Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1607 She is really daring

As soon as Ye Fei came out, Ye Mu, who was talking to the guests, immediately asked, "Why are you coming out now?"

When asking this question, Mother Ye's eyes fell on the corner of Ye Fei's mouth, looking a little surprised.

Noticing what his mother was looking at, Ye Fei's thin lips parted slightly: "If I don't come out again, you will ruin my wedding."

Mother Ye was about to say something, but she caught a glimpse of Li Jingchen and Wei Yu behind her son from the corner of her eye, so she calmed down and said, "I'm just entertaining guests for you."

Ye Fei lowered his head, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "You slapped me as soon as you got out of the car, it shouldn't be just to show your anger, right?

The diamond ring you wore scratched the corner of my mouth, so I had to deal with it, and then you can implement the next plan, right? "

Mother Ye's eyes flashed: "I don't understand what you're talking about, I still have guests to entertain, so I won't tell you for now."

After finishing speaking, Ye Mu nodded sharply at Jing Chen and Wei Yu, then turned around and wanted to leave.

"Mother!" Ye Fei suddenly called out.

Mother Ye stopped in her tracks.

"Why did you leave as soon as I came out?" Ye Fei came behind her and asked in a low voice.

After Ye Mu took a deep breath, she turned her head and said, "Fei'er, I want to save some face for you in front of your friends, so don't force me."

Ye Fei showed a surprised expression: "Face? Just now, you slapped me in public. At that time, there were also my guests present. Why didn't you think of saving face for me?"

After looking at the time on the watch, Mother Ye frowned slightly, and her tone became a little more urgent: "Okay! I was so angry just now, that's why I hit you hard. Why, Do you want me to be a mother and apologize to you in public?"

"Don't dare." After Ye Fei glanced at Father Ye not far away, he said meaningfully: "You and father are willing to come to my wedding, which has surprised me.

That slap just now, as long as it can make you calm down, then I will be worth it. I hope your two elders can witness my wedding with Tongtong next time. Don’t get angry again. It’s not good for your health. "

Mother Ye asked blankly, "Have you finished?"

Ye Fei tilted his head, glanced at Li Jingchen and Wei Yu who had walked away from him at some point, turned around, and smiled at his mother: "It's over, what do you want to do, please."

the other side--

After Lu Wanwan accompanied Fang Tong to the elevator door, she waited for the elevator.

After a while, the slowly rising elevator door opened in front of them.

Then, several tall and burly men walked out of the elevator, and their eyes swept across Fang Tong's wedding dress.

At this time, Fang Tong's parents were all focused on their daughter, only Lu Wanwan noticed that the group of men exchanged glances with each other.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan said to Fang Tong who walked into the elevator: "Tong Tong, you and your uncle and aunt should go downstairs first."

Fang Tong didn't understand why Lu Wanwan asked him to go downstairs first: "Huh? What's the matter Wanwan? Why don't you go down together?"

"I'll wait." Lu Wanwan stopped in front of the elevator and looked at the group of men who hadn't left.

Sure enough, when the group of men saw Lu Wanwan standing in front of Fang Tong, their expressions immediately changed: "Madam, please step aside!"

Lu Wanwan asked with a puzzled face, "Why should I get out of the way?"

One of the men said: "Because you blocked us!"

Lu Wanwan wondered: "It's really strange, you just took the elevator upstairs, are you going downstairs again in a blink of an eye?"

Fang Tong, who heard this, finally realized something was wrong: "Who are you?"

One of the men said, "Can't we find the wrong floor?"

Lu Wanwan then asked: "Which floor do you want to go to?"

One of them said: "We are going to the 17th floor!"

Fang Tong said calmly: "The 17th floor? But our elevator is downward. If you want to go up, you have to wait for the next elevator."

After a meal, Fang Tong looked at Lu Wanwan and said nervously, "Wanwan, come in!"

In the end, Lu Wanwan said, "Tongtong, you guys go down first."

"Wanwan!" How could Fang Tong feel relieved to let her a weak woman face a group of big men!

But Lu Wanwan knew very well that once she got into the elevator, the group of men in front of her would immediately rush into the elevator. Judging from their sneak peeks at Fang Tong's wedding dress just now, they were here for Fang Tong.

