Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 529 Did They Bully You?

After Lu Wanwan relayed to him Fu Shuo's decision in the meeting room, Party Secretary Wu's breathing was a little rough.

While supporting the desk with the other hand, he said excitedly: "Oh my god, did I hear you right? Boss Fu wants to build us a large airport with national routes, a large comprehensive supermarket, and a large compound hospital?!"

"Well, Mr. Fu said so, and the higher-ups agreed."

"Oh my God..." Wu Zhishu couldn't say anything else except for these two words. How could this be contradictory?It is clear that they have improved their treatment!

Lu Wanwan said: "I know these two days will be like years for you, so I will call you to inform you as soon as the results of the morning meeting come out. Our President Fu also asked the manager of the finance department to discuss the details in the plan from the beginning. Funding is allocated, and I believe construction will start soon.”

And the few villagers who were standing behind Wu Zhishu and eavesdropped ran out of the office with a grin after being stunned, shouting and passing the good news to every villager's ears.

The villagers were so excited that they could not wait to confess to Lu Wanwan's body-sculpting statue.

"Thank you, on behalf of all the villagers in the mountainous area, thank you Miss Lu!" Secretary Wu said hastily.

Now he doesn't doubt at all that Lu Wanwan is the mysterious big boss, who can not only make the president of Li's Group stand up to each other, but also persuade the boss of Fu's company to give them a substantial increase in treatment!It's amazing!

"By the way, if Branch Secretary Wu is free, please say hello to Brother Tang and the others for me." <.97 xiaoshuo. net

On the other end, Lu Wanwan was still saying: "Alright Secretary Wu, there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

"Okay, okay, Miss Lu is busy!"

When the mood was almost calmed down, Wu Zhishu immediately called the Tang couple who were on duty at the mountain foot station.

They had taken in Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan for two days before, and took care of their food and daily life, that's why Lu Wanwan treated them differently. Naturally, Party Secretary Wu didn't dare to neglect them.

For Lu Wanwan's request, Branch Secretary Wu always responded with multiple voices.

After Lu Wanwan hung up the phone, Secretary Wu gently put down the phone.

Tang Sui was flipping through "Computer Programming" in the dormitory when the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

She picked it up and saw that it was her father's call, so she quickly answered it: "Dad?"


University of Science and Technology.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Shu Ning on the next bed, suddenly poking her head out from under the mosquito net, and yelled at her: "It's so noisy!!! If you have a phone call, why don't you go to the balcony to answer it? Are you going to disturb us to rest?" !!!”

The other two roommates who were playing on the computer, after hearing Shu Ning's roar, pulled off their earphones in shock: "What's wrong? Is there an earthquake?"

Father Tang cheerfully asked: "Sui Sui, are you busy now? Dad just received a call from your Uncle Wu, and I can't help but want to tell you the good news from my hometown!"

Tang Sui glanced at the dormitory and saw that all his dormmates were playing computer games with headphones on, so he felt relieved and said, "Dad, if you have time, it's raining heavily today, and all the freshmen have canceled their military training. I'm in the dormitory right now." , Dad, what's the matter, tell me, I'm listening."

But who made the Shu family a big family in the local area?The other two roommates didn't like to offend her, but seeing Tang Sui's forbearance with his hands tightly covering the phone, they felt a little sympathetic.

And the reason why Tang Sui covered the phone with his hand was because he didn't want his father to hear Shu Ning scolding her, and his father would definitely be worried about her.

"It's not her!" Shu Ning pointed condescendingly at Tang Sui, and said displeasedly, "She talks so loudly on the phone, it's really like her dormitory is her poor mountainous area, let her speak!"

But in fact, when Tang Sui answered the phone, the other two dormitories didn't hear anything, but Shu Ning yelled, scaring them almost to death.

The other two roommates looked at the pouring rain on the balcony and got the washing machine there wet, and they couldn't bear it and said, "Shu Ning, why don't you just forget it, it's raining so hard now, what if She caught a cold from the rain, and we have to cook for her."

Shu Ning said strangely, "If Lin catches a cold, wouldn't Senior Li just be able to take care of her? Maybe it's what she wishes for!"

Shu Ning looked at Tang Sui's unremarkable face, and thought that Senior Li actually drove her off-campus to repair her mobile phone on Valentine's Day, and the scandal between the two spread all over the school the next day. The acid water in the stomach came out!

Shu Ning looked at the other two roommates, and crossed the channel: "Tell me, did Tang Sui disturb you? Should I go outside to answer the phone?"

After pursing her lips, Tang Sui remembered that her father was still waiting for her to speak, so she silently opened the dormitory door, went out and hid all the way under the stairs, put the phone to her ear, and called "Dad".

Tang's father asked worriedly: "Sui Sui, what happened just now? Did your roommate scold you?"

Hearing this, Tang Sui straightened up and said, "I'll go out to answer the phone, so you can calm down, Shu Ning?"

Shu Ning raised her eyebrows coldly: "I'm just teaching you the rules. The dormitory is a group. If you don't cooperate, you're a different kind of guy. Country, Ba, dude."

Tang Sui didn't want his parents to worry, so he swallowed his stomach full of grievances and said, "Actually, I caused that roommate to rest, but I've come out now, so I won't disturb her anymore. By the way, Dad, didn't you mean to tell me?" Good news?"

"It's like this..." Tang's father was not as excited as he was at the beginning because he was worried about his daughter, but he still told Tang Sui about the better benefits that Lu Wanwan had won for the northern mountainous area.

Tang Sui said depressedly, "Dad, did you hear everything?"

Father Tang said distressedly: "I heard the first sentence she yelled at you. Didn't you say that you get along well with your roommates?"

Tang Sui looked forward to it: "I hope I can see her by then!"

Father Tang immediately said: "It's a good age, take good care of yourself, if they still bully you, just tell Dad, no matter how far away I am, I will rush over to help you out!"

Hearing this, Tang Sui's mood gradually improved, and he couldn't help saying, "Dad, I must thank that Ms. Lu face to face if I have the opportunity!"

Father Tang said: "Well, if there is a chance, Ms. Lu is not only approachable, but also said that one day she will come back to the northern mountains to inspect the results!"

"Dad, don't be discouraged. Now with the help of that Ms. Lu, I believe our hometown will get better and better!"

The father and daughter spoke words of encouragement to each other, and soon forgot their worries.

"Dad..." Tang Sui held back, but after hearing this, he almost burst into tears: "Don't worry, I'm here to study, not to cause trouble. I just study hard and don't care about anything else." Pay attention!"

"Good boy, your parents are useless and cannot bring you a better life!"


S city, Fu's branch.

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, it is evening.

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