inexplicably aggressive: "Also, why do I have to ask the question first every time? As a servant, you can't be the first Did the owner spot the problem and fix it in advance?"

Xia Zhi lowered her eyelashes, seeming to forbear and compromise: "I'm sorry sir, I don't know you well enough, I will improve in the future."

With Lu Wanwan's intervention, Fu Shuo only stared coldly at Xia Zhi's movements with his eyes, and his words were positive.

When Xia Zhi lowered her head to take away Fu Shuo's dinner plate, because she was so close, Fu Shuo had a panoramic view of her beautiful profile and graceful neck.

Before, he rarely looked at women other than Wanwan, but now it seems that he underestimated this little mouse who eavesdropped on others.

Double standard dog!

After Xia Zhi scolded Fu Shuo in her heart, she looked at Lu Wanwan gratefully and said, "Then young mistress, shall I withdraw the master's share first?"

Lu Wanwan nodded.



knock knock --

It's a pity that he is not the stupid Tom cat in "Tom and Jerry", and he will not be teased by the little mouse in front of him with his beauty!

At the same time, Fu's mother was secretly saying to Fu's father: "Dad, how can I remember that when Shuo'er was a child, every time we went to a western restaurant to eat steak, the waiter asked him whether to pour ketchup or black pepper? Do you always choose black pepper?"

Father Fu smiled meaningfully, and said, "Let's not worry about what flavor Shuo'er likes, just eat."

Fu Shuo's expression was slightly condensed: "It's you?"

Xia Zhi stood at the door, not daring to step in easily: "Excuse me, sir, can I go in?"

Fu Shuo looked at her inexplicably, wondering if she usually avoids him for fear of being too late?

Fu Shuo, who was in the bedroom, heard the knock on the door and said, "Come in, Wanwan, the door is unlocked."

In the next second, it was Xia Zhi who pushed the door open.

She had obviously just taken a shower, and her long hair, which had just been blow-dried, was untied and draped over her shoulders so softly. In addition, she was wearing a white casual dress, which gave her a sense of purity.

Tonight, she dressed up as an innocent college student, wearing loose casual clothes that men can easily put their hands in.

Could it be that he told her that day that he was too lonely and needed someone to accompany him, so he came to her door tonight?

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