Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1628 So clingy, I don't know who I look like?

An An crisply shouted: "Grandpa, uncle!"

"Good grandson, come, let grandpa take a good look at it!"

Lu Hongye hugged An An up. Thanks to his good life schedule and exercise, Lu Hongye hugged An An without much effort.

An An hugged Lu Hongye's neck, and asked affectionately, "Grandpa, how have you been recently?"

Lu Hongye shook his head in a gesture: "Grandpa is not good."

An An's eyes widened, and she asked nervously, "Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing how his baby was worried about him, Lu Hongye couldn't help feeling sweet, but he pretended to be angry and said, "If you don't come to see grandpa, how will grandpa be?"

"So that's how it is..." After An An let out a sigh of relief, she gently stroked Lu Hongye's chest with her small hand, rubbed her small head against Lu Hongye's neck, and acted like a baby: "Grandpa calm down, An An will visit grandpa often in the future!"

"Hahaha!" Lu Hongye laughed amusedly.

He hugged An An with pity, and then looked at Li Jingchen. Li Jingchen was wearing a white shirt today, and a red fox cartoon brooch was pinned to the right side of the shirt, which looked incompatible with Li Jingchen's temperament.

Could this be... An An giving Li Jingchen something else?

Lu Hongye turned his head and found that there was also a cartoon brooch pinned to the collar of An An's clothes, which was a little white rabbit.

In this way, Lu Hongye understood and smiled.

In the next second, Li Jingchen yelled softly: "Dad."

"Hey." Lu Hongye was not pretentious, and after answering, said: "Come in."

After Li Jingchen nodded, he lightly supported Lu Wanwan's shoulders and arms, and said softly, "Wanwan, be careful where you step."

Lu Wanwan glanced at the stone road in the courtyard, and smiled knowingly: "I grew up here, so nothing will happen."

Li Jingchen shook his head: "That won't work either."

After understanding the seriousness in Li Jingchen's eyes, Lu Wanwan had no choice but to obey him: "Okay."

Seeing this scene, Lu Zeyu squinted his eyes.

Immediately, Lu Hongye walked into the courtyard first with An An in his arms.

The grandpa and grandson laughed and laughed all the way, adding a bit of life to this always deserted home.

Even Li Jinshu who came to open the door had a faint but obvious smile on his face: "President Li, Wanwan, An'an, welcome home."

Lu Wanwan gently broke away from Li Jingchen's hand that was supporting her, stepped forward to hold Li Jinshu's, and asked with concern: "Jinshu, I haven't seen you for a while, how are you?"

Li Jinshu said: "I'm fine, my godfather and the others are taking good care of me."

Then Lu Zeyu, who walked into the house, changed his expression slightly when he heard this.


The co-author is here with Li Jinshu, and he doesn't even have a name?

Lu Wanwan didn't know that Lu Zeyu had come behind her at this time, so she just asked Li Jinshu: "Brother, he didn't bully you, did he?"

"He..." Li Jinshu subconsciously glanced at Lu Zeyu.

But Lu Wanwan obviously didn't realize it yet.

She thought it was Li Jingchen who was standing behind her, so she said, "You don't have to shy away from Mr. Li, he is your boss in the company, but not at home, just tell me, did your brother find fault with you recently? If If so, I will avenge you!"

"Cough cough." Lu Zeyu coughed twice in disbelief.

Lu Wanwan froze, turned her head in embarrassment, and asked, "Brother, when did you come here?"

While speaking, Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jingchen.

After realizing that he was taking An An from Lu Hongye's arms, he left the seat behind her to Lu Zeyu.

Lu Zeyu folded his arms around his chest and asked with a downcast face on purpose: "Sister Wanwan, it's a pity that I miss you every day, but when you came back, you dragged her to speak ill of me?"

Lu Wanwan stuck out her tongue: "Did I say something bad about you? Didn't I just care about Jinshu's recent situation?"

Lu Zeyu smiled but said, "Then why don't you care about me so much?"

Lu Wanwan simply stepped forward, took Lu Zeyu's arm, and said coquettishly, "Brother~"

This trick worked really well for Lu Zeyu, he chuckled, raised his hand and scratched Lu Wanwan's pretty nose, his eyes were full of doting.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Zeyu turned his eyes and landed on Li Jinshu, saying, "Sister Wanwan doesn't come here often, so don't make something up out of nothing to make her misunderstand me."

Li Jinshu looked back at him clearly and said, "I won't."

Lu Zeyu took Lu Wanwan and walked towards the living room.

At the same time, Lu Hongye was saying to Li Jingchen: "That night, Zeyu and Jin Shu counted the betrothal gift from the secretary until midnight. You spent a lot of money this time."

Li Jingchen said: "I have been separated from Wanwan for six years, this is what I should have given her long ago."

Lu Hongye said: "My youngest daughter is not a material person."

Li Jingchen said sincerely: "I know, but apart from myself and this heart, these dowries are the only things I have left that I can give her."

After hearing this, Lu Hongye nodded and said, "If you have the heart, it's not in vain that Wanwan finally chose to be with you."

the other side--

After Lu Zeyu gently helped Lu Wanwan to sit down, he softly accused: "Sister Wanwan, you are biased."

"I'm biased?"

Lu Zeyu said in a serious manner: "Well, you only care about others when you come here, why don't you ask me how I am doing recently?"

Lu Wanwan was amused by his sour tone: "Brother, I see that your complexion is ruddy and shiny, and it seems that you are doing well."

Lu Zeyu stared, and said: "I think you are just treating one person more favorably than another!"

Don't blame Lu Zeyu for being unbalanced.

When he was a fool before, Wanwan's sister cared most about him.

Well now, his status plummeted.

It's fine if it's behind Li Jingchen and his son, but a Li Jinshu has to divert Wanwan's sister's attention?

Seeing Lu Zeyu humming, Lu Wanwan hurriedly coaxed, "Brother, aren't you mad at me for caring about Jin Shu more than you? Well, it's fine if I don't care about her."

Hearing this, Lu Zeyu's eyes lit up.

"Unless..." Lu Wanwan changed the topic.

Lu Zeyu hurriedly asked, "Unless what?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Unless you treat people well and don't make trouble for nothing, then I won't bother you any more from now on."

"I'm not looking for trouble!" Lu Zeyu blurted out.

Lu Wanwan asked suspiciously, "Oh?"

Lu Zeyu, who knew he was wrong, covered his face with one hand, and said in a muffled voice, "At least not recently."

Lu Wanwan saw him being so coy, so she couldn't help asking: "Brother, do you..." Like Jin Shu?

It's a pity that she was interrupted by An An before she finished her question: "Mum, uncle, what are you whispering? Can I listen?"

Lu Wanwan came back to her senses, and saw Li Jingchen walking towards them with An An in his arms, and said, "He said he wanted to be with uncle."

"Uncle~" An An shouted sweetly to Lu Zeyu.

Lu Zeyu had no choice but to stretch out his hand, took An An, shook his small body, as if disgusted and said: "So clingy, I don't know who it looks like?"

"Brother, An An seems to like to cling to you from the moment we met." Lu Wanwan said with emotion.