Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 519 Too Afraid Of Losing Her

"That's right! That mistress looks like she's not fighting or snatching, and the years are quiet, but she actually came here for my mother's position, that is, my dad, that idiot, who thinks she's being used by my grandparents!"

An An helped her with an idea: "Nian Nian, don't worry, if Uncle Wei is really obsessed with ghosts, you will make trouble, Uncle Wei loves you so much, he will definitely not marry Xiaosan."

Wei Nian reacted strongly: "He dares! I'll call him an idiot while helping my mom beat him up!"

An An gave a thumbs up: "Okay!"

Wei Nian continued: "Then, I will take my mother to marry another uncle, and make my father regret it for the rest of his life!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed up from the stairs, his face was ashen and said: "You little padded jacket that leaks air, what kind of bad idea did you come up with?!"

Grandparents dislike her for not being a boy, and also dislike half of her parentage. Although she usually doesn't show it, it doesn't mean she isn't sad.

But tonight she actually heard her grandparents say that after mom and dad divorced and took her away, dad could just marry Shiqing and give birth to a boy for the Wei family to carry on the family line!

Isn't she the seed of the Wei family?

After Wei Nian was stunned, he said with disgust: "Dad, how can you hide downstairs and eavesdrop on us? Shameless."

"What are you scolding me for? I'm your old man!" Wei Yu rolled up his sleeves angrily, but he was just acting, so there's nothing he can do.

"You are my father, and you are shameless! You actually let an outsider come in to bully me and my mother!" Wei Nian dropped Jindoudou as he spoke.

After a while, Wei Nian put down his little hand that was patting the red, and accused: "Father, you are so useless, you can't even protect me and mom, but you still protect the mistress!"

"I didn't protect the mistress, no, Shiqing wasn't a mistress either, I didn't have an affair with her!" Wei Yu wished he could open his mouth eight times in front of his sweetheart, so as to explain the whole story clearly.

Wei Nian cried until his nose was bubbling: "I don't believe it, my grandparents told me that when you were with my mother, you still paid for that junior to go to college!"

It can be said that Wei Nian and Lin Yan were wronged together.

Wei Yu hugged his daughter distressedly, and just wanted to kiss her and coax her, but she slapped her handsome face wildly.

Wei Yu couldn't help having a heart attack and said, "I really owe you both!"

Hearing this, Wei Niancai raised his head from his embrace, and finally there was some joy on his face.

Sitting on the steps with Wei Nian in his arms, Wei Yu wiped away her tears and snot, and used her slender fingers as a comb to tidy up her chicken nest: "Don't worry, Dad will do what he says."

Wei Nian was originally an optimistic person. Hearing this, he immediately grinned: "Dad, Mom loves you so much, you must be well."

"Yes, I did sponsor her to go to college." Wei Yu held Wei Nian in his heart, and confided softly: "But do you think Dad still supports her now? No more, Dad is only loyal to you now Mom, if you don't believe me, let me have no second child in my life except you."

An An raised her head and asked: "Uncle Wei means that if you want to have a baby, you will only have a baby with Aunt Lin Yan, otherwise you would rather not have a second child?"

Wei Yu nodded at him: "You're still the smartest kid."

Wei Nian nodded his head, and said, "That's right, my mother only went there to have a drink, and those little brothers would either play with my mobile phone with me, or help me with my homework, nothing else."

"You little thing, why didn't you say it earlier?!" Wei Yu couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart, and put Wei Nian aside abruptly, got up and rushed to Lin Yan's room.


"You said she loves me? Why do I not believe it?" Wei Yu said mockingly.

"Really, she went to the Cowherd's shop just to annoy you, and you can't tell? Sigh..." Wei Nian said, "You're really stupid".

Wei Yu repeated like a repeater: "You said your mother went to that kind of place just to annoy me?"

But Lin Yan got up quickly, with her self-esteem and pride that seemed very pitiful in front of the Wei family, and said: "Oh~ I see,

You can't wait to drive me out to make room for the woman you love, right?

Don't worry, my luggage will be packed soon, and I will soon disappear from under the noses of your Wei family with Nian Nian! "

When Lin Yan saw him, she immediately lowered her face: "Who told you to come in? Get out!"

Compared with the "roll" just now, it has been restrained a lot, Lu Wanwan thought happily from the side.

Wei Yu opened his mouth: "Yan'er, I..."

Often when Wei Yu is strong, Lin Yan has to act stronger than him: "My surname is Wei, stop looking down on others! Even if I don't carry half of my body, I can live well outside with Nian Nian!"

Her words reminded Wei Yu of what Wei Nian said, "Take Mommy to marry another uncle". For a moment, he was jealous, and said indiscriminately: "No, Lin Yan is so capable, the worst thing is to do it again. In the past, there are many men who are willing to be your servants!"

With a sound of "Pa--", Lin Yan slapped Wei Yu hard.

Hearing this, Wei Yu's enthusiasm suddenly turned cold. She still wants to escape with her child like she did six years ago? !Don't think about it! ! !

Lu Wanwan saw Wei Yu suddenly come forward and shake all the clothes in Lin Yan's suitcase onto the bed!

This is not enough, Wei Yu also sat down on the suitcase, and growled at Lin Yan: "You run! I see where you can run without bringing anything!"

Lu Wanwan said: "Wei Yu, I take back what I said before I entered the house, I can't help you anymore."

After Wei Yu was slapped by Lin Yan, his mind cleared up. He was really afraid of losing her, that's why he took the trouble out of his mouth!

Thinking of this, he regretted too much and said: "Yan'er, listen to my explanation, I didn't mean to humiliate you!"

"Wanwan, did you hear that? I'm just such a thing in his eyes." Lin Yan trembled with anger, how many times can she bear him turning over old scores like this? !

Lu Wanwan clenched her fists tightly. Is this the inferiority of men?

While saying I love you, while worrying about whether you are good or not, every time you quarrel, this is the best weapon, it can be inserted into Sister Yan's heart accurately!

Lu Wanwan supported her shoulder and said distressedly: "Sister Yan, I will see you off."

"No..." Wei Yu plucked his hair in frustration, then suddenly turned around and left.

Lin Yan sat down on the bed, closed her eyes and said, "It's over, it's over..."

The corners of Lin Yan's mouth trembled, but he held back his tears: "No need, I'm not as pure as Shi Qing, thank you for reminding me of this fact."

After a while, Wei Yu came back with a kitchen knife, and Lu Wanwan immediately stood in front of Lin Yan and asked coldly, "What else do you want to do?"

Wei Yu knelt in front of Lin Yan on one knee, forced the handle of the knife into her cold palm, and said, "Yan'er, cut my heart open!"

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