Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 524 She Was Really Happy

Fu Shuo thought that he had drunk too much and heard it wrong, so he couldn't help asking: "Who did you say went?"

Lu Wanwan looked directly at him, and reiterated word by word: "Li, Jing, Chen."

Fu Shuo heard clearly this time, Li Jingchen also went to fight for the northern mountains? !

With the strength of the Li Group, it shouldn't be impossible to win the development rights of the northern mountainous area. Did Li Jingchen take the opportunity to force Wanwan to pay something, so...

Thinking of this, Fu Shuo's hands clenched tightly. He could bear not being able to compete with Li's Group in this project, but he would never allow Wan Wan to do something groveling for Fu's Company. The original intention of late happiness!

Lu Wanwan saw Fu Shuo looking at her in surprise, mixed with anger, just when she thought he was going to lose his temper, she heard him muttering to himself: "No, no, Li Jingchen already has a deep-water harbor. He absolutely despises the mountains in the north, Wanwan, he was aiming at you from the very beginning?"

Fu Shuo, who was well aware that he was missing a move, asked depressedly: "Wanwan, tell me the truth, did Li Jingchen threaten you to do something you didn't want to do?"

Following his words, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but recall every detail of her and Li Jingchen's trip to the northern mountains.

Lu Wanwan nodded. Fu Shuo is indeed a rational and calm man who figured out the ins and outs so quickly.

"That's right, Li Jingchen and Mayor Zhou have a very close friendship. I accidentally missed the fact that I sent you to investigate. It is tantamount to pushing you into the wolf's den."

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It's not that she didn't feel Li Jingchen's kindness to her. Because of this, she was even more afraid that she would be shaken deep in her heart, and that she wanted to get everything back on track after she came back.

To say that he was reluctant, he was very reluctant at first, but when the landslide happened later, Li Jingchen did not hesitate to protect her under his body, and was injured and even had a fever because of this.

The medical conditions in the mountainous area are not good, but Li Jingchen sent Xiao Wu to the hospital in the city for treatment by helicopter, and stayed by himself. After midnight, he developed a high fever and kept talking in his dreams.

Lu Wanwan told Secretary Wu's son that he had picked Ganoderma lucidum, which caused a landslide, and he took care of Li Jingchen in the second half of the night, and said everything about it.

After all, Fu Shuo had seen her ugly behavior after giving birth to An An six years ago, what else could he not share with him?

Facing Fu Shuo's concern now, Lu Wanwan seemed to be confiding to her most trusted person: "When I was in the northern mountainous area, Li Jingchen never threatened me, but when he came back, he wanted me to take An'an to celebrate Tang Qiong's birthday. Otherwise, I would have to tell An An what happened in the mountainous area to the north, it is impossible for me to let An An know."

Fu Shuo couldn't help asking: "You and him were in the northern mountains...what happened?"

Fu Shuo said, "I believe in you."

She even told him what Bai Qingluo hadn't said, why would he not believe her?

"Obviously I was just too tired from taking care of Li Jingchen, so I accidentally fell asleep next to his pillow, but when he came back, he threatened me that he would tell An'an about our sharing the same bed!"

After a meal, Lu Wanwan continued: "As for the landslide, the colleagues who went with me all know about it. If you don't believe me, you can ask them tomorrow Monday."

This is the second time Fu Shuo asked her this question.

Lu Wanwan bit her lower lip and said seriously, "Fu Shuo, I don't want to deceive your feelings."

After Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, she said, "Fu Shuo, why don't you send An An and me back to City Y?"

Fu Shuo was moved by her proposal. As long as he nodded, Wan Wan would bring An An back to the original point, but he still insisted on finding out: "Wan Wan, do you love me?"

On the other hand, he has been standing still. His father once asked him to force Wan Wan to fulfill his husband and wife obligations, but if he really did this, what is the difference between him and a beast?

To love someone is to make her happy. This is the dogma he believes in.

Fu Shuo made a wry smile silently. He asked her the same question last time in the car, but this time her response was obviously faster and more decisive.

It can be seen that the attacks of the Li family have been quite effective these days, but Wan Wan didn't know about it, or she was subconsciously avoiding it.

Lu Wanwan said sadly: "I don't know if it's because blood is thicker than water. It is clear that the Li family kidnapped An An, but An An lives with them peacefully now. Fu Shuo, I am really worried that An An will be snatched away by them one day. "

Before, she was worried about "the Li family will snatch An An away", but now she was worried about "An An would be snatched away by the Li family". These two sentences seem to be the same, but there is a subtle difference between passive and active.

Even though, this made him experience the pain of not getting what he wanted.

Putting his hands together, Fu Shuo said in a slightly hoarse voice, "What did An An say?"

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan was full of worry, she didn't want An An to be taken away at all!That's her baby!

Fu Shuo stretched out his hand, held her hand, and said, "No, I'm here."

"Passive" refers to the fact that An An passively let the Li family faint and take him away in City Y at the beginning.

"Active" means that An An is getting closer and closer to the Li family now, and he is no longer on guard against them, and even took the initiative to get close to them. Maybe the Li family can really let him recognize his ancestors and return to them?

Lu Wanwan's biggest concern now is indeed An'an. Fu Shuo's words grasped her seven inches very well, and she couldn't help but say, "Thank you for thinking about An'an, Fu Shuo."

Fu Shuo shook his head and said, "There is no need to say thanks between us."

Lu Wanwan heard the words and looked at him: "Fu Shuo, but this is not fair to you. In fact, you have another choice."

Fu Shuo was shocked, afraid that she would say the word "divorce", so he said, "Needless to say, you don't love me, but you don't love Li Jingchen either. An An needs a stable home, and I can give it to him."

It was he who first fell in love with her for a long time, violating the spirit of the contract at the beginning, but found that she always only treated him as a benefactor, it's really self-inflicted, Fu Shuo.

The next second, Lu Wanwan suddenly leaned forward and hugged him gently: "Also, I am very grateful for your unconditional trust in me. I have suffered too much from Bai Qingluo's hands. Li Jingchen once for her Abandoning me this time shows how clever she is, and I am really happy that you can drive her away."

Fu Shuo was gently embraced by her. Although there was a distance of a fist between them, his heart beat faster. I don't know if it was because of her rare closeness, guilty conscience, or both. Zhi: "Wanwan, I..."

Listening to his hesitant voice, Lu Wanwan subconsciously asked, "What?"

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