They all look forward to Li Jingchen's death, but only Li Xiangchen takes action. Only by keeping Li Xiangchen can he continue to hinder Li Jingchen! Immediately afterwards, Li Jingchen's uncle said earnestly in his mother tongue, "Jingchen, Xiangchen is your brother after all, brother and sister. Damn, it's not good to spread the word.

"Has my reputation ever been good?" Li Jingchen asked back.

All in one room In short, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run. "

In the next second, I only heard an angry scolding sound coming from behind them, "I'm still talking about long-term plans!"

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look, only to see Li Yuanzhong standing behind them with a dark face, and he didn't know how long they had been listening! Zhuang Jing gave the servant a hard look.

The servant’s heart is bitter, it’s the old man who didn’t let it out! Li Yuanzhong was furious at this moment and said, “You bastards, don’t you just remember that Jing Chen bought your shares in Li’s Group back then? I’ll tell you the truth today. You, I let him do this, if you have any hatred, just come to me!"

Hearing this, the Li family members hurriedly got up and said, "Uncle, we didn't mean that!" Uncle! Don't get excited! But Li Yuanzhong glared at them one by one, saying, "Who said just now that my wife's mind is not clear and she is talking nonsense?" of?"

Don't kneel, get up and talk only to hear a "plop", Li Jingchen's uncle knelt on the ground, sweating coldly and said, "I made a slip of the tongue, I would like to be punished!"

Li Yuanzhong poked his chest hard with his crutches, and said, "Aren't you very capable? Don't kneel down, get up and talk!"

Every time, Li Yuanzhong exerted his dark energy.

"Don't dare!" Li Jingchen's uncle was poked and fell to the ground, and quickly got up and knelt down.

But as soon as he knelt down, Li Yuanzhong continued to poke his chest with his cane, causing him to collapse in embarrassment.

Next, I saw Li Jingchen's uncle like a tumbler, falling down and getting up again, getting up and falling down again "Does it hurt?" Li Yuanzhong stopped before he was about to vomit blood, "It hurts!"

It hurts." Li Jingchen's uncle waited for a long time before covering his chest, and said with a livid face, "But as long as you can calm down, it's fine. "

Li Yuanzhong said, "Let me tell you, your pain is nothing compared to Jingchen!"

Seeing him grit his teeth, Li Yuanzhong asked, "Why, you don't agree?"

With that said, Li Yuanzhong looked at the other Li clan members, "Aren't you convinced?"

Li Jingchen's uncle led the crowd and said, "We dare not.

"I see, you are convinced." As Li Yuanzhong said, he suddenly tore off Li Jingchen's collar, exposing his left chest with bullet marks.

"Look at what this is!" Li Yuanzhong said loudly, "If Li Xiangchen ordered someone to shoot you in the chest, I hope you can forgive him too!"

Don't kneel, get up and talk. Looking at the gunshot wound on Li Jingchen's chest, the Li family's clan couldn't help glaring at Zhuang Jing. Why didn't she tell them about this! As for asking Li Yuanzhong for evidence, they didn't have the guts.

Zhuang Jing lowered her head guiltily.

"Okay, let's go." Li Yuanzhong is really tired of looking at them too much. A group of hypocrites are waiting for something to happen to Jing Chen so that they can get a piece of the pie. You don't have to worry about it if you have your own measure.

".Yes." The Li clan had no choice but to leave in despair.

With a faint smile on the corner of Li Jingchen's mouth, he said, "Grandpa, I'm tired of traveling, I'll take you to rest."

"Wait a minute." Li Yuanzhong said, walking towards Zhuang Jing.

Zhuang Jing quickly stood up from the sofa, but she was afraid that the old man would stab herself to death in a fit of anger, so she couldn't help but shrink back.

Li Yuanzhong didn't want to make a move against a woman, so he asked coldly, "Tell me, where is Li Xiangchen?"

Zhuang Jing said, "Dad, I really don't know that!"

Li Yuanzhong said, "Then you can always contact him, right? Tell him to be smart, and come back and bow his head and confess!"

"I can't contact him." Zhuang Jing swallowed even more, "Besides, he doesn't listen to me either.

"Zhuang Jing, sometimes I really want to ask you how you have been a mother all these years! Li Yuanzhong walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said, "Do you know what I am thinking now?"

Zhuang Jing shook her head anxiously.

Don't kneel down, get up and talk, Li Yuanzhong paused, and said seriously, "I'm thinking, is it appropriate for Xuyang to follow you again, maybe I should bring him with me after this incident, and raise him personally."

Zhuang Jing was shocked when she heard this, "Dad, please don't! Xuyang is my heart, I can't live without him!"

