Lu Wanwan suddenly woke up from her dream.

Li Jingchen, who had been paying attention to her situation, immediately opened his eyes. Seeing that her expression was different, he couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? Does it hurt your ears?"

Lu Wanwan looked at him sideways, feeling a rare sense of vulnerability that was just a dream about her childhood.

"Healing center?"

"No, it's the Lu family.

She dreamed that Lu Weiwei, who got 100 points in the test, was surrounded by her parents and praised her, while she, who also got 100 points in the test, stood in the corner, hoping that her parents would give her a look.

At this time, Li Jingchen got out of bed and poured her a glass of water, "Calm down." Thank you. "After Lu Wanwan took it, she took a few sips.

When she put down the cup, Li Jingchen asked in a timely manner, "Would you like to tell me?"

After Lu Wanwan was silent for a while, she evaded and said, "It's all in the past."

"Then you at least tell me, your mother has always been like this to you?"

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have known that Liang Zhen was so cruel to Lu Wanwan. This was not just partiality, but more like treating her as an enemy! This reminded him of his mother. Hua was short, but he loved him so much, that's why he hated his father so much after she passed away! At this moment, Lu Wanwan's voice brought him back to his thoughts, "Do you mean the thing about her slapping me? ? This is too much." Usually blame mostly.

Sitting on an equal footing with her Li Jingchen's eyes turned cold, is this too much? He should find a way to let Liang Zhen know that Lu Wanwan is no longer the doormat she used to be.

early in the morning.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, Lu Wanwan tried to tear off the gauze from her ears, and was relieved when she saw that the bleeding had stopped.

Immediately, she changed into her overalls and opened the bathroom door.

As a result, she happened to meet Li Jingchen standing outside, and said, "Good morning, Mr. Li."

Li Jingchen looked at her ears first, and seeing that the gauze was gone, he couldn't help but stepped forward and checked it carefully.

"You want to go to work?"

Lu Wanwan said nervously, "Well, it doesn't hurt much anymore."

Li Jingchen pursed his lips, and wanted to tell her that as Mrs. Li, she didn't have to work so hard, but what right did he have to stop her from fighting for her career? "If you can't hold on, come back and rest."

Lu Wanwan was afraid that he would interfere too much, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard him say that, "Okay!"

Xingyue Media.

In the past two days, the first thing Shen Qiran did after he came to the company was to call the legal department, "Did you receive a subpoena from the court today?"

Sitting on the same level as her in the legal department, "No, Mr. Shen."

"That's all right." After Shen Qiran hung up the phone, he was a little puzzled. It's been two days, why hasn't Matt come to sue him yet? Could it be that Li Jingchen made a move? Apart from this, he couldn't think of any other possibility .

Shen Qiran couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "We should treat Wan Wan better."

Hearing this, the secretary behind said, "Mr. Shen, speaking of Ms. Lu, have you heard of it?"

"What did you hear?"

"It was Ms. Lu who was beaten by her mother at the door of the company when she got off work yesterday."

Shen Qiran's expression changed, "What did you say?"

"I heard that it was because of Director Lu's resignation. Anyway, it was quite ugly. In the end, Ms. Lu was taken away by President Li."

Shen Qiran jumped up, "What did you say!"

Seeing that he looked like a repeater, the secretary twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Specifically, why don't you ask Miss Lu yourself?"

Shen Qiran immediately went to Lu Wanwan's department.

After a while, he saw the figure who was working hard. He quickly cleared his throat and said, "Lu Wanwan, come with me."


"What's going on, your mother came to the company to make trouble, why didn't you tell me?"

Facing Shen Qiran's anxious inquiry, Lu Wanwan said calmly, "She's here to look for me."

Sitting on an equal footing with her, Shen Qiran frowned and said, "You asked her to come to me! It was Lu Weiwei who I dismissed!"

Lu Wanwan lowered her eyes slightly, and said, "Mr. Shen, do you think that if I don't run to stop Lu Weiwei, will she be able to discuss cooperation with Matt and won't be fired?"

In this way, Liang Zhen would not come to the company to beat her.

"Impossible! Even without you, once I know that Lu Weiwei obtained the contract by selling her body, I will fire her! Besides, you are doing it for her own good! No, I will call your mother right now to clarify! Shen Qi However, the more she talks, the more she gets angry, why is Liang Zhen so confused? Isn't it Lu Weiwei who should be punished and punished? Lu Wanwan opened her mouth and was about to speak, but Shen Qiran was already holding the phone away.

As soon as Liang Zhen received a call from Shen Qiran, could she be polite? Of course, he, a "grateful man", sprayed "Shen, luckily I didn't let me see you yesterday, otherwise I would have called you too!" "

"Are you still reasonable?" Shen Qiran almost couldn't catch his breath. "I have always respected you as an elder, and it is inconvenient to say some things directly. Now, I solemnly tell you that our company does not welcome you. Also, The reason why Lu Weiwei became like this has a lot to do with you being parents!"

Hearing this, Liang Zhen's roar resounded almost throughout the tea room, "We don't welcome you either! What's so great about you, my Weiwei is now with Young Master Lin, and I don't have to go to your company to accept your birds anymore!" angry!"

Lu family.

Sitting on the same level as her, Liang Zhen put down the microphone, turned around and said to Lu Weiwei who was lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, "Girl, you don't look energetic today, why don't you ask Lin Yue out to relax?"

Lu Weiwei put down her phone and said inexplicably, "He said he was busy and didn't have time."

Liang Zhen then urged, "I think you might as well talk about marriage with Young Master Lin earlier. Once you get married, you can be equal to Wanwan."

Lu Weiwei said impatiently, "Mom, I will handle this matter myself, so you don't have to worry about it.

"Okay, okay, then mom is going to cook bird's nest for you, to keep you beautiful." Liang Zhen said in a good-tempered manner, and went to the kitchen.

Lu Weiwei's pretty face was left behind. In the past few days, she had clearly felt Lin Yue's indifference towards her, otherwise she wouldn't have seduced Matt in a moment of loneliness, but it was a pity that she was destroyed by Lu Wanwan and Shen Qiran .

However, that Matt looked like a hungry ghost, and she could only seek temporary benefits from him. If she wanted to live like a master for a long time, she had to start with Lin Yue! The Li Group.

After finishing the board meeting, Li Jingchen suddenly said to the secretary who was packing up the meeting materials, "Go and order two movie tickets for me later."

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