Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 41 I Won't Let Them Hurt You

Lu Hongye continued: "By the way, go and take out the bank card from the safe, and when Wanwan comes back on the weekend, just give it to her.

Liang Zhen immediately became reluctant again: "If you want me to say, it's better to keep the money in the card and give it to our Weiwei as a dowry in the future. She is now in love with Mr. Shen's family and may get married at any time. It's a pity that our family I've just recovered, and I'm afraid that if Weiwei marries, she will be looked down upon by the Shen family.

Nonsense!That's what we sell.Lu Hongye's words came to his lips, and he swallowed back consciously: "We are good enough to Weiwei, so don't be partial!

Liang Zhen said unconvinced: "Weiwei is the best and most promising of our three children, is it wrong for me to plan more for her.

In the next second, a childlike retort came from behind: "No! Sister Wanwan is the best!

Liang Zhen followed the sound and saw a young man about 1.8 meters tall staring at her with accusing eyes, but his handsome face was full of childishness.

Liang Zhen's head hurt all of a sudden: "Lu Zeyu, shut up and play Lego on the side!

Lu Zeyu put his hips on his hips and kept repeating like an idiot: "I'm going to say it! Wanwan's sister-in-law is the best in the world! No one can compare!

Seeing Liang Zhen making a gesture to hit him, Lu Zeyu stuck out his tongue at her "slightly pissed off" while running away.

After Liang Zhen rubbed her throbbing temples, she turned her head and said to Lu Hongye: "You have also seen that there is a big fool in our family, an unfilial daughter, who else can we rely on if we don't rely on Weiwei in the future?

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Li family.

After Lu Wanwan finished her meal, she came to Li Jingchen and asked softly, "Young Master Li, you said you were going for a walk tonight, can you go now?

Li Jingchen pursed his lips and said "um".

Lu Wanwan looked at him and tentatively said, "Then just in case, I want to hold your hand?

Hearing this, Li Jingchen silently handed her his hand.

Lu Wanwan immediately pulled her up.

His hands are big, it's better to say that he wraps her up than she is holding him.

And when she led Li Jingchen out of the room, everywhere she went, there were surprised and terrified eyes, as if Li Jingchen was some kind of scourge.

Probably sensing that her footsteps had slowed down, Li Jingchen turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?

Lu Wanwan looked at his unaware handsome face, thinking it was better not to tell him.

However, some people committed suicide.

Why did the eldest and the youngest come out? !

Hush, keep your voice down!Don't let him hear you!

That is, do you want to be pushed downstairs by the young master like that person two years ago?

hiss!Lu Wanwan's hand hurt a little from being pinched by Li Jingchen.

She looked up and saw that his expression had changed.

In order to prevent him from going back to his room in a fit of anger, Lu Wanwan had no choice but to say to the maids who gathered together to gossip:

In the future, your eldest and young master will often come out for activities, so I hope you will stop making such a fuss, do you hear me clearly?

The maids glanced at Li Jingchen who was standing beside Lu Wanwan like a demon, and nodded their heads.

Listen, heard.

Lu Wanwan thought that she had frightened them, and continued: "Okay, let's all go and do your work.

yes! "The maids immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

Lu Wanwan then coughed lightly, and said seriously to Li Jingchen: "It's all right now, I won't let them imitate you.

Hearing this, Li Jingchen faded away the embarrassment on his face, and asked with a half-smile: "Do you think they can hurt me?"

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