Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 369 Didn't Take Good Care of You

Faced with Fu's mother's question, Lu Wanwan replied, "Yes, the Li family has also gone."

Father Fu coughed lightly, and calmed down the atmosphere, "Could it be Shuo'er who invited them?"

Lu Wanwan said, "No, this has nothing to do with Fu Shuo."

"That's about you. Although Fu Mu's voice is gentle, but the question is sharp." Why did you show up in the camera and bring An Anqi with you? "

Because Li Jingchen broke into the rest room suddenly and kissed her forcefully, she took An An to Fu Shuo's place to take refuge in desperation.

Besides, let the Li family see her and Fu Shuo happy now, so that they can completely give up!

Father Fu looked at her forbearance, and didn't have the heart to say serious things. Wanwan, we have all seen your performance in the past six years, and gradually accepted your new identity. An An is not our grandson. We all know, after all, you are Shuo'er whom Mr. An An married,

Although the reason Shuo'er gave at the time was to let you get pregnant first, but we know how our son's conduct is.

He will never do the absurd thing of letting a girl get pregnant out of wedlock, but since he said so, then we will treat you as a daughter-in-law and An An as a grandson. "

Fu's mother said that in the past six years, we have invested a lot of affection in An'an, so, do you understand what we mean? "

Lu Wanwan nodded, Dad, Mom, I understand your feelings, that's why I brought An'an back to City Y immediately. "

did not take good care of you

Father Fu said "it's good if you can understand", "Tomorrow, your mother and I want to take An An to live with us for a while, do you have any objection?"

It can only be said that because of the appearance of the Li family, the two elders were a little panicked. What if An An's life experience was leaked and the Li family came to snatch the child from them?It's better to put it under your own eyelids and look at it for peace of mind.

Of course, Lu Wanwan has no objection to this, "Okay, I will follow my parents' wishes."

At this time, An An came back after washing her little hands.

Mother Fu said instead, "Let's eat.

meal room.

"Baby meat, come here, this is the pork ribs stewed by grandma for you, eat slowly, be careful of broken bones."

An An, come on, eat more fish to be smart, grandpa has already shaved off the fishbone for you. "

"An'an is already smart enough. She can solve the third-grade questions just after entering school. Let's eat more meat."

An An looked at her bowl stacked so high, she couldn't help but look at Lu Wanwan asking for help, "Mummy, hiccup!"

He has been working hard to eat, but the more he eats, the more he eats, the more he will be stuffed to death.

Lu Wanwan evened out his big chicken drumsticks, picked up a chopstick of green vegetables for him, and explained, "Dad, Mom, An An has eaten a lot of cakes and candies over there these days, so I'd better give them to him." Order green vegetables to moisten the stomach."

While sucking on the green vegetables, An An echoed "Mmm."

Seeing this, Fu's father and Fu's mother couldn't say anything about Lu Wanwan.

did not take good care of you

After dinner.

Lu Wanwan took An An to take a bath, which was always done by Fu Shuo. The father and son could even soak naked in the bathtub together, chatting and playing.

Now when she touched Lu Wanwan's gentle eyes, An An became a little shy.

Seeing him grabbing the corner of his clothes, Lu Wanwan asked amusedly, "Why, don't you want Mommy to see you?

Mommy, why don't you let me wash it myself. "After all, Mommy took him to catch a day's flight today, and he didn't want her to work too hard.

"You are so small, what if you drown in the bathtub? Be obedient and raise your hands high. Lu Wanwan helped him take off his clothes while talking.

A moment later, after An An climbed into the bathtub with his bare buttocks, Lu Wanwan washed his hair first, but during the process, the shower accidentally flushed bubbles into his nose.

An An suddenly caught up with clockwork, and sneezed several times.

Lu Wanwan quickly grabbed a large towel beside him and wiped his face. As she wiped, she couldn't help realizing that Fu Shuo had really helped her share a lot these years.

After Xiaotuanzi finished taking a bath, he saw a pink face and eyes narrowed comfortably.

But Lu Wanwan cruelly shook him awake, "Go and chat with grandparents for a while, and then come back to sleep."

An An obediently replied "Okay~"

After Xiaotuanzi went downstairs, Lu Wanwan helped him put his homework into his schoolbag so that he could take it to write tomorrow.

did not take good care of you

The next morning, seeing that it was almost time, Lu Wanwan came to the bedside and kissed Xiaotuanzi's face, baby, it was time to get up. "

As a result, An An closed her eyes and hummed twice.

Since going to school, this child has not stayed in bed, and is more self-disciplined than adults.

Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand curiously and perplexedly, and shook his tender belly, "What's the matter, baby?"

Finally, An An opened her eyes and said rustlingly, "Mum, I feel bad.

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan immediately stretched out her hand to touch his forehead, seeing that there was no obvious sign of fever, she couldn't help asking to tell Mommy, why is it uncomfortable? "

"Nauseous, want to vomit."

As he said that, Xiaotuanzi turned over and slid off the bed, but before taking a few steps, he vomited on the floor.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan hurriedly carried him to Uncle You. As a housekeeper, Uncle You knew a little about everything.

After asking about An An's symptoms, Uncle You combined the itinerary of the past few days and came to the conclusion that "the young master is only six years old, and he travels back and forth between the north and the south. , naturally uncomfortable."

"Mommy~" An An, lying in Lu Wanwan's arms, dragged her little milky voice and asked, "Can I not go to grandparents' house today?"

Thinking that the two elders would feed An An like piglets every day, Lu Wanwan hesitated.

After learning about this, Father Fu took the initiative to say, "Since An An is not feeling well, let him stay at home first."

Fu's mother apologized again and again, "I'm sorry Wanwan, I forced An'an to eat too much meat last night. Mom didn't mean it."

did not take good care of you

An An said, "It's not grandma's fault, it's grandma's food that is so delicious that An An can't stop eating."

Fu's mother was startled, but she was a little moved, such a good child, how could they not treat them as their own?

At this time, a phone call came.

It turned out that it was Fu Shuo's sister who sent her two children to Fu's parents' house for the summer vacation.

Seeing that the two elders were unable to separate themselves, Lu Wanwan said to Dad, Mom, why don't you go back and take Beibei and Youyou first, and I will send An'an to you when he is well. "

"Okay. The second elder can only go back with regret.

After sending them off, Uncle You turned around and said, young mistress, I'll make some medicine for the young master, you can take him back to the room to rest first. "

Okay, I'm sorry.Lu Wanwan said, and carried An An back to the room.

in the ground.After cleaning up the vomit on the bed, Lu Wanwan came to the bedside to accompany An An.

Seeing him staring at her all the time, she couldn't help asking, "What are you looking at, baby?"

An An said softly, "Mummy, I'm causing you trouble."

Lu Wanwan pressed his little hand to his face.Come on, so that he can rest assured, "No, Mommy didn't take good care of you."

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