Lu Wanwan seemed to think of something, and couldn't help saying, "Okay, I know you have a cleanliness freak, I'll have someone change the pillow and bed sheet right now."

"Is this the point?" Li Jingchen pressed her back on the bed, and said with a cold face, "I thought you were as sleepless as I am, but I didn't expect someone to accompany you.

Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand to caress his side face, and teased him, "Isn't it true that you want to eat your own sister's jealousy?"

"I'm never jealous." After Li Jingchen snorted coldly, he said, "Except when dipping dumplings."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's rare for Qingling and I to develop a relationship, aren't you happy?"

Li Jingchen saw her smiling with crooked eyebrows and eyes, she was really touching, and wanted to have sex, but when he saw Li Qingling's pillow, he stopped again.

This feeling, as if the lion's territory has been invaded by someone, is extremely uncomfortable.

Lu Wanwan lightly tugged at his open neckline, whispered into his ear shyly, "Don't be so embarrassing, I'll call someone to change the sheets, and I'll make it up to you tonight.

Li Jingchen pinched her, and after getting addicted, he snorted and said, "It's almost dinner time, seeing Li Qingling peeping at him frequently, Li Jingchen suddenly stopped his chopsticks and asked, "What's the matter?"

Following the gaze cast by Li Jingchen, Zhuang Jing and Li Xiangchen also looked at her in unison, seeing that he was never jealous, Li Qingling's heart was choked, and he said inappropriately, "It's nothing. Brother, it's good that you come back."

"En." Li Jingchen replied and continued to eat dinner.

Seeing that Li Qingling was still staring at Li Jingchen, Zhuang Jing was afraid that she would say something shocking to the world, so she hurriedly said, "Qingling, after dinner, come to Mom's room to try the new necklace I bought for you."

Li Qingling forced a smile and said, "Okay.

A week later, with the announcement of Li Qingling's college entrance examination results, the Li family was very happy together.

In the hall, after putting down the microphone, Zhuang Jing said to everyone with joy, "Just now the principal called me and said that Qingling not only got the No.1 in the whole school, but also the number one student in liberal arts in the whole province! My daughter is very competitive!"

"The whole province!" Li Xuyang was stunned when he heard that, "Lu Wanwan, how many candidates are there in our province?"

Lu Wanwan thought about it, and said, "I read the news. It said it was nearly 70."

"Oh my god!" Li Xuyang couldn't help opening his mouth. It was the first time he felt the excellence of his sister so intuitively. Compared with her, he really didn't look like the Li family.

Seeing that he was downcast, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but encourage her, "Didn't you realize that since you have her tutoring, your grades have improved rapidly?"

Li Xuyang immediately ignited his ambition, "Well! Sooner or later, I will be the first in the exam!"

As for what is the first, I can't guarantee it.

And Li Qingling was also a little surprised when she learned that she was the number one student in liberal arts in the whole province, "I performed supernormally, if I do it again, I won't be so lucky."

He was never jealous, "What kind of luck, it's called strength! If they have the ability, let them also get the first place in the province!" Zhuang Jing said, and glanced at Li Jingchen, remembering that he was the number one student in science in the province. Her daughter also got the first place in the provincial exam, so what's so great about him? In the end, Li Jingchen had a slight smile on his thin lips, and he didn't pay attention to Zhuang Jing's provocation at all, instead he seemed petty.

At this time, Li Qingling looked at Li Jingchen, and called out "big" nervously, Li Jingchen nodded at her and said, "Good job.

With his affirmation, Li Qingling was happier than when she saw the report card.

Zhuang Jing went on to say triumphantly, "Just now the principal said that many key universities have already called Qingling, and some even offered to exempt tuition fees for four years, and some said that they would get 100 million scholarships."

Li Xiangchen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "The Li family is not short of this money."

Zhuang Jing was also disdainful. "No, our Li family has always donated money and materials to the school. When will it be their turn to give it to us?"

Li Xiangchen then said, "Qingling is so good, why not go abroad for further studies." Hearing this, the smile on Li Qingling's face faded, "Thank you, second brother, for thinking about me, but I won't go abroad."

Li Xiangchen smiled and said, "It will be good for you to go abroad for some experience.

It's good for you, my brother.

"I told you, I won't go." Li Qingling folded her arms around her chest, also half-smiling, "When I go to university, I will move out of this house, why should my second brother be so hasty?"

He was never jealous and Li Xiangchen's eyes froze.

Seeing the tension between their brothers and sisters, Zhuang Jing hurriedly smoothed things over, "Okay, this matter can be discussed again. Today is a happy day, everyone is smiling."


Li Qingling gently opened the door and stepped in, looking at the handsome and majestic man on the office chair, "Brother, you called me, what's the matter?" Li Jingchen crossed his hands, put them on the table, and asked seriously, "What major do you want to apply for?" ?”

Li Qingling blinked, "I'm more interested in doctors and lawyers."

Li Jingchen then nodded, "I will ask someone to sort out the best universities for these two majors for you, so you can use them as a reference."

Li Qingling couldn't help being startled, she received a lot of congratulations when her results came out, but he was the only one who made plans for her future.

Before leaving the study, she couldn't help but ask, "Brother, can I ask you a question?"

Li Jingchen said briefly, "Ask."

Li Qingling grabbed the hem of his clothes, pitifully, "Why didn't you tell me that you told me to hide the fact that I was kidnapped by Ning Xin in order to deal with my second brother?"

Li Jingchen frowned handsomely, and taught him a lesson, "If you join the company one day in the future, it won't be too late to get involved in these things."

It was really the answer of the straight man of steel, but her mood, which had been heavy for several days, became a little more relaxed. "yes.

He was never jealous. When she exited the study, Li Xiangchen came out from the shadows, his eyes darkened, "What did he talk to you about?"

"Talked about my major in college." Li Qingling was not afraid to tell him the truth, "Brother is not like you, he only thinks about how to make me disappear."

Seeing that she was about to leave as she spoke, Li Xiangchen gently held her hand, and his voice softened, "Qingling, as long as you behave, I will still be your good second brother.

Li Qingling's fine white fingers tightened suddenly, it would be a lie to say that she is impassive.

But the reality was like cold water on her head, which made her wake up. "The second elder brother in the past wouldn't stand here and wait for me like a prisoner being interrogated."

Li Xiangchen froze slightly, and gradually loosened his five fingers holding her hand.

They have all changed.

Three days later, Grand Hyatt Huating Hotel.

Li Jingchen was hugging Lu Wanwan's slender waist and leading her to meet the guests who came to congratulate her. At this moment, the door of the banquet hall was opened, and someone walked in with their family.

When Li Jingchen saw the person coming, his eyes turned cold, and he said to Lu Wanwan, "Mrs. Li, after you married into the Li family, apart from grandparents and my father, you haven't met other elders in the Li family, have you?"

Lu Wanwan nodded, "I haven't seen it before.

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