Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 543 Look at their laughter

Seeing that they were all apologizing and slapping their hands, Li Qingling suddenly burst out laughing.

Li Jingchen then raised her mobile phone and said in a voice message——

[Waiting for an appointment, you will perform in front of my sister, after all, she has grown up so much, she has never seen a monkey show yet. ]

After speaking, send.

Hearing this, Li Qingling laughed even more happily, the elder brother actually compared Song Yan's rich second generation to a monkey, and compared their self-slapping behavior to a monkey show, this is so contemptuous.

However, why was she so happy and relieved when she heard it!

In the past, in order to avoid causing trouble for her eldest brother, she ignored Song Yan and others' public praise and derogation. As a result, these bastards became more and more exaggerated. Now that her eldest brother is personally involved, she can look at Song Yan in turn. Rock and others joked.

Yes, some of them couldn't see because of Li Jingchen, so they didn't slap their own mouth and face at all, but used their arms and thighs to make up for it.

Seeing that Song Yan and the others did not reply, Li Jingchen added slowly——

[If you don't want to, I will stop all the projects of your parents entering the Deepwater Harbor. I believe your parents will understand me after listening to my explanation. ]

On the other side of WeChat, the rich second generation headed by Song Yan were very angry. They were the sons who were praised wherever they went, but they were compared to monkeys in the end!

The worst thing was that Li Jingchen wanted them to slap themselves in front of Li Qingling in person, which really didn't save them any face!

They rubbed their faces, mouths, arms, and thighs that hurt from being slapped by themselves, while thinking about how to deal with it.

It is an exaggeration to say that even if you sell the dung, you can cheat a gold price, and their parents are lying down and counting the money.

And among them, the parents who have not been able to settle their brands in the deep water harbor are sharpening their heads and want to drill into the deep water harbor!

If their parents knew that the owner of Deep Water Harbor wanted to shut out their family business because they bullied Li Qingling, they would have to beat them up and freeze their bank cards and credit cards!

Hearing this, most of these rich second generations panicked.

Some of their parents finally signed a contract with Li's Group to bring their brands into the deep-water harbor.

That is the golden area of ​​City S today, where the most outsiders and foreigners gather, the most complete products, the most concentrated finance, and the most advanced technology!

[Young Master Li, it is my honor to perform in front of Miss Li! ]

[Brother Li, just tell me the time, I'll just go and perform!Just please don't terminate the cooperation with my dad's company, he will beat me to death! ! ]

At this time, someone in the WeChat group asked——

And every word they posted in the WeChat group, every sentence they said, is ironclad evidence, and they can't be blamed!

Because of this, this group of rich second generations are aggrieved, but in order not to affect the family's business, they can only obey——

[President Li, I'm going!I am the first to go! ]

The rich second generations in the group were shocked and said: [Song and Song Yan quit the group? ]

Li Jingchen would not let Song Yan go so easily.

From the wechat conversation just now, he could see that Song Yan was the most ruthless of all.

[Song Yan, we all went, what do you say? ]

Song Yan immediately withdrew from the group.

Because the Song family and the Li family have no business dealings, can't they hide from him if they can't provoke him?

Li Jingchen then fixed a time and posted it in the group, after that he ignored the group of rich second generations.

After Li Qingling took the phone, she looked at him movedly and said, "Brother, thank you for helping me out!"

Li Jingchen touched her head in a rare way, and said, "Until you find a man who really loves you, elder brother will protect you."

However, according to Song Yan himself, he has a girlfriend who has been in love for many years, right?

After Li Jingchen sneered, he asked lightly: "Qingling, when do you want them to come to your house to perform for you?"

Li Qingling said happily: "I listen to elder brother, whenever elder brother wants, he can do so."

Several rich second generations made an appointment, and drove a sports car to the outside of Li's house together.

Looking at the brightly lit independent big villa in front of them, the hearts of the young people were trembling with fear.

They are here for the appointment tonight, because Li Jingchen has set the deadline for tonight, if they don't come, their parents will come another day.

Li Qingling couldn't help holding back his big hand that was placed on top of her head, and gave a cherished "um".


The next night, Li's house.

"Did Song Yan hide in the car after leaving the group without permission last night?"

"It's okay, we are all here tonight to apologize to Li Qingling, let Song Yan come down, don't be ashamed."

Yao Shuang, who is also Song Yan's girlfriend, shook her head at them and said, "Song Yan didn't come. I received a call from Young Master Li this evening, saying that Song Yan came because he offended Qing Ling."

And this trip, and Song Yan's girlfriend.

As soon as she got out of the car, the rich second generation recognized her——

"Yao Shuang, why are you here? Where's Lao Song?"

After Yao Shuang said "Yes", she came to them, and together she showed her identity and purpose to the security guard standing guard at the door.

At this time, a rich second generation noticed: "Yao Shuang, you came to apologize, why are you dressed so beautifully? Those who didn't know thought you were here for a blind date."

Yao Shuang's eyes flashed, and she said, "There's no girl who doesn't like to dress up."

Several rich second generations said in surprise: "You mean, Young Master Li called you personally?!"

"Well, yes." Yao Shuang blushed and explained: "Qingling and I are high school classmates, and Song Yan and I met at her birthday party back then, and I'm here to apologize to her on Song Yan's behalf tonight I hope she can forgive Song Yan for the sake of our classmates."

Several rich second generations greeted: "Oh, then you can go in with us."

At this time, the security guard stopped and opened a door leading to the living room for them: "Several, our third lady has been waiting inside for a long time, please."

Seeing that the "time of death" has come, several rich second generations began to hypnotize themselves.

It doesn't matter, I heard that no one has lived in Li's house for the past six years, even if they slap themselves, it's for Li Jingchen and Li Qingling to see, and no one else can see it!

At this time, the security guard opened the gate of the villa in front of them and led them the way.

Except for Yao Shuang, the other rich second generations all swallowed their saliva. After all, they are going to slap themselves in front of Li Jingchen's brother and sister later. What the hell is this?

While cursing in their hearts, they had to bow their heads to the strong.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem so embarrassing anymore.

But when they walked in, they realized they were wrong!

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