Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 551 I can give it, but he can't

When Fu Shuo walked through many flower baskets and came to Secretary Li Jingchen, he saw that the other party raised his arms and said with a smile, "Mr. Fu, hello."

Under the watchful eyes of all the female receptionists in the lobby, Fu Shuo also raised his hand and shook hands with him seemingly nonchalantly.

In the next second, Li Jingchen's secretary stepped forward, looked into Fu Shuo's eyes and smiled, "These are the flower baskets that my boss Li ordered me to send to Miss Lu. I hope she likes them."

Looking at the obtrusive smile on his face, Fu Shuo couldn't help thinking: Could it be some damn "Li Jingchen and Wanwan's wedding anniversary" today?

Withdrawing his thoughts, Fu Shuo said in a neutral tone, "It's a pity that Wanwan doesn't like fancy things."

With a flash in Fu Shuo's eyes, he said, "Wanwan doesn't want to come down to sign for the receipt."

The secretary couldn't help showing an intriguing smile: "It's Miss Lu who doesn't want to come down, or Mr. Fu who doesn't want her to come down. I'd better let Mr. Li find a chance to ask her after I go back."

Fu Shuo's attitude became cold: "Go back and tell Li Jingchen not to go too far."

"That depends on who sent it."

"I can deliver it, but he can't." Fu Shuo paused.

"It's up to Ms. Lu to decide whether it's okay or not." The secretary looked around and said, "By the way, where is Ms. Lu? Why do you have to come down in person for such a trivial matter?"

"Okay, I will convey it to Mr. Fu when I go back." After a pause, the secretary added: "By the way, if Mr. Fu wants to say that these rose baskets were given by himself, then I can understand. The general wife and children were also stolen by you, you stole once, and you stole twice, so what does it matter if you have one more time or less time, right?"

After finishing speaking, the secretary wanted to let go of the hand he held with Fu Shuo, but Fu Shuo pinched him painfully.

The secretary knew that he had poked Fu Shuo's sore spot, so he couldn't help laughing even more presumptuously.

In Fu Shuo's mind, he didn't throw out Li Jingchen's secretary and the hundred rose baskets, which was already his upbringing.

However, from the secretary's point of view, where did these go?

When he saw Boss Li holding schoolbags for his son in the shopping mall one by one, looking for children he didn't know for comparison, he was treated by the salesperson as a lunatic who missed his wife and had hysteria, while Fu Shuo lived with Boss Li's wife and children. When the family of three lived happily, the secretary also wanted to tell Fu Shuo: Don't go too far!

Seeing that he was so generous, the secretary couldn't help but feel a little strange. If it were an ordinary person, he would have beaten someone already?

Or is it that Fu Shuo's love for his wife is not that deep?That's why he can tolerate his repeated provocations?

Let's report to President Li when we go back.

"Strange, what did Boss Fu whisper to a delivery man?"

"Which deliveryman do you think is wearing a high-end suit to deliver? I think he should be the owner of the flower shop! So it's not surprising that Mr. Fu talked to him a few more times, right?"

At this time, the voices of the female receptionists brought back Fu Shuo's restless thoughts. He suddenly let go of the secretary's hand, and gently parted his thin lips: "You go, before I don't want to get angry."

When the female receptionists around heard this, they couldn't help cheering. They didn't expect such a serious person like Mr. Fu to give them such romantic benefits!

A female receptionist couldn't hide her joy and asked: "Mr. Fu, can we not be polite?"

Fu Shuo nodded and said, "As long as you are unmarried, you can choose whatever you want."

The secretary left immediately.

At this time, Lu Wanwan's assistant came up to him and asked, "Boss Fu, do you want to move all these rose baskets to Sister Lu's office? She will be very happy to see it when she comes back!"

In the end, Fu Shuo said, "Think of these flower baskets as benefits for the company's unmarried female employees, and distribute them."

As Lu Wanwan's assistant said, she picked out a flower basket decorated with roses and baby's breath from the Song of the Ocean, waved it in front of Fu Shuo's eyes, and said, "I think this flower basket is the most beautiful, let's take it!"

Fu Shuo's eyes turned cold when he was shaken, and he almost shouted: "I said no need!"

The assistant was so frightened that his hands shook, and the flower basket accidentally fell to the ground.

Lu Wanwan's assistant is quite conscientious: "Then I'll pick the most beautiful one for Sister Lu and send it to her office."

Fu Shuo said with restraint: "Wan Wan is married, so there is no need."

"Oh, Mr. Fu, Sister Lu is your wife. If you secretly leave one for her, no one will say anything."

"This is the most beautiful one, you can keep it for yourself."

After stuffing the flower baskets to Lu Wanwan's assistant, Fu Shuo recruited security guards and asked them to deliver the flower baskets on the ground to various departments.

Gradually, the hundred flower baskets in front of him disappeared, and Fu Shuo raised his hand to loosen his tie, only then did he feel relieved from the suffocating fragrance.

Facing the assistant's red eyes, Fu Shuo took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry."

The assistant endured the grievance and said, "No, it doesn't matter."

Fu Shuo picked up the flower basket on the ground, and several petals fell off in the process. The originally exquisite flower basket looked messy at this moment, just like his mood.

In the end, the man in front of him said, "I'm not Zhenghao's father, I'm Zhenghao's uncle, and I work in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau."

Qian Zhenghao flaunted from the side: "My uncle is the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau!"

"You kid, keep a low profile!" Having said that, Qian Zhenghao's uncle patted his nephew's big head, without much accusation.


Nankai Primary School, inside the teacher's office.

The Chinese teacher in class one of the second year said to the man in front of him, "I'm sorry, Zhenghao's father, I suddenly asked you to come to school for a visit. I think Zhenghao should have told you on the phone. ?”

On the contrary, the Chinese teacher was taken aback: "It turned out to be Director Qian. It's a pleasure to meet you! I was newly transferred this semester, so I don't know much about the situation of your parents."

"Okay, let's get down to business." Qian Zhenghao's uncle squinted at An An, who was at the side, and asked expressionlessly: "He wants my Haohao to pass on the answer to him, or he will beat Haohao?"

The Chinese teacher said "Uh..." and was interrupted by Qian Zhenghao before he could speak.

Qian Zhenghao immediately looked at An An next to him with a provocative expression.

With the uncle of the bureau chief coming to support him, Fu Huai'an should know that he is afraid now, right?

An An was too busy admiring the Brazilian turtle kept in the small fish tank by the Chinese teacher, and had no time to pay attention to Qian Zhenghao's provocation.

Qian Zhenghao immediately said "ah~" and opened his mouth wide.

Qian Zhenghao did not forget to add: "Uncle, he kicked out a tooth of mine in martial arts class before!"

"What?!" Qian Zhenghao's uncle was startled, and asked Qian Zhenghao to open his mouth.

"it's him!"

When Qian Zhenghao's uncle saw that one had dropped, he couldn't help saying angrily: "Haohao, why didn't you tell me before?"

Qian Zhenghao immediately pointed at An An, and said: "That's because he provoked me! He said that only cowards would find parents. I was fooled by him on impulse! I didn't tell you."

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