Li Qingling said, "Ten to ten thousand."

"It's only ten thousand? How about more." The bunny girl rubbed her body.

But the beauty trick is useless against a woman like Li Qingling, "No, I'll change it after I win."

"Alright then." The bunny girl led her to exchange 1 yuan in chips in a dispirited manner, and then threw it to her to play by herself.

Just when Li Qingling was observing the surrounding environment with great interest and thinking of something to play with, someone suddenly touched his buttocks.

At first she thought that someone had accidentally rubbed against her, but when she was walking on, someone grabbed her ass again.

She was so angry that she turned around, only to see a man with glasses licked the corner of his mouth, and asked lustily, "Little handsome guy, do you want a date?"

Li Qingling narrowed her eyes dangerously, "About?"

The man with glasses looked at her thin figure, slender limbs, and fairer skin than a girl, and faintly excitedly said, "Yes, I know there is a gay bar near here."

A cold light flashed in Li Qingling's eyes, he raised his foot abruptly, and kicked him on the important part! The man with glasses immediately "Aww!", fell to the ground in pain and curled up like a shrimp.

The movement here immediately attracted the bodyguards watching the scene, "What's going on?"

Li Qingling was not afraid, pointing to the people on the ground and said, "He took advantage of me, two!"

She's fine with homosexuality, but it's not okay to touch her without her consent.

I can’t say it. If you win, the bodyguard doesn’t care who is right or wrong. He just said simply and rudely, “We don’t allow troubles in the casino, and all violators will be detained. Tell me, do you want to keep your fingers, or do you want to keep the ransom?”

In the past, Li Qingling would probably be afraid, but after being kidnapped, she has even seen dead people, is she still afraid of this threat "Is your boss there?"

The bodyguard snorted coldly, "Just because you want to ask our boss for mercy?" Li Qingling said, "No, even if you want to keep my fingers, you have to let your boss cut them. "

Hearing this, the bodyguard gave her a high look, "Okay, you're kind! Come with me!"


"Boss, I caught this kid making trouble in our casino, please deal with it."

Li Qingling, who was pushed to the front, followed the trend and saw Lin Yue wearing a black shirt and trousers, with the cuffs slightly rolled up, and a pair of hands that were slender and more beautiful than women were shuffling cards.

She couldn't help watching it a little fascinated, until Lin Yue said "You can handle this kind of thing yourself", and then she came back to her senses and said, "Mr. Lin, we meet again!"

Lin Yue raised his eyes when he heard the words, and after his eyes settled on her face for two seconds, he said, "It's you?"

Li Qingling said pleasantly, "Mr. Lin still remembers me?"

Lin Yue frowned invisibly, "What's going on?"

Li Qingling told the story of being touched on his butt, "Mr. Lin, in order not to cause trouble, I have already dressed up as a man, but I didn't expect to cause trouble for you."

Hearing the words, Lin Yue laughed, and then said to the bodyguard, "Throw that person out."

"Yes." The bodyguard went to do it immediately.

Lin Yue then looked at Li Qingling and said, "You, come here." After Li Qingling blinked, she was a little nervous but walked over out of trust in him, "Mr. Lin, you don't really want to cut me fingers?"

Seeing that she hid her hands behind her back, Lin Yue couldn't help laughing again, "Don't tie your belt so tightly in the future, your waist is thin and your butt is upturned, who do you touch if you don't touch it? 039; Li Qingling's face flushed slightly, and then she lowered her head, Adjusted the belt again.

But she still uses this kind of men's belt for the first time, so she doesn't know how to measure it well.

Seeing that her belt was hanging loosely around her waist, which looked more seductive than when it was tightened, Lin Yue shook his head and said, "Let me do it."

Li Qingling held her breath slightly."

Just as Lin Yue was adjusting her belt with his own hands, he saw a few men push the door in. They were all Lin Yue's personal friends. Seeing this, they joked without fear of death, "Oh, our young master Lin, when did he change his sex?" Orientation?"

"Seeing you, I'm surrounded by a charming and charming beauty, this taste changes really fast!"

"It's still outside, so I untied my waistband? Young Master Lin is too impatient.

Lin Yue was given a punch by the joke, and suddenly realized something and asked, "Did Li Jingchen send you to ruin my reputation?"

Li Qingling quickly said, "It's none of my elder brother's business."

Lin Yue leaned back, keeping a distance from her, "I'll send you back."

Can't speak, let's talk after winning, but Li Qingling said, "Mr. Lin, I'm your guest today, you should let me have a good time."

Hearing this, Lin Yue squinted her eyes. What kind of illusion made her feel that he had room for negotiation, huh? "Do you know what happened to the last woman who played with me?"

Li Qingling shook her head.

"I sent her to the auction and suffered all kinds of humiliation." Lin Yue said, looking at her, "How about it, are you scared?" Li Qingling said, "Then she must have offended you." "

Lin Yue asked, "Oh? Why do you think so?"

The words Li Qingling uttered seemed to be wrapped in honey, "Look, you didn't cut off my fingers when I caused trouble in your casino, so you don't have a bad heart."

Lin Yue was startled, and felt inexplicably happy, "It seems that you are really not afraid of me."

Li Qingling reasoned and said, "Why should I be afraid of my savior? Besides, my elder brother was harder to get close to than you before, didn't I persist?"

Lin Yue suddenly asked, "Do you admire Li Jingchen?"

Li Qingling said "En!" without hesitation.

Hearing this, Lin Yue's heart was filled with darkness. If he kept Li Qingling by his side, would Li Jingchen be so angry that he would jump to his feet? He waited and saw.

In the evening, the Li family.

When Li Qingling came back humming, she saw Lu Wanwan standing at the door of her room.

No, after winning, she couldn't help but ask, "Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Wanwan smiled at her and said, "Today is your birthday, and I'm waiting for you to come back." Li Qingling was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but hug her and said, "Sister-in-law, you are so kind!"

After Lu Wanwan touched her head, she suddenly smelled "Qingling, why do you smell like cigarettes?"

Li Qingling thumped in his heart, before he had time to explain, Lu Wanwan said seriously, "Did those boys from other schools come to you again?"

"No!" Li Qingling quickly said, "Sister-in-law, I swear I didn't fool around with them, you keep it a secret for me, don't tell elder brother, okay?"

Today is Li Qingling's birthday, Lu Wanwan didn't want her to be unhappy, so she raised her index finger and agreed with her, "Just one."

Li Qingling hurriedly said, "Well, thank you sister-in-law!"

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