Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 3 He has a bad temper and a poisonous mouth

After Lu Wanwan came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, she glanced at Li Jingchen from a distance, and saw that he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, probably asleep.

Finally, I don't have to listen to his poisonous tongue.

After Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, she thought that she had to go to work tomorrow, so she was also ready to go to bed.

It's just that it's snowing in city S today, and there's no heating in the room, so Lu Wanwan had to search through all the cabinets, only to find that the only quilt was on Li Jingchen's body.

Although he has a bad temper and a poisonous mouth, she still doesn't want to grab the quilt with a patient. After thinking about it, she took out a winter coat from her suitcase and ran to sleep on the sofa.

for a long time--

After Lu Wanwan fell asleep, the man on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Under the dim wall lamp, Li Jingchen's deep eyebrows and eyes were reflected, and there was no gloomy shadow in those dark pupils?

The next second, he straightened up quietly and looked coldly at the woman sleeping on the sofa.

His new wife had a small face, delicate features, and her exposed skin was extremely fair, revealing the youthful luster unique to young girls.

She didn't seem to be sleeping soundly, and her little feet were trying to curl up into the coat, looking very cold.

At this moment, a stabbing pain hit, and Li Jingchen's eyes fell into darkness again.

He only started to see it yesterday, but the time he was able to persist was very short, but it was enough for him to see clearly the faces of the people around him.

A car accident not only made him lose his light, but also made him lose the management rights of Li's enterprise. Even his girlfriend, whom he had loved for many years, fell into the arms of his enemy, and he lost everything!

And tonight, it was just one more person who saw his jokes!How could he give her a good look?


Because of the new environment, Lu Wanwan woke up before the alarm clock rang the next day.

She first glanced at Li Jingchen, and seeing that he was still awake, she quietly walked to the window, wanting to see if the snow had stopped outside, but she opened the curtain and saw a wall in front of her? !

She belatedly realized that there was not a single window in this room!

Even if she had no feelings for Li Jingchen, Lu Wanwan couldn't help muttering, living in this kind of place, even a normal person like her would feel depressed, so how could it be suitable for him to recuperate?

Or did Li Jingchen close himself up on purpose because of his blindness?

She couldn't help but look back at Li Jingchen, only to see that he had woken up at some point, staring straight in her direction, his eyes were dark and permeating for no reason.

She was startled, and then said hello: "Good morning, did I wake you up?"

Li Jingchen asked blankly, "What do you think?"

Lu Wanwan didn't expect him to sleep so lightly, obviously her walking voice was already very quiet: "Sorry, I'll move more lightly next time."

"Hmph." Li Jingchen turned his back, not wanting to talk nonsense with her.

However, in the next second, Lu Wanwan's soft voice sounded again: "Young Master Li, can I discuss something with you?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Jingchen's mouth: "You have revealed your true colors so quickly, do you want to negotiate terms with me?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "You misunderstood, I want to say, can we replace the wall behind you with floor-to-ceiling windows?"

Li Jingchen's expression with his back turned to her suddenly became strange: "What did you say?"

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