Meanwhile, upstairs.

After a servant knocked on the door of Li Xuyang's room, he respectfully said, "Young Mistress, the guests have already left.

Lu Wanwan, who was playing games with Li Xuyang, raised her head upon hearing this, "So fast?"

The servant said cryptically, "As soon as the old man comes, they will leave."

"I understand." After Lu Wanwan put down the game console, she poked Li Xuyang's face, "Grandpa is here, I'll take you downstairs to greet his old man."

Unexpectedly, Li Xuyang said in a panic, "I'm most afraid of grandpa! Don't go down."

Lu Wanwan asked, "Why are you afraid of grandpa?"

Li Xuyang frowned, and recalled, "Grandpa is so fierce, he would stare at me every time we met, and said that I must be a playboy in the future, and it is difficult to become a master."

Lu Wanwan tapped the tip of his nose, "Don't worry, if this grandpa talks about you again, I will definitely tell him about your progress, and he will be happy."

Li Xuyang asked anxiously, "Will he really be happy?"

Lu Wanwan said definitely, "Yes, don't forget, you are also his grandson.

That night.

A penetrating cold wind blew, awakening Bai Qingluo who was lying on the bed.

She looked at the window and found that the two panes of glass had been blown away by the wind at some point, Bobie knelt down, got up and talked, and the gauze curtains were fluttering, which made her a little terrified.

She couldn't help pulling on the bedside lamp, and when she looked up again, she saw a figure at the window.

She screamed "AH!!!" in fright

The other party let her scream enough, and then slowly said, "It's me."

Bai Qingluo covered her troubled heart, and asked in a trembling voice, "Li Xiangchen?"

The light illuminated Li Xiangchen's ghostly figure, Bai Qingluo lifted the quilt, got off the bed barefoot, and came to him to confirm, "You are all right!"

Li Xiangchen asked, "Do you want me to be okay?"

"Of course not." Bai Qingluo said, "As soon as I saw the press conference held by Li Jingchen, I immediately wanted to go to Li's house to find you, but my dad insisted that I not go out.

After a pause, she asked, "What happened? Why did you suddenly resign from the Li Group?"

Li Xiangchen said, "Grandma is awake, what I did with you has been revealed."

Hearing this, Bai Qingluo's face turned pale, "That old man can still wake up!"

Li Xiangchen said quietly, "The world is unpredictable."

Bai Qingluo said, "Then what are you still doing in City S, run for your life!"

As for her, she shouldn't have escaped. Although she framed Lu Wanwan and pushed her down the cliff, she didn't cause any substantial harm to Lu Wanwan.

Li Xiangchen's eyes fell on her lower abdomen, "Why not, you are pregnant with my child."

At this time, remembering that he is the father of the child? Bai Qingluo evaded and said, "The doctor said that it is not appropriate to run around when you are pregnant. I think it is better for me to stay and help you pay attention to the troubles in S City."

Li Xiangchen smiled faintly, "With so many excuses, do you still have illusions about going back to Li's house?"

Bai Qingluo's limbs became stiff when she was asked about it. Every time something happened to him, even if her mother's idea of ​​relying on the child was unsuccessful, she could still ask Zhuang Jing for a huge amount of child support with the help of the child in her womb.

Zhuang Jing is so eager for Li Xiangchen to have a child, she will definitely treat it well no matter the cost, so why should she follow Li Xiangchen to the end of the world? Li Xiangchen saw her little thought in his eyes, and suddenly said, "Don't say I won't give you a chance, You call Li Jingchen now."

Bai Qingluo asked strangely, "What do you want me to call him? Li Xiangchen said every word," and said that you are willing to expose all my crimes, and only ask him to keep you and the child. "

Bai Qingluo's eyes widened, "Are you so kind? Wait, what will you do if I become his witness?"

Li Xiangchen said coldly, "I'm so moved so soon? She is really a ruthless girl. What conditions do you have? People."

"Didn't you ask me to call him? Li Xiangchen, when is this, and you still want to test my sincerity? Interesting!"

Bai Qingluo now regarded him as a fugitive, and his aura rose unconsciously.

But when he saw him take out his gun, this aura disappeared in an instant, "I'll just do what you want!"

Li Xiangchen's gun followed the main artery in her neck, came to her heart, slid all the way down, and finally touched her lower abdomen. ?”

"I know, I know!" Bai Qingluo was already crying without his ordering.

At the same time, the Li family.

Li Jingchen was discussing with Li Yuanzhong how to deal with Li Xiangchen.

