Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 563 Haven't Been Beaten Enough?

Seeing Li Xiuqi staring at the Chinese test paper with a downcast expression, Wei Nian couldn't help comforting him: "At the same table, there are other test papers that haven't been distributed yet, your grades must still be among the best."

But for Li Xiuqi, being at the top was not enough.

Wei Nian then raised his Chinese paper and said, "You see, my composition score is really low. I was deducted 10 points. I feel so sorry for me!"

Li Xiuqi looked at her composition and saw that Wei Nian's central theme was all about parents quarreling or even fighting.

On the podium, An An was still thinking about his "father and mother". From the words, the students felt that he had a happy and warm family, and parents who respected each other as guests. The key is that the parents respected his wishes very much.

Li Xiuqi said softly: "I heard that it was Qian Zhenghao's uncle who came yesterday, and his uncle is always easy to mess with. I don't know how Fu Huai'an persuaded his uncle to make Qian Zhenghao apologize to him in front of the whole class. ?”

"That can only show that Auntie Wanwan is capable!" Wei Nian said, and looked back at Qian Zhenghao in the back row. Seeing the little fat pier lying on the desk in frustration, he couldn't help gloating: "Class will be over later, I must embarrass him in front of Qian Zhenghao."

This made many students feel envious, but they were forced by their parents to learn some special skills that they were not interested in, and they became a tool for their parents to show off, and they were almost exhausted.

Wei Nian listened with his face in his hands, and said, "By the way, it was interesting for Qian Zhenghao to apologize to An An on the podium yesterday. That little chubby guy bullies others every day. Since An An came, he has nothing but to suffer. .”

Seeing that she was quite knowledgeable about current affairs, the Chinese teacher looked away, and said to An An gently: "Student Fu Huai'an, keep reading."

"Teacher, I've finished reading." An An closed the test paper, and half-jokingly said: "It seems that you, too, have missed your time, Teacher."

"Wei Nian!" At this time, the voice of the Chinese teacher suddenly sounded: "If you miss again, the teacher will ask you to come up and read the composition."

"..." Wei Nian hurriedly corrected his sitting posture, not daring to speak again.

Wei Nian's eyes lit up when he looked at An An.

Even Li Xiuqi couldn't help staring at him. Fu Huai'an, who was talking and laughing with the Chinese teacher on the podium, was shining.

The Chinese teacher couldn't help being taken aback.

The whole class laughed.

Qian Zhenghao was stunned for a moment, then raised his head belatedly and said, "Wei Nian, return the test paper to me!"

When he shouted, the students around him all looked at him and Wei Nian.

"Jingle Bell--"

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Wei Nian immediately walked towards Qian Zhenghao's seat. Seeing that he was still lying on the desk mourning his 75 points, Wei Nian couldn't help but chuckled. Take it away from under Qian Zhenghao's arm!

But in this way, Fu Huai'an became more and more powerful. He was also collected in advance, but he was able to get full marks in the test, and the composition was read aloud by the teacher as a model essay on the podium.

Qian Zhenghao couldn't help being very embarrassed when his scores were announced in public: "Wei Nian, who doesn't know that your answers are all copied! If you didn't have Li Xiuqi at the same table as you, it's hard to say whether you will pass the exam or not!"

Wei Nian thought it was just right, and immediately raised Qian Zhenghao's test paper and read out his score aloud: "Oh, Qian Zhenghao, you only scored 75 points in the Chinese test this time? You are 10 points lower than me. Is your strength? I am stronger than you at the end of a crane!"

When the students around heard that Qian Zhenghao had only scored 75 points in the test, they all showed surprise expressions, but who made him confiscate the test paper early by the teacher?It is estimated that the composition is not finished.

Wei Nian said: "Don't worry, didn't you throw the answer to An An's Tang poetry? Let me see how your Tang poetry answer is, haha... there are still typos? Doesn't this mean that if An An copied your answer? , so you can’t score 100 in the test?”

The students around were whispering.

"Don't talk nonsense, I made all the test papers myself." Even if what Qian Zhenghao said was true, Wei Nian would not be so stupid as to lose his tongue.

Seeing more and more students onlookers, Qian Zhenghao gritted his molars and said, "I said, return, give, me the test paper!"

The students around were in an uproar, condemning Qian Zhenghao's behavior with their eyes!

After Wei Nian was stunned for a second, he suddenly covered his face with his hands and began to cry.

Where did Qian Zhenghao get the confidence to pass on the answer to Xueba?The key is wrong...

"Enough!!!" Qian Zhenghao couldn't bear it any longer and pushed Wei Nian, pushing the little girl to the ground.

The female classmate next to her said: "Then you can't push classmate Wei, she is a girl, the teacher said, boys can't bully girls."

Qian Zhenghao was dissatisfied: "Then can she laugh at me?"

It won't work for anyone to come up to persuade.

Facing the condemning eyes of his classmates, Qian Zhenghao said anxiously and unhappily: "Why are you looking at me? Who told her not to return the test paper to me!"

"That's right, Student Qian, you'd better hurry up and help Student Wei up, and apologize to her properly."

Qian Zhenghao: "..."

The students chattered in unison——

"Classmate Wei and Classmate Fu have always been friends. If you hadn't framed Classmate Fu, Classmate Wei wouldn't have come to laugh at you."

Wei Nian rubbed his eyes and complained, "Qian Zhenghao bullied me!"

Li Xiuqi couldn't help but glared at Qian Zhenghao: "Qian Zhenghao, apologize to Niannian immediately!"

Wei Nian took away the test papers and executed him in public, but these people only asked him to apologize. Does a crying child have candy?

Li Xiuqi, who was doing homework on his seat, quickly dropped his pen after hearing that Wei Nian was pushed down by Qian Zhenghao, and ran to the back: "Nian Nian, how are you doing!"

It's all because Fu Huai'an has weakened his influence in class one a little bit, now no one in the whole class is afraid of him!

In the next second, the collar of his school uniform was caught by An An who came back from the bathroom: "Haven't you been beaten enough?"

He can ignore other things, but he can't if someone bullies Nian Nian!

Qian Zhenghao couldn't help kicking the desk angrily when he saw himself being pushed against the wall.

" let me go..." Because of the subconscious fear, Qian Zhenghao became less confident even in speaking.

The lessons this person taught him were too profound, enough to be engraved into his DNA. Most importantly, his uncle told him not to provoke Fu Huai'an, otherwise even his uncle would not be able to save him next time!

Qian Zhenghao choked when he saw Fu Huai'an.

An An grabbed his collar and said to Wei Nian who was still sitting on the ground: "Nian Nian, where did you fall? I asked him to apologize to you."

Wei Nian said coquettishly: "No——I want to sue the teacher! Ask the teacher to invite the parents!"

"Don't!" When Qian Zhenghao heard this, he immediately said nervously: "I didn't push you on purpose just now. I apologize to you. Don't let the teacher ask the parents, okay?"

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