Li Jingchen said lightly, "You are very good at gaining sympathy." Want to use public opinion to put pressure on him? Ning Bai hummed heavily. If Li Jingchen can't handle this well, it will be a serious public relations crisis! In short, Ning's life is hard, He, Mrs. Li, can't even think about it! Li Jingchen then looked at the deputy mayor who had already greeted him on the stage, "Deputy mayor, can you tell him why Mrs. Li doesn't want to cooperate with Mrs. Ning?"

"Of course." After the deputy mayor picked up the remote control and operated it, he saw the six men who kidnapped Li Qingling and Jingjing who was in charge of the middleman appeared on the giant screen.

Ning Bai said inexplicably, "This is the reason you said for not cooperating with Ning's? I don't even know who these people are!"

Even Li Xiangchen couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Li Jingchen's gourd.

"Don't worry, read it slowly." Li Jingchen glanced at Ning Bai, then got up and faced everyone present, and said, "Everyone should wait until you finish reading it before discussing who is right and who is wrong."

In the video, Jingjing and the six men were confessing their crimes in the police station.

I haven't settled the score with you yet. When Jingjing said that Ning Xin called and asked her to hire gangsters to scratch Hua Li Qingling's face, Ning Bo's complexion changed dramatically.

After investigation by the police, Jingjing's bank account did receive a transfer from Ning Xin, totaling 10 yuan.

In addition, the police also retrieved the recording of the call with Ning Xin from Jingjing's mobile phone. Ning Xin's tone of wishing to put Li Qingling to death was so true that it was transmitted to everyone's ears verbatim.

And those six men also confessed to kidnapping Li Qingling, slapping Li Qingling, and even extorting 1000 million from Li Jingchen.

When the video ended, Li Jingchen looked at Ning Bai who was struck by lightning, and opened his thin lips lightly, "Your sister Ning Xin hired someone to kidnap the daughter of my Li family in order to disfigure her face and vent her anger. You said that I can still cooperate with you with peace of mind." ?"

And the scene was already in an uproar. "Oh my God, this girl Ning Bai is too courageous. She dared to touch Li's family? She even blackmailed Li Jingchen for 1000 million? What Ning Bai had done before Isn't it all in vain?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's easy for Ning Bai to step down now, and he was justified at first, but once this video comes out, he has to apologize to the Li family in turn.

"Li Jingchen is so ruthless! He doesn't settle things privately, but deliberately puts them on the table and said, his face tsk-tsk.

"However, I can't blame Li Jingchen for this. Whoever made the Ning family break their promises first, and now they are behind the Li family, Li Jingchen will no longer be a man if he endures it. If it were me, I would also mess with the Ning family!"

At this time, someone changed the subject, "Don't you think Li Xiangchen has problems too? Li Qingling is his half-brother, I haven't settled with you yet, my sister, but his treatment of Li Qingling is not as good as Li Jingchen's half-brother. Mother's eldest brother take care!"

"Hey, what you said is indeed reasonable! Li Xiangchen has always advocated the cooperation between the Li family and the Ning family. This is completely disregarding the feelings of his own sister!"

Hearing this, Li Xiangchen's face was full of gloom. He didn't know anything about Ning Xin hiring someone to ruin Qing Lingrong! Now it's all right, he and Ning Bai will bear all the infamy, and Li Jingchen will pick himself up He is clean, and maybe he can win the reputation of a "good big brother", but what about him? Unexpectedly, how can the Ning family compete for the deep-water harbor without the support of the Li family? When the bidding meeting ended, Ning Bai was still sitting in his seat in a daze, while Li Xiangchen caught up with Li Jingchen and asked with gritted teeth. "Brother, why didn't you tell me about Qingling being bullied?"

Li Jingchen seemed to see through his tone, "Even if I tell you, you will probably give up Li Qingling for the sake of profit, maybe you will force Li Qingling to forget about it, just to help you achieve success."

Li Xiangchen's throat tightened, but he still argued, "Qing Ling is my own sister, and I will definitely make the decision for her if she is wronged!"

"In front of me, don't pretend, you can't pretend to be human." After finishing speaking, Li Jingchen got into the car, leaving Li Xiangchen standing where he was, clenching his fists.

Not long after, I saw Ning Bai walking towards him with a sullen face, and asked angrily, "Li Xiangchen, why didn't you tell me that Xin'er hired someone to trouble your sister?"

I haven't settled the score with you yet. Li Xiangchen was already furious in his heart, but when he was questioned by Ning Bai, he sneered, "I haven't settled the score with you yet, but you're blaming me!"

Ning Bai grabbed his collar with all his strength, and asked like he lost his wits, "Li Qingling's accident happened, it's impossible for your own brother not to know, say! Did you partner up with Li Jingchen on purpose, and you are responsible for luring me into the bait?" He is in charge of contacting other companies, just waiting to get revenge on Ning's today? "I don't know anything about this, don't go crazy!" After Li Xiangchen waved his hand away violently, he got into the car gloomyly and went to Ning's house.

The sound of the doorbell made Father Ning look up from the financial magazine, and said to the servant behind him, "Go and see who is ringing the doorbell."

After a while, the servant went back and forth, saying, "Master, four policemen came outside, saying yes." Father Ning asked strangely, "What are you talking about? Don't hesitate."

The servant hesitated, "They said they came to take the lady back to the police station for interrogation."

"What?" Father Ning's expression froze, "Go and ask them, is there something wrong? Xin'er just came back from abroad, so it's impossible to cause any trouble!"

While speaking, four policemen walked in without authorization.

Father Ning's old face sank, he straightened up and said, "Even if you are policemen, you can't just enter the house like this?"

One of the policemen said, "I'm sorry, we have a search warrant and have been ordered to arrest Ning Xin and bring her to justice. Please cooperate."

Father Ning asked in a cold voice, "What happened to Xin'er?"

I haven't settled with you yet. The police told him the truth.

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