Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1609 Think for yourself, don't be impulsive

Lu Wanwan looked at Wei Yu and explained softly: "At that time, there were only a few of us. I saw that they were coming for Tongtong, so I stepped forward subconsciously."

Li Jingchen, who was ignored by them the whole time, coughed lightly. He hoped that Wei Yu would shut up and let him speak.

In the end, Wei Yu said to himself: "Siblings, you have to remember that you are also pregnant. Think about yourself and don't be impulsive."

Li Jingchen, who was robbed the whole time, looked at Wei Yu expressionlessly.

Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "Well, I know."

Seeing Lu Wanwan smiling at other men, Li Jingchen's eyes darkened, and he couldn't hold back anymore.

"By the way..." Wei Yu pondered for a while, and wanted to say something else.

At this moment, Li Jingchen suddenly said, "Wei Yu, go downstairs first."

Wei Yu said blankly, "Let's go down together."

Li Jingchen put one hand in his pocket, and after pinching his knuckles, he said in a deep voice, "You'd better go down first and tell Fang Tong that Wanwan is fine."

Wei Yu subconsciously asked, "What about you?"

Lu Wanwan replied, "We'll go down too."

Li Jingchen pursed his thin lips, wishing he could kick Wei Yu into the elevator!

Seeing that his friend's expression was not right, Wei Yu finally realized something and said, "Yes, yes, then I will go down immediately and tell Fang Tong that you will be with me every night!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Yu turned around and opened the elevator door. After entering, he nodded at Lu Wanwan: "Then younger siblings, I'll go down first."

Lu Wanwan followed suit and nodded, "Well, thank you... um!"

However, before she finished speaking, a gloomy handsome face covered her face and kissed her mouth.

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened in shock, but from the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Wei Yu's expression from surprise to suppressed laughter. Fortunately, the elevator doors closed quickly, and Wei Yu was not allowed to watch their jokes again.

While Lu Wanwan was thinking, her lips suddenly hurt, forcing her eyes to turn, and she had to look at Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen frowned slightly, closed his eyes, and kissed hard.

Lu Wanwan pushed him uncomfortably.

But in the next second, Li Jingchen grabbed his wrist and took him into his arms.

Lu Wanwan really wanted to know, what happened to him?

But Li Jingchen obviously didn't want to bear it anymore.

He almost bit and ravaged Lu Wanwan's lips, as if he wanted to pour all the love and depression in his heart on her, so that she could no longer ignore him!


Lu Wanwan circled behind him with the other hand and patted his back comfortingly.

After Li Jingchen's back stiffened, he opened his eyes and looked at her.

The goal was Lu Wanwan's puzzled and forbearing expression.

Looking down, she saw her delicate lips were red and swollen from his kiss. Li Jingchen felt ashamed and let her go.

Lu Wanwan covered her lips, took a step back, and then said: "You kiss me so uncomfortable."

Seeing that Wan Wan actually avoided him, the creases on Li Jingchen's eyebrows deepened.

Seeing his hurt expression, Lu Wanwan explained softly, "I mean, you kissed too hard."

Ever since she came back to live in Li's residence, Li Jingchen has spoiled her to the heavens, even kissing carefully, sometimes asking her if she is comfortable while kissing?Do you feel it?

Although she was so ashamed every time that she wanted to find a crack in the ground, but I have to say that it feels good to be respected and cherished by him.

Unexpectedly, today, he kissed her so hard and even bit her, Lu Wanwan backed away out of desperation.

After being silent for a while, Li Jingchen said hoarsely, "Wanwan, do you know..."

Lu Wanwan nodded, and said naturally: "I know you are worried about me, but I had no choice just now. I promise I won't do this again next time. Don't train me, okay?"

Li Jingchen's heart suddenly felt a little powerless: "Do you think that I lost control and kissed you because I was worried that you would be bullied by those men?"

Lu Wanwan blinked in confusion: "Isn't it?"

Li Jingchen sighed inaudibly, there are not many people and things that can force a man like him to sigh, and Lu Wanwan is definitely one of them.

He lowered his deep eyes, stared at her, and said, "Wanwan, tell me the truth, are you unhappy this morning?"

"I'm not happy?" Lu Wanwan was taken aback.

"En." Li Jingchen frowned quickly, then let go, and said, "You are also a pregnant woman, but you can't put on delicate makeup like Fang Tong, put on a beautiful wedding dress, and step into the palace of marriage. It's like now, following me without a name or surname, so you're angry with me, aren't you?"

"So you lost control because of this." Lu Wanwan suddenly realized.

That's why he changed his expensive suit into a white shirt the moment he saw her wearing maternity clothes, and he always looked at her with cautious, hesitant eyes along the way.

After realizing it, Lu Wanwan raised her face and said: "I admit, I am envious of Tongtong, who can step into the palace of marriage beautifully, but I don't mean to be angry with you, because I know, as long as I want to , you will marry me anytime.”

After a meal, Lu Wanwan raised her left hand, and the diamond ring on her fingertips shone brightly under the light in the corridor. She tilted her head and smiled, "There is this engagement ring to testify for us, isn't it?"

"Wanwan!" Li Jingchen's heart was moved, and he couldn't help but want to step forward and hug her.

Lu Wanwan was pregnant, and was immediately embraced by him.

Seeing that his originally melancholy eyes melted and became warm, Lu Wanwan realized something and shouted: "Don't kiss me as rudely as before!"

After looking at her bright red lips, Li Jingchen coughed a little uncomfortably, and said, "I promise it won't happen, does it hurt?"

Lu Wanwan snorted: "It hurts."

This delicate response fell on Li Jingchen's ear, as if a bare hand brushed against his ear, making his ears go soft.

After touching the sweet tooth roots with the tip of his tongue, Li Jingchen looked at her hoarsely and said, "Don't act like a baby."

Lu Wanwan glared at him: "Who acted like a baby, it really hurts."

This look, shy and timid, made Li Jingchen want to bully her again!

"Then I'll do it again. This time, I definitely performed better than before."

After the sound fell, Li Jingchen lowered his head, trying to find her lips.

Lu Wanwan muttered anxiously: "What time is it, don't you need to go down to help Ye Fei... entertain guests...? Li Jingchen! I'm talking to you...!"

The following words became intermittent and vague under Li Jingchen's torture.


When Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen reappeared in everyone's sight, Lu Wanwan had already been deprived of the right to move around at will, and was guarded by Li Jingchen with his eyes and hands.

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