At this time, when he saw Bai Qingluo's call, his eyes froze, and he said to Li Yuanzhong instead, "Grandpa, it's getting late, you should rest first."

"Okay." Li Yuanzhong rushed to City S as soon as Tang Qiong settled down. The old man was nearly 80 years old, and he was also physically and mentally exhausted at this time.

After Li Jingchen left Li Yuanzhong's room, he slid down the answer button on his phone, put it to his ear and said "Hello".

Bai Qingluo called him at this moment, she must have heard something.

Sure enough, Bai Qingluo asked more choked, "Li Jingchen, I saw the press conference you held today, tell me the truth, did something happen to Li Xiangchen?"

Listening to her crying, Li Jingchen felt bored, "Grandma is awake, the scandal you and Li Xiangchen did in City A has been exposed, what else do you have to say?"

What conditions do you have? Bai Qingluo asked pantingly, "If I say, I am willing to point out all the crimes I know about Li Xiangchen, can you let me go?"

It would be great if she was willing to identify Li Xiangchen. Li Jingchen asked, "What conditions do you have?"

Bai Qingluo cried and said, "I know that I have committed a serious crime, so I don't ask for anything other than that you can keep me and the baby in my womb!"

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes, "That's it? This doesn't suit her greedy nature.

"Well, I have nothing else to rely on, I just ask you to allow me to make amends, so that I can spend the rest of my life in peace!" Bai Qingluo asked cautiously while crying, "Is that okay?"

"Yes." Li Jingchen agreed.

However, Bai Qingluo would never want to go back to Li's house in his life.

Bai Qingluo couldn't help saying happily, "Then it's settled?"

Li Jingchen said "um", "After you catch Li Xiangchen, as long as you can fulfill your promise, so will I."

"I will!" Bai Qingluo said, and with Li Xiangchen's gesture, ended the call.

She looked at the feminine man in front of her in fear, and asked, "Is this okay?"

Only then did Li Xiangchen remove the muzzle of the gun from her lower abdomen.

After Bai Qingluo breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but ask, "I really don't understand, why did you do this?"

"You will understand." Li Xiangchen put away his gun and said, "Come with me now."

Bai Qing was taken aback, "Go? Where are you going?"

What conditions do you have? "My territory."

Bai Qingluo hesitated for a moment, of course she didn't want to go, but she had no choice, this man was carrying a gun!" "Then my parents and the others" they fell asleep, very deeply. "

Seeing her eyes widen in horror, Li Xiangchen said, "Don't worry, I didn't kill them.

"Don't hurt them!" Parents are her last conscience.

"That depends on whether you cooperate." Li Xiangchen said coldly, and walked towards the door.

Bai Qingluo gritted her teeth, followed behind him, and walked out of the Xiangyu Waterfront.

Then, he took a helicopter parked on the lawn with him and flew to an unknown place.

The next morning.

When Lu Wanwan got up and went downstairs, she saw Li Yuanzhong eating breakfast alone in the restaurant.

She knew that everyone except Li Jingchen was afraid of him, but in her eyes, he was just an old man who couldn't eat people.

"Grandpa, good morning!"

Li Yuanzhong looked at her and said kindly, "Wake up, then have breakfast with me.

"Hmm!" Lu Wanwan pulled away the chair opposite him and asked, "I heard that as soon as you went out yesterday, those Li clan members who were going to put pressure on Mr. Li all ran away like shit?" Li Yuanzhong snorted coldly. "They are all my juniors, how dare they let you go in front of me? What are your conditions?"

"Grandpa is so mighty and domineering!" Lu Wanwan said sweetly.

"You little girl, you know how to flatter me!" Even so, Li Yuanzhong ate an extra bowl than usual.

At this time, the servant brought Lu Wanwan's breakfast.

Lu Wanwan asked casually, "Where is Mr. Li?"

The servant said, "The eldest young master went out early in the morning.

Li Yuanzhong said at this time, "Wan Wan, stay at home with me for the last few days, don't go to work."

Lu Wanwan knew that this was out of consideration for her safety, so she responded obediently, "Okay."

Li Yuanzhong then took out a metal bracelet from his pocket, pushed it to her and said, "By the way, put this on."

Lu Wanwan asked, "Grandpa, what is this?"

Li Yuanzhong said, "It's a small thing, just put it on."

On the other side, Bai Qingluo was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the beautiful scenery of seagulls flying across the sea not far away, she should feel comfortable, but she was worried.

She wasn't sure if she was still in City S, so she couldn't help looking back at Li Xiangchen, "What is this place?"

Li Xiangchen shook his red wine glass, but did not answer.

Seeing this, Bai Qingluo couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking?"

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