Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 539 Doubt Her Intentions

An An asked curiously: "Who, who lost face?"

Fu Shuo hugged An An, bowed his head and kissed An An on his face.

An An pretended to be disgusted and said: "Hey - Daddy smells like alcohol, so don't kiss me! I'm fragrant after washing."

The little guy was not allowed to kiss, but Fu Shuo insisted on kissing, which made An An intoxicated.

An An was unable to dodge, so she had to shout: "Daddy is bad, Mommy save me!"

After a while, Fu Shuo stopped "bullying" An An, and asked suddenly, "Does An An despise Daddy?"

An An felt Fu Shuo's strange emotions, and instead of pushing away his handsome face with her small hands, An An wrapped her arms around his neck and asked with concern, "Daddy, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Wanwan worried from the side: "Fu Shuo, aren't you dizzy? I'll help you back to your room to rest."

Fu Shuo held An An in his arms, and said to her, "Wanwan, let me stay with the child later."

Frustrated by Li Jingchen, he wanted to seek comfort from An An.

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"Then don't drink so much wine!" An An pretended to be old-fashioned: "Daddy, do you want to be like grandpa at a young age, with a general belly? When the time comes, Mommy will dislike you for being out of shape, so don't hug him I cry."

Fu Shuo pinched the little guy's face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Daddy knows."

It was difficult for Lu Wanwan to say anything to Fu Shuo in front of An An.

In addition, she was also preoccupied, so after saying good night to them, she turned and walked towards the stairs.

Seeing this, Fu Shuo's heart sank. If Li Jingchen was in a bad mood and drove her away, would Wan Wan choose to stay by his side instead of turning around and leaving?

As for Wanwan, he couldn't be as abrupt as Li Jingchen, for fear of arousing her disgust.

"Okay then." Lu Wanwan turned and said, "Then shall I fill you with bath water? Take a bath to relieve fatigue."

But Fu Shuo said, "No need for Wanwan, I can do it myself."

"I'm fine." Lu Wanwan said, probably because her lipstick was wiped off, so she looked dull.

After Xia Zhi looked down at the hot milk in her hand, she walked towards Lu Wanwan. On the way, she did not forget to glance down the corridor, and saw that An An was playing with Fu Shuo who had returned, so she stopped, Said to Lu Wanwan: "Young Mistress, I don't think the young master will come back for a while, why don't you drink this cup of hot milk?"

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan's throat happened to be very dry, so she didn't refuse.

After closing his eyes heavily, Fu Shuo hugged the soft An An and chatted as usual.

When Lu Wanwan walked up to the second floor, she happened to see Xia Zhi holding a cup of hot milk and wanting to enter An An's room, she couldn't help saying, "Xia Zhi."

Xia Zhi turned her head and saw that Lu Wanwan was pale, so she asked, "Young Mistress, are you okay? You look very tired now."

Lu Wanwan originally planned to ask Xia Zhi about her cuddling with Fu Shuo at the school gate when she came back.

But if Xia Zhi is really a scheming person, how can she tell the truth?

Or usually pay more attention to observe it.

After drinking half a cup, Lu Wanwan put down the cup and looked at Xia Zhi meaningfully, wondering if she was naturally careful or was she trying to please her?

In addition, Xia Zhi told her this morning that Fu Shuo and Bai Qingluo were chatting alone in the living room. Was it out of service for her, or was she deliberately trying to provoke her relationship with Fu Shuo?

Seeing that Lu Wanwan looked at her in the same way as those parents' eyes when she went to pick up the young master this evening, Xia Zhi couldn't help feeling a little creepy: "Young mistress, why are you looking at me like that?"

Could it be that the husband spoke ill of the young mistress on the way back?

This will not work!

She had to redouble her efforts to express herself in front of the young mistress and the young master to ensure that she would not be sent back to her father.

While thinking about it, Lu Wanwan said, "Thank you for the hot milk, go to bed early."

Xia Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Yes, young mistress."

After Lu Wanwan left, Xia Zhi suddenly remembered that the young mistress usually called her Xiao Xia, but just now she called her Xia Zhi by her first and last name, which shows that she relaxed too early.

And Fu Shuo stood outside, with his back to her and looked at Lu Wanwan's bedroom opposite.

Xia Zhi couldn't help but lighten her steps, wanting to pass behind him and open the door of An'an's room.

But when her hand just touched the doorknob, she heard the man with her back say: "When I was downstairs in the living room just now, I found you peeking on the second floor, and now you came running behind me, Are you trying to play hard to get?"

Half an hour later, Fu Shuo led An An upstairs slowly.

Seeing this, Xia Zhi, who was in the corridor on the second floor, quickly turned around and walked to the small kitchen, warming An An's glass of milk again.

But when she came back with hot milk, she saw that An An's door had been closed.

"Nonsense." After Fu Shuo snorted coldly, he turned his head.

Seeing that Xia Zhi was indeed holding a cup of hot milk in his hand, he paused, then suddenly reached out and snatched it.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that he would snatch the milk for the child, so she couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Sir, I warmed this for the young master!"

Listening to Fu Shuo's hoarse voice, Xia Zhi thought that he must be very drunk, otherwise how could he say such narcissistic words?

"Sir, I think you misunderstood. The reason why I peeked just now was not to look at you, but to look at the young master.

Because I promised to warm the milk for him, I was afraid that if it was too warm, the milk would become cold, and if it was heated repeatedly, the nutrition inside would be destroyed, so I could only keep an eye on when the young master went upstairs. "

Xia Zhi was a little annoyed, it was true that she wanted to please the young mistress, but at the same time she was also grateful.

After all, the young mistress protected her, didn't she!

"To tell you the truth..." Fu Shuo looked at her, with an ambiguous smile on his handsome face: "Instead of trying to please Wanwan's mother and son, it's better to please me.

She never mentioned that she could give him warm milk. She didn't want to please someone who always doubted her, and that would have little effect.

Fu Shuo looked at her anxious eyebrows, thinking that the play was good: "I know what your purpose is for doing all this."

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment, and only heard him continue: "You want to stay, so you have tried your best to please Wan Wan's mother and son."

I am the head of the family, as long as I don't send you back, you can completely get rid of the sorrow of the original family, can't you? "

Hearing this, Xia Zhi said angrily: "Sir, are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about!"

Fu Shuo said unhurriedly: "Isn't it that you are deliberately creating the number of encounters with me? I was on a business trip every night before, and I clearly told you that I would pick An An up from school. You don't have to.

But you still go there every evening, and now, you appear in front of me again, which really makes me doubt your intentions. "

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