Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 560 Don't worry, he will solve it

After silently laughing, she reached out and took the project list from his hand, and joked, "How did I forget, what you need is anti-aging services."

Li Jingchen was not angry, but cooperated and said, "Yes, then which step should I start with?"

"I'll give you a shave first." Lu Wanwan said, bent to open the toolbox, took out a razor, then took a men's facial cleanser, and started to lather on his handsome face .

During the process, Li Jingchen asked: "Do you still like the roses I gave you?"

Lu Wanwan was stunned, and said, "I'm sorry, I have given away all your flower baskets."

Li Jingchen's voice sank: "Who did it go to?"

Li Jingchen looked up at her. Although her words were cold, her movements were very gentle. It can be seen that those rose baskets opened her heart, didn't they?

Lu Wanwan saw his face follow her movements, so she couldn't help warning: "Don't move, I'm holding a razor in my hand, I'll cut your throat carefully!"

Li Jingchen didn't move, but his eyes painted with thick ink were so affectionate that Lu Wanwan had nowhere to escape.

Lu Wanwan said: "The unmarried female employees of Fu's company, they all like it."

Li Jingchen's expression was gloomy and he said: "You are generous." Just like that, he divided his love.

Seeing his reluctance, Lu Wanwan said, "If you don't want me to give your gift to others, don't give it away next time."

"It's a pity." After a pause, Li Jingchen asked again: "Don't you talk to the guests?"

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth lightly: "It's been a long time since I have personally served a customer, and I forgot how to communicate."

She intended to perfunctory him, but she accidentally revealed that she hadn't served the guests personally for a long time. Li Jingchen couldn't help but happily said, "Then I'm special to you, isn't it?"

After realizing that her heart was beating faster, Lu Wanwan quickly took a deep breath and focused on the work at hand, which gradually calmed her down.

Li Jingchen took the opportunity to raise his hand to grab her drooping hair, and said hoarsely, "Do you provide long-term door-to-door service?"

Lu Wanwan knew what he was alluding to, and immediately refused, "No."

After washing off the foam on his face with warm water, Li Jingchen's clean and handsome face came into her eyes.

For some reason, seeing him enjoying with his eyes closed, Lu Wanwan suddenly thought of Lan Qin, the psychiatrist who accompanied Li Jingchen for six years when she was not around.

Every time he has psychotherapy, he must be lying under Lan Qin's eyelids as he is now, what will they talk about?How many times did her name appear in their conversation?

Lu Wanwan snorted: "Yes, you are my ex-husband, you are really special."

Li Jingchen's face was downcast, like a dull thunder, which would explode at any moment.

If it were someone else, he would have been scared to death by him, but Lu Wanwan has already gotten used to it, anyway, he won't hurt her when he blows up, just so confident!

She tried to calm down and said, "So, next, I will apply an essence mask to you?"

Li Jingchen said, "No need."

Lu Wanwan asked again: "Then use a face thinner?"

Thinking of Li Jingchen talking about his distress with a woman who admired him, and even talking about his "dead wife", Lu Wanwan suddenly felt a little blocked, which was something she had never felt before.

It seems that with Li Jingchen's fierce pursuit during this period, she began to lust for the uniqueness again.

This is not a good sign.

Li Jingchen said: "I paid money to see you."

"..." He was really confident.

Lu Wanwan began to pack up tools: "If you don't need anything, then I will announce the end of the service."

Li Jingchen still said: "No need."

Lu Wanwan then listed several services, but he rejected them all.

She began to be impatient: "What are you doing here?"

"I can do whatever you want." Li Jingchen said, and began to unbutton his jacket.

Lu Wanwan bit her lip, whether it was scraping or cupping, it meant that she would see his body.

If it was other male guests, she could keep her face unchanged, but this man in front of her was the only man she had ever been intimate with, and she always felt that the atmosphere of him changed a bit.

Li Jingchen thought for a while: "Well, my back is a little sore."

Are you sure he didn't create something out of nothing?

Lu Wanwan hesitated for a few seconds, and finally asked, "Then do you want scraping or cupping?"

"What are you afraid of?" Li Jingchen's collar was already open, and he looked a little unrestrained, but the corners of his mouth were a little hateful: "Is it because I'm afraid that looking at my body will make me full of lust and love me out of the wall?"

Lu Wanwan's head was buzzing with anger, she opened and closed her small mouth, wanting to curse.

While admiring the rosy glow on her face, Li Jingchen said lovingly, "Don't be so irresistible to tease, Wanwan, otherwise I will think nothing happened between you and Fu Shuo."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help stepping back: "I think I'd better call you a masseur."

As a result, Li Jingchen seemed to have realized it a long time ago, and stretched out his long arms to wrap around her slender waist, and dragged her back.

Lu Wanwan lowered her head to meet his gaze, and said angrily, "Li Jingchen, let me go!"

Lu Wanwan asked herself that she was not a nympho, but her eyes were still a little straight at this time, who can not love a beautiful body?

Seeing this, Li Jingchen was about to seduce her further when the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a voice from the front desk sounded: "Sister Lu, there is a new batch of products that you need to sign for! You..."

The rest of the words disappeared into the throat of the front desk after seeing Lu Wanwan hugged by a long arm.

Lu Wanwan's heart skipped a beat, and she retorted, "I'm afraid that the fat on your waist will blind me!"

"I'm afraid that will disappoint you."

Li Jingchen picked up the corner of his clothes with one hand, revealing the mermaid line. What's more, even if he was sitting, there was no extra fat on his waist.

So... She broke the proprietress' adultery? !

After being stunned for a few seconds, the front desk quickly covered his eyes and said, "Sorry! I didn't see anything!!!"

With a "bang", the door of the beauty room was slammed shut.

Sister Lu was hugged by a man...

That man is still disheveled...

The key point is that Sister Lu is married and has a child...

Lu Wanwan seemed to have been knocked on, she recovered from Li Jingchen's beautiful body, she knew that it was time for her to face reality again...

As for Li Qingling who was in the beauty room next door, after being startled by the sound of the door closing, she straightened up wonderingly, only to see the front desk running over with a pale face, oh no, the matter of elder brother and sister-in-law has been exposed!


"Wanwan, don't worry, I'll take care of it."

In the beauty room of 902, Li Jingchen opened the door and walked out after buttoning his jacket calmly.

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