Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 554 Just Let Him Solve It By Himself

"Yes, Mama Huai'an." The Chinese teacher smiled at her: "Your child is really talented. After I finish grading the test papers of other students, I want Fu Huai'an to read him aloud in front of the whole class. Can you read the composition?"

Lu Wanwan looked down at An An, and after seeing that he had no objection, she agreed: "Of course."

The Chinese teacher immediately said to Qian Zhenghao's uncle: "By the way, Director Qian, Qian Zhenghao handed in the paper before finishing the composition. As a result, he only scored 75 points in the test. It is very likely that he will be dropped into the second class. Go, I hope that after this lesson, he can have a longer memory and stop doing such things that harm others and benefit himself."

The Chinese teacher immediately said to the two children: "Let's go, class is over."

Qian Zhenghao's uncle wanted to lift his nephew up from the ground, but it was really not that easy for the little chubby to be lifted up.

Seeing this, An An walked up to him and said, "Why are you crying? You haven't taken the other subjects yet. Even if you really will fall behind to the second class, wouldn't it be enough to take the exam again?"

As soon as he heard that he was very likely to fall behind and go to the second class, Qian Zhenghao directly "babbled", sat on the ground and cried, "I don't want to quit the first class! I don't want... woooooo!"

He thought that Fu Huai'an would be the one who would be the one to take the worst of it, but unexpectedly, the Chinese teacher told him that he was about to bear the fate of being left behind by himself, what a blood loss! ! !

At this moment, only the class bell of "Dinglingling" rang.

An An said to Lu Wanwan: "Mummy, you have worked hard today, I have to go to class, please drive carefully~"

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly: "Well, Mommy will, you can handle the next thing, right?"

An An said confidently, "Of course."

Listening to An An's words, Qian Zhenghao actually had a glimmer of hope in his heart. Yes, he hasn't taken the other subjects yet, so he's crying!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly got up from the ground and said loudly: "Fu Huai'an, I won't lose to you!"

Qian Zhenghao's uncle immediately yelled at him: "You brat, why don't you apologize in front of the whole class!"

"Director Qian, you don't need to be so polite."

Qian Zhenghao's uncle glanced at her face, then at her peacock brooch, rubbed his hands together and asked, "May I ask, where did your brooch come from?"

Lu Wanwan said: "It was a gift from an old friend."

After the two little guys left the office with the Chinese teacher, Qian Zhenghao's uncle had nothing to say: "Mother Huai'an, do you want to follow me?"

Lu Wanwan said: "No need, just leave the rest to the teacher."

"Then I will send you?"

"Goodbye." Lu Wanwan turned her head and took off the peacock brooch.

It seems that the brooch that Zhou Mo auctioned to her back then is not just a decoration, it is more like a status symbol, so that those who attended the charity dinner back then automatically associated her with Li Jingchen's "dead wife" Together.

Be more careful when wearing it in the future.

"Then ask this old friend..."

Qian Zhenghao's uncle still wanted to ask, but he heard Lu Wanwan say: "Director Qian, sometimes it's better to pretend to be a fool than to pretend to be stupid to protect oneself, what do you think?"

Qian Zhenghao's uncle was taken aback, then nodded: "Yes, what you said makes sense, then... goodbye."

"Did you receive what I asked the secretary to send to you?"

"What did you send?"

"Hmm, Fu Shuo really didn't dare to tell you."

On the way back to the company, Lu Wanwan's cell phone rang suddenly.

She was manipulating the steering wheel with one hand, and pressed the Bluetooth headset next to her ear with the other. Just as she said "Hello", she heard Lang laughing on the other side: "Wanwan, when did you become so kind to me?"

When Lu Wanwan heard Li Jingchen's voice, she immediately asked angrily, "What's the matter with you?"

Li Jingchen's voice trembled: "What's wrong with An An?"

Lu Wanwan said: "If I tell you, it will become a big trouble, so let's avoid it."

Li Jingchen said seriously: "You are depriving me of my right to know as a father."

Lu Wanwan said confusedly: "Please explain clearly, I am outside now."

"It's working time now, what are you doing outside?" Li Jingchen couldn't hide his distress and asked: "Could it be that you are running business? Is this what you, a manager, should do?"

Lu Wanwan couldn't help explaining: "An'an has a little trouble at school, and I'll come here to solve it for him."

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to share the ins and outs of An An's "cheating on the exam" with him.

After hearing this, Li Jingchen calmed down and said, "It turned out to be a conflict between children."

Lu Wanwan said: "So I said, it's a small trouble, you are too nervous."

"Aha, so what?" Lu Wanwan asked intentionally.

Li Jingchen was intriguing: "Do you think if I rush to Nankai Primary School to find out now, will it cause a sensation in the whole school?"

"……"you are vicious!

It can only be said that it is worthy of the same strain?

Lu Wanwan withdrew her thoughts and asked again: "By the way, what did you bring me?"

"It's nothing..." Li Jingchen said slowly, "It's just a hundred rose baskets."

"I'm just such a son, can I not be nervous?" After a meal, Li Jingchen continued: "Since it's a small fight between children, let An An solve it by himself."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's hands on the steering wheel stopped.

What he said was exactly the same as An An's. If it was not necessary, he would solve all the school affairs by himself, and rarely bothered her and Fu Shuo.

Li Jingchen said with a hint of resentment: "Why, you can accept the flower basket that Mr. Ming gave you, but you can't take the one I gave you?"

"Mr. Ming gave me the flower basket to apologize, but you know why you gave me the flower basket!"

Lu Wanwan said angrily: "Also, you can just give one, but you actually gave a hundred, what if it causes a sensation in Fu's?"

The corner of Lu Wanwan's mouth twitched: "What did you say?"

Baskets of a hundred roses? !

"Thank you for thinking it out!"


Li Group.

Hearing Lu Wanwan's angry voice, Li Jingchen just raised his eyebrows and didn't answer.

Li Jingchen said: "It happened that my secretary came back and said that it was Fu Shuo who came down to sign for the receipt. Why don't you ask him after you return to the company, did it cause a sensation?"

Lu Wanwan almost slammed on the brakes and hit her forehead on the steering wheel!

"Li Jingchen, you bastard! You're stirring up trouble with me and Fu Shuo again!"

When Lu Wanwan hurried into the gate of Fu's branch, the female receptionist immediately shouted, "Hello, Manager Lu!"

If Fu Shuo is really capable, then take care of Wan Wan and don't give him an opportunity.


He provoked, what's wrong?

Lu Wanwan turned her eyes subconsciously and saw several rose baskets full of buds placed on their reception desk.

She couldn't help asking: "These flower baskets are..."

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