Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 384 I Will Definitely Cover You

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan almost drove the car into a tree.

However, it is Li Jingchen's company!

"Can An An tell Mommy why you want to play there?"

An An said, "Because the Li's Group is so tall, even higher than Daddy's branch office, I want to try the feeling of looking down from the top floor, and the Li's Group is still owned by the fierce uncle, so it shouldn't be difficult for us to get in?"

How can Lu Wanwan promise An An, Mommy will take you to a more fun place now, okay? "

"Okay." Anyway, An'an just said it casually, so she wasn't disappointed.

Wei mansion.

When Lu Wanwan walked in here, she thought she had entered some kind of high-end leisure club. The previous feasting and feasting had all disappeared, and now the decoration is very elegant and stylish.

Lin Yan took her hand and excitedly said Wanwan, sit down!Let me take a good look! "

After Lu Wanwan sat down on the sofa, she apologized, "Sister Yan, I'm sorry, I just came to see you now.

"As long as you're okay!" After a meal, Lin Yan said to the little girl beside him, "Nian Nian, hurry up and call someone."

Wei Nian immediately sweetly called out the beautiful auntie! "

Lu Wanwan's eyes softened, "Your name is Wei Nian?"

Wei Nian nodded, "That's right~ Beautiful auntie can call me Nian Nian."

I will definitely cover you

Lu Wanwan touched her face, "Nian Nian, you are so cute."

Lin Yan then said Nian Nian, take An An to play, Mommy has something to tell your aunt. "

ok.Wei Nian looked at An An who was beside Lu Wanwan, and offered to extend his hand and said, "My sister will take you to visit.

Because An An told reporters about his 5-year-old relationship at the banquet, Wei Nian took it for granted that he was one year older than him.

After An An held Wei Nian's hand, they looked at each other curiously.

Wei Nian's face was round, like an apple, his eyebrows were a bit thick, and his hair was curly, like a doll.

Wei Nian noticed that An An had been staring at her eyebrows, and asked a little sensitively, "Why are you staring at my eyebrows?"

An An blurted out, "Nian Nian, your eyebrows are thicker than mine.

After Wei Nian frowned in annoyance, he relaxed again and said, "Mom said that beautiful women have thick eyebrows, and you are younger than me, so you should call me sister."

An An shook her head and didn't call her sister.

Seeing that he was holding a document in his hand, Wei Nian couldn't help asking, "What is that in your hand?

An An said, "It's the admission information, I'm going to study in S City in the future.

Wei Nian asked, "Study kindergarten?

An An said, "No, I'm in the second grade of elementary school."

Wei Nian opened his eyes wide, "You're one year younger than me, and you're going to be in the second grade?"

I will definitely cover you

"I'm smart." An An's answer didn't sound like brazenness at all.

Wei Nian said, "Okay, I'm studying in Nankai Primary School now, and I'm going to be promoted to the second grade after the summer vacation, why don't you sign up."

Nankai Primary School?An An opened the first page of information and muttered, "No. [-]."

Wei Nian leaned over and brainwashed him, "That's right, if you want to study, you should take the first place, and the second place is meaningless.

An An thought for a while and said, "That's right.

An'an, if you come to Nankai Primary School to study, remember to sign up for the first class. The two of us should have a companion. You are a younger brother, and I will definitely protect you. "He looks so delicate, Wei Nian is very worried that he will be bullied by other boys.

"Okay. Children's friendship always sprouts quickly, and An'an is no exception. I will discuss it with Daddy and Mommy when I go back."

the other side.

After listening to Lu Wanwan's words, Lin Yan asked in surprise, "What did you say? You want to live in City S?"

Lu Wanwan said, "Yes, Fu Shuo wants to stay here and develop."

Lin Yan said complicatedly, Wanwan, you have Fu Shuo now, I shouldn't have said that, but in the past six years, I heard from Wei Yu that Li Jingchen was not having a good time, after you fell into the sea, the psychiatrist began to intervene in his life, But in the past six years, his illness has been repeated. "

"When you fell into the sea, it was beyond everyone's expectations."

"Of course, I'm not qualified to ask you to let go. If it were me, I would definitely hate Li's family too. I just want to remind you, don't provoke Li Jingchen too much, and be careful what he will do under the drive of madness .”

I will definitely cover you

At the same time, the Li Group.

After Li Qingling brought Li Jingchen a cup of coffee, he asked casually, "Brother, did you go to see sister-in-law today?"

Li Jingchen said briskly, "Hmm.

Li Qingling then asked, "Then have you mentioned to sister-in-law that An An should come to Li's house for at least one or two days every month?"

Li Jingchen pursed his thin lips, "Not yet.

"No? Li Qingling couldn't help but said anxiously, "Then how should we develop a relationship with An An? "

Li Jingchen glanced at her, how about you mention it? "

I dare not! "Li Qingling quickly turned her body away, as if fleeing.

"Qingling. Li Jingchen asked suddenly, "You said I'm learning to cook now, is there still time? "


Wanwan said that Fu Shuo can cook, and last night he entertained Lu Hongye and his son.Li Jingchen rarely said angrily, "I don't want to lose to him."

Li Qingling couldn't help but support his forehead, "Brother, the problem now is not whether you can cook, but that even if we invite Uncle Lu and Brother Lu, they won't come."

Li Jingchen's whole body turned gray after being hit.

Li Qingling laughed dryly, and said, "Let's find a way from An An, Wei Mansion.

I will definitely cover you

After Lu Wanwan finished talking about herself, she couldn't help but ask, "What about you, how is Wei Yu treating you well?"

Lin Yanfu smiled and said it was good, for me and Niannian, he even changed the appearance of Wei Mansion. "

Lu Wanwan nodded, "That Shiqing, where did you go after graduation?"

Lin Yan laughed, "I'm still in S City, because Wei Yu's parents are very satisfied with her, so they have been encouraging Wei Yu to divorce me and marry Shi Qing.

Lu Wanwan said indignantly, "You and Wei Yu are both thinking about it! Why did they wave Lin Yan's hand?" I don't care, but Wei Yu refuses to let go. "

After a pause, Lin Yan went on to say Wanwan, I found out that this person can be strong without desires, and if I don't beg Wei Yu to give me love, I can always remain invincible. "

Lu Wanwan looked at her for a long time, and suddenly asked, "But sister Yan, you have been guarding your own heart and not being attacked by others, aren't you tired?"

Lin Yan was startled, then sighed tired, why not tired. "


Lu Wanwan is going to take An'an home.

An An said to her new friend, "Nian Nian, goodbye."

"Come and play often~" After a meal, Wei Nian insisted persistently, "I want to call you sister!"

An An still shook her head.

On the way back, Lu Wanwan passed by a red Maserati.

She kept going, but the owner of the Maserati shouted to the driver, "Stop, I will definitely cover you

car! "

The car pulled over.

"Bai Qingluo, you're doing well, why stop the car?"

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