Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 346 He Is Our Son

Unexpectedly, An An took Fu Shuo's hand, coquettishly: "Daddy, don't go!"

Fu Shuo looked down at him: "What else do you want to do?"

An An said surprisingly: "Stay with me and sleep with Mommy."

Lu Wanwan was stunned.

Fu Shuo raised his eyebrows.

An An looked at them, and asked innocently: "I've wanted to ask for a long time, why do daddy and mommy keep sleeping in separate rooms?"

Lu Wanwan laughed dryly and said: "You are still young, can't Mommy sleep with you?"

But I heard from other students that their parents all slept together. "" Lu Wanwan choked. It was easy for An An to be fooled before, but now it will be difficult.

Seeing that she didn't speak, An An thought she was embarrassed, so she said like a little adult: "Is it because I'm ignorant that Mommy can't sleep with Daddy?

It's okay, I'm already 6 years old, not too young.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help looking at Fu Shuo, but saw the man who always knew how to rescue her, but now he was leaning against the door frame, smiling at her explanation.

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to find another reason to fool her: "Honey, when you grow up a bit, I'll sleep with your daddy again, okay?"

"Okay then." An An sighed regretfully.

Lu Wanwan came to Fu Shuo while turning off the lights, and whispered, "Don't mind, I was joking."

"It's okay to be serious." After leaving these words, Fu Shuo closed the door for their mother and son.

The next morning.

After Fu Shuo pulled out his chair and sat down, he said to Lu Wanwan who was eating breakfast: "Last night, the head teacher called to ask me about An'an's trip to S City, and I signed him up.

"What? Lu Wanwan put down the bowl and chopsticks, rarely impatient: Why didn't you discuss it with me first?"

Fu Shuo took the breakfast brought by the old housekeeper and said, "I asked An An last night when I was taking a bath. He said he wanted to play. You should respect the child's opinion."

Lu Wanwan bit her lower lip: "But

"No, but, can someone snatch our son away? When Fu Shuo said this, there was a lot of confidence in him.

Of course, as the richest man in city y, he does have the ability to be confident.

Two days later, the school bus of Nanyang Elementary School stopped at the entrance of the Fu family's villa. The children in the car were wearing yellow caps and carrying small schoolbags. They were all sticking to the glass windows and looking curiously at the mansion not far away, marveling. The sound came and went.

At the same time, Lu Wanwan was squatting in front of An An, and confessed—Baby, remember, you must follow the teacher closely, and you must not fall behind. If you fall behind, call the teacher and ask them to pick you up. ? "

"Remember, Mommy!"

"If you don't like eating food on the plane, just eat the bento that Mommy made for you."


"Get along well with your classmates, remember not to fight on the plane, share snacks together, and remember to brush your teeth before going to bed at night."

Lu Wanwan babbled a lot, but Fu Shuo was more straightforward: it was fun. "

"Well, I will! Daddy, Mommy, goodbye!"

An'an looked at their faces respectively.After chirping, he turned around and ran to the teacher waiting outside the school bus, putting on the sightseeing cap of "Nanyang Elementary School", and climbed into the bus.

Lu Wanwan waved to him through the car window.

After a while, seeing that she was still reluctant to part, Fu Shuo reminded: The school bus has already left. "

Lu Wanwan looked back and said to him: "An'an has never left us, do you think he can adapt?"

Fu Shuo said: "With teachers taking care of him and classmates playing with him, he will definitely adapt."

Lu Wanwan was still worried: But, there are too many old people in S City. "

Fu Shuo comforted him, "S City is so big, the chance of meeting him is less than one in a thousand, and if he does, his surname is Fu, not Li."


After getting off the plane, the teachers took the children on the bus that came to pick up the plane, and headed to the hotel-

An hour later, the bus suddenly bumped abnormally!

The driver quickly pulled over and stopped the car. After getting out of the car and checking it, he came up with a look of embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, the tire suddenly leaked."

Seeing the teachers frowning, the driver hurriedly said, "The hotel is just ahead, just cross the road."

Only then did the teachers stretch their eyebrows and said, "Okay, you hurry up and change the tires, we have to take the students to the museum by car tomorrow.

The driver hurriedly said, "Okay, okay."

When I got off the bus, the red light happened to be on. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the teachers hurriedly instructed the children to cross the road-

"Students, follow closely, don't fall behind.

Citizens of city S who were parked and doing nothing, saw a group of "little yellow ducks" holding hands, looking around and passing by them, they were so cute!

At the end of the line, a little girl asked curiously: "Student An An, you don't cross the road, what are you looking at here?

An An pointed to the building in the distance, and said: "That building is really tall." The little girl looked along his fingertips: "Yes, it's so tall, look, there are words on it! Shi, what group?"

An'an said: Li's Group.

The little girl admired: "Oh, classmate An An, you are so educated, you know all the characters with so many strokes!"

While talking, I saw that except for them, everyone else had already walked to the opposite side. The little girl was startled and hurriedly dragged An An across the road.

Meanwhile, the green light comes on -

The Rolls Royce started quickly, but when it saw two children coming down the steps, it braked sharply!

Rolls Royce -

The man who was dragged by inertia raised his head from the folder, and asked with a trace of lifelessness: What's wrong? "

The secretary in charge of driving was shivered by his voice, and then came back to his senses and said, "It's not good, Mr. Li, I seem to have hit someone!"


What are you panicking about? "

"It's two children!"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen said expressionlessly, "Go down and have a look."

The secretary quickly opened the car door and ran to the front of the car to have a look.

I saw two children fell to the ground, the little girl was fine, but the little boy's knee was bruised.

"Ahh! Classmate An An, you are bleeding, humming.


"Teacher Huo, come quickly!"

Accompanied by the little girl's cry for help, a teacher frantically dodged the passing cars and came to An An.

Seeing that his knee was injured, although it was only a skin trauma, Mr. Huo was still devastated.

At this time, I only heard An An say: "Mr. Huo, I need to disinfect and put on a Band-Aid, or I will get an infection."

Yes Yes Yes!Teacher Huo hurriedly pulled out one by one medicine boxes from the bag he was carrying.

What a crime, this is the first day in S City, a student was injured, and it was An An, how should I explain to Mr. Fu when I go back?

Seeing the cars and horses around him like a dragon, Li Jingchen suddenly moved his lips coldly: hug him to the side.

yes.After the secretary responded, he bent down and said to An An: "My kid, I'm sorry, you bear it!

After An An was picked up by the secretary, she took the initiative to say: "Uncle, I didn't pay attention to the traffic lights and this happened, and I should be the one apologizing to you.

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