"Well, that's it." After negotiating with him, Lu Wanwan was about to leave with Jinxi Beauty Salon's financial statements.

Li Jingchen said lightly, "Wan Wan, did you forget something?"

After Lu Wanwan glanced at the guests passing by them, she turned around and hurriedly said, "Don't call me that!" Afraid that others would not know their relationship!

Li Jingchen smiled and said, "I just want to remind you, don't you settle my bill first?"

After Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, she realized that she had unknowingly treated him as one of her own.

She couldn't help but find an excuse to cover it up: "I was busy and forgot for a while, thank you President Li for your reminder, you come with me to the front desk to settle the bill."

Li Jingchen said lightly: "One."

"One?" The front desk was stunned for a moment, and asked, "It's so little, which one is it? You have to tell me before I can pay you."

Li Jingchen glanced at Lu Wanwan and said, "Shave."

Li Jingchen looked at her flickering eyes, and smiled deeper: "With such a bad memory, aren't you afraid that the beauty salon will close down under your management?"

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The front desk was still the same one, but after accepting Li Qingling's favor, she pretended she hadn't seen anything before and asked, "President Li, how many service items have you ordered from us?"

"Let me do it." Lu Wanwan walked to the front desk, manipulated the mouse to scroll through the services on the computer, and found that there was really no "shave face" item.

Generally, men who come to beauty parlors for facial care will receive a full set of services. Masks like Li Jingchen's are not enough, and face-lifting instruments are not needed. She really doesn't know how to count the money with him, but if he is exempted Shan, this man is definitely going to talk dirty again.

At this moment, Li Jingchen put a thick wad of cash on the table.

"Ah? Just...just a shave?" The front desk looked at Lu Wanwan in disbelief: "Sister Lu, the facial treatment hasn't officially started yet."

Lu Wanwan explained: "He doesn't need it himself."

The front desk asked without knowing what to do: "Then how will the money be calculated?"

Although he knew that he shouldn't betray Mr. Fu, the receptionist still couldn't help but hear Xiao Lu slamming: "Understood!"

At this time, Lu Wanwan ordered: "Just charge him 100 yuan, and return the rest."

"Oh." The front desk had no choice but to take out one hundred yuan bills from the stack and hand over the rest to Li Jingchen.

After a glance at the front desk, he warmly reminded: "Mr. Li, you don't need so much."

Li Jingchen said lightly: "I give so much because your lady boss served me personally just now, understand?"

Is this a love story?

The front desk responded: "Understood."

Lu Wanwan immediately said: "Also, tell the senior executive that I'm leaving. If the maintenance personnel come later, let her watch them repair the elevator, so as to avoid any accidents to the guests."

"Okay, I'll remember." After the receptionist nodded, he said, "Sister Lu, drive carefully all the way!"

But Li Jingchen said to Lu Wanwan: "I paid the rest of the money for Qingling."

"This..." The receptionist had no choice but to look at Lu Wanwan and ask her what she meant.

Lu Wanwan had an inexplicable sense of powerlessness being pinned down by Li Jingchen, and after a while, she said to the front desk: "Then accept it first, and later reconcile the account with Miss Li San, more refunds and less compensation, you know?" ?”

Moreover, the proprietress just shaved his face the whole time, he was so satisfied, and paid so much money all at once, which is not worthy of the indifferent and heartless image in the rumors.

At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded: "Brother, you just finished?"

Li Jingchen turned his head to look, and saw that it was Li Qingling, with a radiant face, and he knew that he was being served very well.

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan replied and left, this time she didn't even give Li Jingchen a look, like a scumbag who left after whoring.

In this world, is there anyone who dares to treat President Li like this?

While the front desk was stunned, he couldn't help but think of what Li Jingchen said just now, that he seduced their lady boss. She didn't believe it at first, but now it seems to be true.

"No, there is no danger."

"Phew, that's good!" After Li Qingling breathed a sigh of relief, he said to the front desk: "Pay the bill to me."

According to Lu Wanwan's instructions just now, the front desk said to Li Qingling after a meal of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: "Miss Li only needs to pay another 5000 yuan."

On the other hand, Li Jingchen didn't have any particularly noticeable changes except for a cleaner face.

Li Qingling was wondering, so she heard Li Jingchen say: "What just ended, Wanwan and I were trapped in the elevator, and we didn't come out until now."

"What?" Li Qingling nervously looked left and right at him: "Then you and Da...Sister Lu, are you not injured?"

"Brother, you are so useless!"

Faced with his sister's complaints, Li Jingchen tapped her forehead with his fingers, and said in an inaudible anger: "Presumptuous, is there anyone who talks to my brother like that?"

After Li Qingling covered her forehead and hummed, she honestly paid the remaining 5000 yuan, and then said to Li Jingchen: "Brother, I still want to buy some skirts to wear when I travel."

"So little?" Li Qingling couldn't help being surprised and said, "Did sister Lu ask you to give me a discount?"

"No..." The front desk cruelly broke Li Qingling's fantasy: "Boss Li just paid a large sum of cash, which can just offset part of your consumption."

Hearing this, Li Qingling couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, she thought it was because the elder sister-in-law reconciled with the elder brother, and even brought her along, but in the end——

After Li Qingling left, Li Jingchen's cell phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at it, and saw that it was Lan Qin's unyielding call again, so he couldn't help frowning.


In the past few years, most of Li Qingling wore regular work clothes, and he didn't have time to dress up properly. Li Jingchen took out a black card from his wallet and said, "Take brother's card and go to Deep Water Harbor to swipe it."

"Thank you, brother!" Li Qingling was not polite, took it and left.

In Deepwater Harbor, the merchants only dared to keep Li Jingchen's accounts, but did not dare to settle accounts with Li Jingchen, so this black card was just a formality to prove that it was Li Jingchen's people who were spending.

Inside the Lanqin Psychological Clinic.

After waiting for a minute, Lan Qin put down his phone and said to the man sitting opposite: "Mr. Shi, you saw it. It's been an hour. Boss Li hasn't answered my calls, and even hung up again and again. You Do you still want me to continue?"

Shi Yu tapped the table with his fingertips wrapped in leather gloves, and said slowly: "At least Li Jingchen didn't block you, which means he still needs you."

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