Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 569 He is not qualified to play

Three days ago, Lu Wanwan discussed with Fu Shuo about Li Jingchen's desire to see An An this Saturday, and he agreed.

Coupled with the fact that An An ranked first in the quiz this time, Lu Wanwan set the reward as going to the amusement park, and An An readily accepted it.

At this time, after hearing that Fu Shuo would not go to the amusement park tomorrow, An An couldn't help feeling a little disappointed and said, "Then it's just me and Mommy going?"

Lu Wanwan patted his head, and said a soft "hmm" with a secret that she couldn't tell him yet.

"But the amusement park is so lively when there are many people." After thinking about it for a while, An An suddenly asked, "By the way, Mommy, can I make an appointment with Niannian?"

Lu Wanwan said tolerantly: "If you want, of course you can."

An An scratched her head and said, "It's not very good, but didn't I snatch the first place in his grade this time? I saw that he was depressed, so I wanted to invite him to come out and relax."

"Is it?"

An An then asked, "What about Li Xiuqi?"

Lu Wanwan asked curiously, "Do you have a good relationship with him?"

But An An doesn't feel guilty, no matter what, the capable ones will prevail, this time he won the first place in the grade, if he has the ability, next time Li Xiuqi can grab it back, won't it be all right?

He was just a little worried that Li Xiuqi was so lost that he accidentally bumped his head at home. This state cannot take the first place in the grade back from him.

An An said seriously: "Well, Li Xiuqi lost his first place in the grade this time, it must be a big blow to him,

I heard from Nian Nian that his forehead was bruised by accident at home, it must have happened absent-mindedly while walking. "

Thinking of that woman who was gentle on the surface but actually ruthless, An An didn't like it. Fortunately, he had Li Xiuqi's cell phone number, so he could call him secretly later and ask him.

Lu Wanwan couldn't bear to hit An An, Bai Qingluo would definitely not let her son go out to play with him, for Bai Qingluo, it was no different from snatching her son.

That's why he wanted to take this opportunity to invite Li Xiuqi to go to the amusement park with him. Anyway, with Mommy taking care of them, everything will be fine.

The only problem is whether Li Xiuqi's mother agrees.

Lu Wanwan said softly, "Go."

After An'an went upstairs, Lu Wanwan looked down at Tang's invitation again.

However, Lu Wanwan doesn't want to extend the grievances between adults to the children. Since An An hopes, let him try it: "As long as Li Xiuqi agrees, then Mommy has no objections."

"Thank you, Mommy!" An An said happily, "Then I'll go back to my room and contact him and Nian Nian now!"

After a quick glance, Lu Wanwan closed the drawer, then picked up her cell phone and called Li Jingchen.


Thinking that it was still early until next Saturday, Lu Wanwan also went upstairs, opened the drawer in front of the dresser, and put the invitation letter inside.

And next to the invitation letter, there happened to be a string of Buddhist beads.

After looking at the caller ID, Li Jingchen raised his hand to stop the client's words, then winked at the secretary behind him, and then left the office.

The customer couldn't help being dumbfounded: "Mr. Li, we haven't finished talking yet!"

Li Group.

"Mr. Li..."

Outside the office, after Li Jingchen walked to a clean place, he slid his fingertips over the answer button, put it in his ear and called softly: "Wanwan."

Lu Wanwan didn't ask him why it took him so long to answer the phone, but went straight to the point: "Li Jingchen, at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will take An'an to Tong'an Amusement Park. I hope you will not show up so deliberately tomorrow."

The secretary reassured: "Boss Wang, please be calm and don't be impatient. Our boss Li just went out to answer a phone call and will be back soon."

Although the customer was a little upset, he didn't dare to do anything, so he could only say: "'s okay, I'll wait."

What is the reason that allows him to appear alone in the amusement park as an adult, can he be acquired?Li Jingchen thought to himself.

Lu Wanwan heard that he didn't speak, and thought he had no idea, so she couldn't help gloating: "If Mr. Li can't do it, you can stay in the car tomorrow morning and take a look at An An, and you've met him once."

After Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, he asked, "Why don't you teach me how to do it without intention?"

Lu Wanwan kicked the ball back: "I think with Mr. Li's ingenuity, he must be able to think of a way? In short, I don't want An An to misunderstand something tomorrow."


On the other side, Mingyuan.

After Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, he said, "Don't worry, I will definitely see you and the child."

"As long as you don't make trouble." After Lu Wanwan reminded her, she ended the call.

An An held the mobile phone and reminded: "Nian Nian, don't you need to ask Uncle Wei what they mean first?"

Wei Nian obeyed him and said, "Then let me ask, just wait a moment, don't hang up~"

An An has already contacted Wei Nian.

"What? You asked me to go to Tong'an Amusement Park with you tomorrow? Huh, huh!" Wei Nian readily agreed.

I was afraid that Auntie Wanwan would not be able to take care of her alone, so she also wanted to go, and when my dad heard that my mom was going, he also cheekily said that he would go,

You know, my dad has been trying to please my mom these days. In fact, I really don't want to bring their two oil bottles. "

"Okay, don't hang up." An An said with a smile.

Not long after, Wei Nian came back and said, "An'an, my parents agreed to let me go to the amusement park tomorrow, but my mother said,

An An immediately said: "Then Nian Nian, let's meet at the gate of Tong'an Amusement Park at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Wei Nian responded excitedly: "Yeah, I remember, I'm in charge of bringing snacks, and you are in charge of bringing soft drinks~"

An An enviously said: "It's great, Uncle Wei and the others can accompany you tomorrow, but my dad can't."

"Really?" Wei Nian didn't have a good impression of Fu Shuo, so he didn't show regret.

After a long time, a weary "Hello..." sounded.

"Student Li, it's me, Fu Huai'an."

"no problem!"

After saying goodbye to Wei Nian, An An called the mobile phone number Li Xiuqi gave him.

"I know it's you." Li Xiuqi asked without emotion, "What's the matter with you?"

For this reason, An An deliberately raised the volume, trying to mobilize his emotions: "Come out to play tomorrow, I have already made an appointment with Nian Nian, and you are the only one missing!"

After Li Xiuqi was stunned for a while, he asked strangely, "Play?"

An An smiled and said: "Well, my mommy said that she will take me to Tong'an Amusement Park tomorrow, and I have already made an appointment with Niannian! Don't you like me secretly making appointments with Niannian, so I called you."

After a long time, a voice came from over there: "...But I am not in good health, and my grades have also deteriorated, so I am not qualified to play."

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