Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1623 You have to do it beautifully for me

"I want to see what Li Jingchen sent to win people's hearts!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Zeyu put down his chopsticks, got up and walked out the door.

At the same time, Li Zhai.

As the landline phone at home rang, the maid came over and picked up the receiver.

After a while, the maid looked at Li Jingchen who was sitting in the living room, and said politely: "Secretary Zhou, wait a moment, I will let the young master answer the phone."

At this time, Li Jingchen was sitting on the sofa in the living room, feeding cherries to Lu Wanwan who was watching TV.

Seeing the cherry juice secreted between Lu Wanwan's lips, Li Jingchen couldn't help but reach out and wipe it away from those plump lips greedily.

Lu Wanwan stared at the TV and asked indifferently, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just got something on my mouth."

"Really?" Lu Wanwan subconsciously stuck out her tongue and licked the corner of her lips.

Added a layer of moisture to the already bright red lips. Li Jingchen's eyes deepened, and when he was about to lean over to pick them, he suddenly heard the maid say, "Master, Secretary Zhou's call."

After Li Jingchen quickly pecked Lu Wanwan's lips, he turned sideways and said to the maid, "Give me the microphone."

"Yes." The maid handed the microphone to him.

After Li Jingchen took it, he put it in his ear and asked, "Zhou Yang, how is the matter going?"

"President Li, I have delivered the dowry to Lu's family as you ordered."

Li Jingchen's lazy and comfortable expression changed slightly, and he asked with a hint of worry: "Then is there someone from the Lu family to take over?"

"I have asked the servants of the Lu family to report, and I guess they will come out later."

Li Jingchen said: "Well, just tell them what I told you today."

Zhou Yang promised: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, I will take care of it for you! It's just..."

Li Jingchen asked, "What is it?"

Zhou Yang asked softly, "What if Xiao Lu refuses to accept it?"

Li Jingchen's eyes sank, and then he thought of something and said, "That's why I sent you there."

Zhou Yang said "Huh?"

Li Jingchen said: "The probability of you persuading them to accept it is higher than mine, so you have to handle this matter beautifully for me. If there is anything wrong, I only ask you!"

"Okay, okay, President Li."


Outside the Lu family courtyard.

After Zhou Yang ended the call, he turned around and saw Lu Hongye and Li Jinshu coming out together.

"Li Jinshu!" Zhou Yang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw his own person. How could he have forgotten Li Jinshu?If Lu Zeyu refuses to accept the dowry later, he might be able to help out with the conversation.

Zhou Yang, who was at ease, clasped his hands in front of him, and said to Lu Hongye politely: "Boss Lu, I came here today to give a dowry gift. Our boss Li and Ms. Lu are getting closer, congratulations! !"

Hearing this, Lu Hongye looked at the "long dragon" behind Zhou Yang in surprise, and asked, "Are these cars..."

Zhou Yang turned his head and glanced at the cars behind him. There were a total of eight Land Rovers, which crowded the road tightly. Except for the driver, all the rest were dowry gifts!

The tall and domineering appearance of the Land Rover has attracted the attention of many residents. How long has it been since the front of this old Lu family has been so lively?

"Could it be... the eldest son of the old Lu family is finally going to marry a wife?" A neighbor asked suspiciously.

Zhou Yang was very satisfied with the attention the team had attracted. After all, the more this happened, the harder it would be for Lu Hongye to refuse directly.

"Oh, Mr. Lu, these cars are filled with dowry gifts from our Mr. Li to marry Ms. Lu. Let me have someone move them into your house."

As he said that, Zhou Yang waved his hand, and the drivers immediately got out of the car, opened the door of the rear seat, and started to get out of the car.

"This..." Lu Hongye was caught off guard and asked, "You mean, Li Jingchen is going to marry Wanwan?"

Zhou Yang corrected with a smile: "To be precise, President Li and Ms. Lu are called remarried."

The corner of Lu Hongye's mouth twitched: "Remarried?"

Zhou Yang said cheekily: "Boss Li and Ms. Lu are a match made in heaven, but they haven't held a decent wedding, so Boss Li has been looking for a chance to make up for this regret, and I hope old Boss Lu will make it happen."

Lu Hongye finally heard it: "If I don't accept these betrothal gifts, it will be mine, right?"

Zhou Yang explained with a smile: "I didn't mean that, it's just that Mr. Li and Ms. Lu are in love now, and they have expressed their feelings to each other. Mr. Li can't wait to marry Ms. Lu back home."

What Lu Hongye was more concerned about was: "Are you sure, Wan Wan agrees to marry him?"

Zhou Yang saw the seriousness on Lu Hongye's face, couldn't help but suppress his smile, and replied equally seriously: "I'm sure."

Lu Hongye raised his head and sighed softly, as if sighing that his daughter returned to the original starting point after going around, and seemed to have fulfilled his wish to see her daughter happy.

Zhou Yang looked at Lu Hongye's reddened eyes, and comforted him with some empathy: "Boss Lu, this is a good thing."

After wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, Lu Hongye asked in a hoarse voice, "What about An'an? This child has Fu Shuo in mind, can he agree with Li Jingchen and Wan Wan?"

Although An An is just a child, he is sensible and precocious, and Lu Hongye hopes to minimize the harm to him.

Hearing this, Zhou Yang smiled.

"Boss Lu, to be honest, this is exactly what An An expected."

"What?" Lu Hongye was slightly taken aback.

"Is such that……"

Zhou Yang was about to speak clearly, but at this moment, a clear voice sounded from behind Lu Hongye——

"What are you doing? Stop! No more moving in!"

Seeing Zhou Yang who came, his brows frowned unavoidably, and then he opened his eyes and smiled: "Mr. Lu, good evening, my name is Zhou Yang, and I am the chief secretary of Mr. Li. I am here tonight on the order of Mr. Li. Those who propose marriage, these are dowry gifts, so they should move in."

Lu Zeyu looked at the gift boxes one after another on the ground, all of them were well packaged, even if the gift boxes were like this, maybe Li Jingchen put all the most valuable things in the entire deep-water harbor into it as betrothal gifts?

Still, his Wanwan sister deserves the best!

"Since you're here to propose marriage, why didn't Li Jingchen come in person?" Lu Zeyu asked with an unclear expression.

"Miss Lu's belly is getting bigger and bigger every day, so Mr. Li wants to spend more time with her at home, but Mr. Li has repeatedly instructed that these betrothal gifts must be sent to Lu's house in full and intact. If you miss, you have to ask me."

Zhou Yang's words not only showed Li Jingchen's concern for Lu Wanwan, but also showed Li Jingchen's attitude towards the Lu family.

Lu Zeyu's face softened, after all he had no grudge against Zhou Yang: "It's hard for you."

Zhou Yang was surprised in his heart, but said: "No, no."

Lu Hongye said: "Zeyu, I asked you just now, Wan Wan agreed to remarry Li Jingchen. As for An An's thoughts, Secretary Zhou was about to tell me, and you came out."

"Then let's listen to it together." Lu Zeyu said.