Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 43 You Are Really Awesome

Caught off guard, Li Xuyang was stunned when his face was hit with snow.

He is the young master of the Li family, Zhuang Jing's most beloved youngest son!How dare Lu Wanwan attack him? !

Lu Wanwan hit the target with one blow, she couldn't help raising her chin, and said in relief, "Hmph, it's time to let you hit your elder brother with a slingshot last time!"

After Li Jingchen heard her vindictive words, a smile flashed across his slightly lowered eyes.

Lu Wanwan got into a fight with Li Xuyang just like that.

And every time, Lu Wanwan would throw snowballs at Li Xuyang's fair and tender face, making him scream in anger.

However, Lu Wanwan was not as flexible as Li Xuyang, so she was hit several times, and the snow turned into ice water and seeped into her clothes, making her shiver from the cold.

At this time, a snowball was handed from the side, and after Lu Wanwan subconsciously took it, she turned around in astonishment: "Li Dali Jingchen smiled at her: "Don't you want to have a snowball fight?I'll help you.

This is great, with Li Jingchen's help, Lu Wanwan seems to have endless snowballs in her hand, she just needs to hit Li Xuyang directly.

Not long after, Li Xuyang was hit all over his head, and he couldn't stop jumping violently: "You don't want to be ashamed! Team up to bully me, a child!"

Lu Wanwan clicked her tongue twice: "Now I know I'm a child? It's too late!

After a while.

"I don't play anymore!

Angrily, Li Xuyang threw the snowball in his hand to the ground, then wiped the ice scum off his face, and ran into the house.

Hahaha! "Lu Wanwan couldn't help leaning against Li Jingchen anymore, laughing happily.

The moment Li Jingchen touched her bright smile, there was a feeling that only her color was left in the wind and snow.

Probably because.She smiled so warmly and sweetly.

And Lu Wanwan, who didn't notice the change in Li Jingchen's eyes at all, just gave him a thumbs up: "Young Master Li, you performed really well tonight!

When she said great, she didn't mean that Li Jingchen helped her deal with Li Xuyang, but that he became more lively.

Li Jingchen didn't know what was wrong with him, he was neither ten nor 20 years old, but when he saw that Lu Wanwan was overwhelmed, he subconsciously helped her make snowballs, and remembered the last time he had a snowball fight, it was him When mom didn't die.



The sneezing sound brought Li Jingchen back to his senses, and saw Lu Wanwan rubbing his nose, shrinking his neck and looking naive.

Looking down, I saw that several places on her clothes were soaked with melted snow, Li Jingchen thought for a while and said suddenly: "Go back, I'm tired.

Ok? "Lu Wanwan looked at him in confusion, she was the one who had been fighting snowball fights with Li Xuyang, why was he so tired?

However, everything should be done step by step, so she nodded and said, "Okay.

But as soon as they entered the house, a maid came over and said, "Eldest young mistress, Madam asked you to come over.

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's heart skipped a beat. She was playing high just now, but she forgot that Li Xuyang has another skill besides being "disgusting", and that is to sue.

You go and tell Madam, I will take your young master back to the room first, and then... Wan Jingchen interrupted her: "I'll go with you.

ha? "Lu Wanwan was afraid that the scene would get out of control, so she hurriedly persuaded: "You'd better not go.

Li Jingchen gently squeezed her little hand and said, "It's okay, trust me.

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to lead him and follow the maid to meet Zhuang Jing.

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