Bai Qingluo also felt that the opportunity was not to be missed, but before that, she wanted to confirm again, "Xiang Chen, after this is over, can you really let them divorce?" Trust me. Li Xiangchen touched her wine glass lightly and said, "Let's celebrate in advance?"

"Hmm!" Bai Qingluo raised his head and drank the champagne in one gulp, half for celebration and half for courage.

After she avoided everyone's attention and went to the second floor, Li Xiangchen sneered and waved to a reporter not far away.

The reporter originally came to take pictures of Mr. Zhong's birthday party, but he didn't expect that Li Xiangchen would suddenly take a fancy to him, so he hurried over with the camera on his shoulders.

"Second Young Master Li, what's the matter?"

Li Xiangchen saw that there were many people in the banquet hall, so he said, "Come out with me."

On the second floor, in the guest room.

After the waiter exited the room, he said to Bai Qing who was following, "Miss Bai, wait a moment.

Bai Qingluo was blocked by him, and couldn't help but feel a little displeased, "Wait, who are you?"

The waiter smiled, "Of course I belong to you. Young Master Li's medicine has not fully exerted its effect. If you go in now, you will be kicked out."

How can she be better than me? Hearing this, Bai Qing looked annoyed, she is now so stupid that even a waiter looks down on her.

Wait, she suddenly felt wrong and asked, "Did Xiang Chen let you do something to me too?!"

The other party smiled, "Master just wants to help Miss Bai succeed."

At the same time, Lu Wanwan, who was brought to the stage by Elder Zhong, suddenly saw a familiar figure under the crowd.

Is it Sister Yan? At first she thought she had misread it, but after blinking, she realized it was really her! Sister Yan is back! Before Lu Wanwan could be happy, she saw Wei Yu coming out from behind and dragging Lin Yan pulled into his arms, and that gesture was clearly forcing Sister Yan! Wei Yu was pinching Lin Yan's wrist, and said coldly, "Lin Yan, you'd better behave yourself, don't force me to kill you right now. Take it back and lock it up."

Lin Yan stared at him bitterly, "Wei, I want to break up with you! You and your canary live together! Wei Yu's eyes turned cold, and there was a little cruelty in his deep voice." "Only I can do without you, you can't do without me, don't forget, your grandparents are still in my hands. "

"You bastard!" Lin Yan tried hard to shake off his hand, "Let me go, I'm going to find Wanwan!"

How is she better than me? Wei Yu narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Why are you so anxious to find Lu Wanwan? Ask her for help? Or ask her to go to the nightclub with you?"

"It's business!"

"I think you just want Lu Wanwan to help you escape from my side, don't even think about it, go!" Wei Yu finished speaking expressionlessly, and dragged Lin Yan out of the crowd.

He's going to lock her up again! Panicked flashed in Lin Yan's eyes, and in desperation, she lowered her head and bit hard on Wei Yu's hand that was holding her.

"Hiss. Wei Yu couldn't help letting go.

Lin Yan immediately turned around and ran away.

Wei Yu looked down at the back of her hand that had been bitten and bled, and with a cold face, he strode after her in the direction of her escape.

At this time, the second floor.

Seeing that Bai Qingluo was about to lose her hold, the waiter smiled and stepped aside and said, "Please, Miss Bai."

Seeing her ugly appearance by a strange and humble man, Bai Qingluo couldn't help but glared at him before pushing in.

"Who?!" Li Jingchen, who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath in the room, immediately opened his sharp eyes when he heard someone coming in.

"Brother Li, seeing Bai Qing's virtuous behavior, Li Jingchen immediately lowered his head and fastened the buttons of his clothes, and then resisted the surge of energy and blood, stood up and came to the door.

How is she better than me? In the end, the door clicked and was locked from the outside.


While running, Lin Yan looked back, and accidentally bumped into the person in front of him. Just as he was about to apologize, he heard the person in front of him say, "Sister Yan, it's me!"

Lu Wanwan came here because she was worried that Lin Yan would be bullied.

"Wanwan?!" Seeing her, Lin Yan immediately beamed with joy. Just as she was about to talk to Lu Wanwan, Wei Yu unexpectedly ran after her.

Seeing Wei Yu approaching aggressively, Lu Wanwan hid Lin Yan behind her.

In the next second, Lin Yan whispered in her ear, "Wanwan, I just saw Bai Qingluo secretly followed your husband up to the second floor. They haven't come down for so long, do you want to take a look?"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's heart tightened. Although she believed that Li Jingchen would not do anything wrong to her, it is also true that he and Bai Qingluo once loved each other deeply.

Thinking of this, she nodded.

Lin Yan didn't want to stay with Wei Yu, so he said, "I'll accompany you, and I can help you if necessary."

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave after whispering to each other like no one else, Wei Yu immediately raised his hand to stop her and asked Lu Wanwan, "Where are you taking my people?"

Lu Wanwan gave him a cold look, "Catch, rape.

= [-]nd floor, in the guest room.

Li Jingchen pushed Bai Qingluo to the ground, and said with a cruel expression, "Bai Qingluo, how can you be better than me? You actually did such a thing behind Li Xiangchen's back!"

Bai Qingluo grabbed his trouser legs, and said pitifully, "Brother Li, he forced me! Save me and help yourself, okay?"

Li Jingchen was slightly taken aback, so to speak, Li Xiangchen didn't love Bai Qingluo at all! That's why he used her to seduce him.

However, now he no longer has the same feelings for Bai Qingluo as before, and it is even less likely that he will touch her at all.

Li Da saw that he was in trouble, and Bai Qingluo asked sadly and unwillingly, "Could it be that this is the case, and you still refuse to look at me?"

Seeing that he couldn't open the door, Li Jingchen simply went back to sit on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

His behavior made Bai Qingluo feel more humiliated, "How is Lu Wanwan better than me? The reason why she married you and took care of you was for grandpa's money! A woman with an open eye for money, won't you rekindle your old relationship with me?"

Li Jingchen said coldly, "I know better than you what kind of person Wanwan is. I also know what kind of person you are. In order to frame Wanwan, you even sacrificed your own children. Bai Qingluo, you have already Become the second Li Xiangchen."

Hearing this, Bai Qingluo's pupils shrank, and then retorted, "It's because you were fascinated by Lu Wanwan, that's why you believe everything she says!"

At this time, outside the door.

Lin Yan pointed to the room where Li Jingchen and Bai Qingluo were, and whispered to Lu Wanwan, "I saw with my own eyes that they entered this room one after another."

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