In the past, he was so angry that he lost his mind every time, and he never noticed this. Now that he thinks about it, maybe she is guilty, so she didn't use the affirmative sentence.

Thinking of this, he suddenly put his big hand on the back of her head, pressed down, and captured her lips forcefully.

Li Jingchen's attacking kiss made Lu Wanwan struggle uncomfortably, but the sense of suspension behind her forced her to have no way to retreat. In the end, she could only cling to Li Jingchen's big tree like a dodder until she lost her helmet. Abandon armor.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Jingchen patted Lu Wanwan's dazed face lightly, and said softly, "Wan Wan, breathe in."

Lu Wanwan subconsciously took a breath to relieve the feeling of being kissed to the point of suffocation.

At this moment, a cynicism suddenly came from the corner——

"Okay, let me just say why I invited two outsiders to grandma's birthday banquet. It turns out that it is convenient for you to have an affair here?!"

Li Jingchen said happily: "The kiss has become so green, and you still say you have slept with him? Wanwan, this time I will not be fooled by you again."

The blood on Lu Wanwan's face quickly faded.

It's not enough for Lu Wanwan to have Fu Shuo now, she still has no ties with Li Jingchen, and Li Jingchen actually pampers her so much, is this still the Li Jingchen who can't rub his eyes?

He didn't treat her like this back then!

Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan looked together, only to see Bai Qingluo was holding up his mobile phone and aiming at their faces to take pictures.

Behind the phone was Bai Qingluo's face that was so jealous that she was about to go crazy.

"You beg me, Li Jingchen." Bai Qingluo hid the phone behind her back, raised her head in front of him for the first time and said, "For that watery woman, please!"

Killing intent flashed across Li Jingchen's eyes, making his voice so low that it was strange: "What did you say about Wanwan?"

Bai Qingluo, who thought he had photographed their scandal, held up his mobile phone and said triumphantly: "Lu Wanwan, I want to see how you will explain to your husband and son!"

However, Li Jingchen walked towards Bai Qingluo after carrying Lu Wanwan off the guardrail, his handsome face was cold: "Give me the phone."

Listening to her taunt, Li Jingchen asked quickly, "You asked me to beg you just now? How can you beg me?"

Bai Qingluo looked at his drooping face, which was so perfect that it made people lose their minds. This was the first time he approached her in so many years, so close that he could smell the familiar cologne fragrance.

Bai Qingluo squeezed the phone tightly, which is equivalent to squeezing Lu Wanwan's "criminal evidence".

Because of this, she said proudly: "I said that Lu Wanwan is water, sex, Yang, and flowers. I finally understand that Lan Qin is your shield. You announced that you have made Lan Qin a girlfriend. In fact, they are secretly communicating with Lu Wanwan about the song!"

Li Jingchen suddenly raised his hand and grabbed her neck.

His move is completely unreasonable!

She couldn't help stretching out her other hand, and while touching his sharp face, she deliberately glanced at Lu Wanwan, and said with red lips, "Maybe, you would like to kiss me like you kissed her? Maybe I will If you are happy, you will delete the photos of your affair?"

Bai Qingluo's words were provocation and insult. No one knew that Li Jingchen could not kiss her. She was just disgusting Li Jingchen. Let's see if he would really kiss someone whom he thought of as Lu Wanwan for Lu Wanwan's sake. low man!

Li Jingchen locked her with a pair of black eyes, and said in a creepy way: "It is my limit to bear you living in this world for six years. Since you are looking for death today, then I will grant you."

Lu Wanwan saw him run away violently, so she stepped forward to stop him and said, "Li Jingchen, don't be impulsive!"

Bai Qingluo only remembered taking pictures of them, but forgot that Li Jingchen was a lunatic who just put on a calm coat in front of his beloved.

Panicked, she hurriedly said: "Li, Jing, can't...kill me...I am...Xiu Qi's...mother!"

A few seconds later, Li Jingchen let go of his hand, and Bai Qingluo collapsed on the ground like a ball of mud.

Lu Wanwan bent down to check her breath, and found that although it was faint, she was at least alive.

Li Jingchen ignored Bai Qingluo and pinned her to the wall, like pinching a quail, until she kept rolling her eyes.

Finally, Bai Qingluo's head tilted and she passed out, and her hands loosened, letting the phone drop to the ground.

The corners of Li Jingchen's eyes were red, and his whole body was tense, but when Lu Wanwan snuggled up to him, it was like a raging fire meeting drizzle, and the killing intent gradually extinguished.

The reason was that he subconsciously didn't want to go crazy and lose face in front of her, let alone frighten her and make her run away.

But in the next second, she saw that Li Jingchen was still watching Bai Qingluo dangerously.

In order to prevent him from becoming a murderer, she had no choice but to hug him and appeal to his reason: "Li Jingchen, I'm fine now! Don't be impulsive anymore!"

But when she went to the mountain in the north, she realized that she was his knot in his heart, and she was also his salvation, so she was no longer so afraid.

At this time, Li Jingchen said: "Wanwan, she scolded you, I will teach her a lesson."

But was Lu Wanwan frightened?

Maybe it was there at the beginning, the day she was hijacked by him to go to the villa in the suburbs, she really regarded him as a devil!

Lu Wanwan said: "Li Xiuqi has already lost his father, your grandfather doesn't want him to lose his mother again."

Li Jingchen said indifferently: "I'd rather he be an orphan."

Lu Wanwan disagreed with this "one moment": "Just because of this, you want her life?"

"Yes, I should have killed her a long time ago." Li Jingchen said in a daze, "but she gave birth to Li Xiuqi, so Li Yuanzhong asked her to take the blame and do meritorious service and raise Li Xiuqi well."

Before Lu Wanwan could study it carefully, she was strangled by Li Jingchen's long arms, holding her breathlessly.

He asked, "wanwan, am I doing well?"

Lu Wanwan was stunned, remembering that when Lin Yue betrayed Li Qingling just now, Li Jingchen could stop at the end and tell him to get out.

But now because Bai Qingluo scolded her, he lost control like this. Did he do it on purpose to prove to her that he no longer has feelings for his first love, or...

Li Jingchen touched her head, and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Listening to his calm tone, Lu Wanwan coaxed, "Then let me go first."

What's the matter with this "seeking praise" tone?

Lu Wanwan didn't want to encourage him to choke people at every turn: "You should learn to control yourself, otherwise I will be afraid."

Li Jingchen let her go slowly.

Lu Wanwan picked up Bai Qingluo's cell phone, and sneered while looking at the photos she secretly took.

If Bai Qingluo knew that Fu Shuo asked her to choose again, would she collapse?

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