Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1625 Sooner or later, she will be snatched away

Lu Hongye's words "Double Happiness Comes to the Door" stunned the neighbors: "Aside from Zeyu, what other happy event is there?"

"Just wait and see." Lu Hongye said cheerfully, then turned and walked into the courtyard.

Seeing this, the neighbors looked at each other and said, "This is really strange. Since the Lu family's youngest daughter passed away, I haven't seen any happy events in the Lu family. Lu Zeyu has never planned to get married, and Lu Hongye is depressed all day long. "

"Yes, I heard that Lu Hongye's eldest daughter also had an accident. Her husband died and she became a widow!"

"It's a pity, the two daughters of Lu Hongye want to have good looks and education, and they all ended up like this!"

While the neighbors sighed, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. It's really not easy for the Lu family to have double happiness!

"Wait until that day, let's come visit again."

"Yes, Old Lu is usually a good person, let's go back and discuss what we want to give him as a congratulatory gift!"

"Okay! That's it!"

The neighbors left happily.

at the same time--

Lu Zeyu, who was the first to return to the room, was looking down at Li Jinshu in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "In order for me to accept Li Jingchen's betrothal gift, are you willing to go out and threaten me with yourself?"

There was no fluctuation on Li Jinshu's icy face, as if it was something insignificant: "I'm just analyzing the greatest possibility for you."

"That's all?" Lu Zeyu looked at her calm face, took a step forward uncontrollably, and said slightly mockingly: "I'm afraid it's not? You want to speak for your boss."

Li Jinshu, who was questioned again and again, could only nod his head: "Yes, I want to speak for President Li."

When Lu Zeyu heard this, his eyes darkened.

Is Li Jingchen so important to her?Important enough to threaten him with his own reputation?

Seeing that his expression was wrong, he instinctively told Li Jinshu that he shouldn't linger on the name "Li Jingchen", so he said, "But I also hope that Wanwan can be happy. This time, Wanwan voluntarily wanted to marry, didn't she?" ?”

Hearing this, Lu Zeyu's expression softened a little, but he was still a little bit weird: "Why don't I know that your relationship with Wanwan's sister is deeper than that with Li Jingchen?"

All in all, Lu Zeyu was still upset about Li Jinshu speaking for Li Jingchen!

This is the end of the conversation.

Because, the relationship between Li Jinshu and Lu Wanwan is indeed not as deep as that of Li Jingchen.

She was born as Li Jingchen's dead soldier since she was a child!

At this moment, Lu Hongye's voice came from behind them: "What are you guys talking about standing here?"

Li Jinshu followed the prestige and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "Godfather, you're here."

Lu Zeyu said: "We talk about ours, and you have to take care of it?"

As if seeing Li Jinshu's embarrassment, Lu Hongye raised his eyebrows and said to Lu Zeyu, "You kid, did you eat explosives?"

After the meal, Lu Hongye continued to say to Li Jinshu: "Jinshu, go and count the dowry gifts first, and then ask the servants to move the dowry gifts to the warehouse and put them away carefully. I will return these dowry gifts to Wan Wan one day. Can't go wrong."

Lu Zeyu was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Back then, his father traded Wanwan's younger sister's marriage and took all the benefits. Now, his father said that he would return all the betrothal gifts to Wanwan's younger sister. It can be seen that there is a big difference between love and not love Big.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Li Jinshu was worried that he couldn't escape, and Lu Hongye undoubtedly did her a favor.

Seeing Lu Zeyu's eyes following Li Jinshu's back, Lu Hongye smiled and then stepped up to block Lu Zeyu's sight.

The pretty back in front of him was suddenly replaced by an old face, Lu Zeyu couldn't help frowning: "Old man, what are you doing?"

With his hands behind his back, Lu Hongye asked with a smile, "Who messed with you again?"

Lu Zeyu said angrily, "Who else could it be? Of course it's Li Jingchen!"

Having said that, Lu Zeyu's eyes still unconsciously glanced at Li Jinshu.

After Lu Hongye looked back at Li Jinshu who had begun to count the betrothal gifts, Shi Shiran asked, "Since Li Jingchen provoked you, why are you staring at Jinshu like this?"

Lu Zeyu said with some resentment: "She is helping the evildoers."

"Jin Shu is now working next to Li Jingchen, so it's understandable to help him speak." After a pause, Lu Hongye said inwardly: "You gave Li Jingchen the opportunity to help the evildoers."

Lu Zeyu's face froze, and he suddenly remembered that what he said at the time was to drive Li Jinshu out of Lu's company, and a bit of annoyance flashed across his handsome face.

It would be great if we never saw Li Jinshu again after that!

However, the old man recognized her as his goddaughter and asked her to move to his house, so that now he had to see her every day.

After meeting him, he couldn't help thinking that Li Jinshu was no longer his secretary.

Seeing that she brought her work home for the sake of the Li Group, Lu Zeyu felt that time and space were intertwined. Li Jinshu, who used to work hard for him and for the company, no longer worked for him...

Seeing that he was half indignant and half disappointed, Lu Hongye couldn't help asking: "Son, tell me the truth, do you regret it?"

Lu Zeyu insisted: "What do you regret? What do I have to regret!"

Lu Hongye shook his head: "You, I always suspected that Jinshu was Li Jingchen's spy in the Lu family, so I insisted on driving her away.

Now that she's gone, and you're taking care of your boss's problems, you're getting upset again. Is it that difficult to admit that you can't do without her? "

Lu Zeyu's handsome face turned red again, and even his momentum weakened: "Who can't leave her..."

Lu Hongye played with taste: "I can't do without her, so why can't I do without her in every word? Do you remember who you were angry with at the beginning?"

Lu Zeyu was shocked, just now, he forgot about Li Jingchen!

Lu Hongye stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Son, although you are angry that Li Jingchen took Jinshu away, I think it is a good thing that Jinshu returned to work with Li Jingchen before you figured it out. "

Lu Zeyu didn't understand: "A good thing?"

Lu Hongye nodded: "After all, if you don't reach out to snatch such an eye-catching gem, sooner or later she will be snatched away.

But now that Li Jingchen has Wanwan, not only will he not threaten you, but he will protect Jinshu to a certain extent, lest she be taken away by others, do you understand what I mean? "

A strange look flashed across Lu Zeyu's eyes, he had never thought about it before!

Seeing that he seemed to have figured it out, Lu Hongye smiled and said, "Okay, hurry up and help Jin Shu, this is a big matter that concerns your sister!"

Lu Zeyu pursed his thin lips, and when he looked in Li Jinshu's direction again, he was no longer angry.