Thinking back to what Fang Tong's mother said just now, Mother Ye planned to take Fang Tong's wedding dress off to show the public on the spot, so this group of men was very dangerous to Fang Tong, and she had to let Tong Tong go downstairs first.

Fang Tong's father saw that the situation was not good, so he secretly released his hand from the "door open button".

Soon, the elevator doors began to close in the middle.

Fang Tong was startled, and was about to go forward and press the "open door button".

Unexpectedly, her mother grabbed her big skirt from behind, desperately holding her back.

"Chase!" Seeing this, the group of men planned to force their way into the elevator, but Lu Wanwan stretched out his hand to stop him.

The leading man almost bumped into Lu Wanwan's big belly, and couldn't help saying angrily: "Hey! Don't think you are pregnant, we dare not do anything to you!"

"Mom!" Fang Tong, who watched the elevator door close, couldn't help but turned around and roared.

Fang Tong's mother hugged her big skirt tightly and said, "Tong Tong, I think you should listen to Miss Lu and go down first before talking!"

Unexpectedly, Fang Tong glanced at her and said angrily: "Wanwan is pregnant too! In case something happens to her, how do you ask me to explain to Li Jingchen!"

Fang Tong's father said earnestly: "Tong Tong, those men are clearly here for you. If you let them rush in, they will probably take off your wedding dress in the elevator!"

Fang Tong's mother said: "That's right, the elevator is only this big, they can bully you as much as they want, and when the elevator door opens, everyone will see you making a fool of yourself!

The reason why Ms. Lu asked you to go downstairs first, and she blocked them, is entirely for the sake of the overall situation! "

"Fuck the big picture!" Fang Tong couldn't help but yelled: "If something happens to Wan Wan, I will definitely not let those two old guys go!"

After finishing speaking, she stared at the numbers on the display screen, and just wanted to get to the first floor quickly, she wanted to notify Li Jingchen immediately, it might be dangerous tonight!


But as Fang Tong's parents said, these men came for Fang Tong and were not interested in causing other troubles.

After being stopped by Lu Wanwan, they were angry, but they still didn't want to do anything to Lu Wanwan, a pregnant woman.

They began to wait for the next elevator.

I have to say, Lu Wanwan looked at them like ants on a hot pot, walking back and forth between several elevators, which was quite funny.


With a "ding", the elevator door opened.

Mother Ye, who was wandering nearby, instantly brightened up her eyes!

Seeing her trembling hand holding the wine glass, others couldn't help asking, "Madam Ye, what's wrong with you?"

Little did she know, she was trembling with excitement: "It's nothing."

After drinking the red wine as a cover, Mother Ye looked towards the dark elevator door, waiting to see Fang Tong's naked appearance!

On the other side, inside the elevator.

Fang Tong's father was panicking and said, "Tong Tong, where are you going? The backstage is at the back door of the elevator!"

There are two entrances and exits to the elevator, one leads to the lobby and the other leads to the backstage. Fang Tong should go to the backstage at this time and wait for the notification from the wedding master of ceremonies.

However, the bride, who was supposed to go to the backstage to wait for the entrance, snatched back the skirt of the wedding dress from her mother, and rushed out from the main entrance of the elevator regardless!

However, the main entrance of the elevator leads to the lobby!

Seeing a woman in black gauze rushing out of the elevator, all the guests present were dumbfounded by coincidence!

But when they saw that the owner of the black Huasha was Fang Tong, the guests all gasped!

Not for anything else, it is because Fang Tongmei is too impactful!

I don't know, I thought she was a duchess who ran out of some medieval castle, and the aura she carried was so strong that people wanted to worship her!

But seeing the place where her beautiful eyes swept across, the guests subconsciously avoided, as if just looking at each other, their souls would be sucked in by this "ghost bride".

But as soon as she looked away, the guests would immediately look at her again, from the black veil, to the purple lipstick, to the black ribbon bow tied around the ankle, the guests greedily admired every inch with.

at the same time--

Mother Ye looked at Fang Tong, whose wedding dress was intact, and shouted in a low voice, "What's going on?!"

Shouldn't the person she sent up should have blocked Fang Tong in the elevator and stripped her wedding dress clean!

She had already given orders to use those men to ruin Fang Tong's reputation, but in the end...

"Mrs. Ye, isn't your daughter-in-law too bold? She actually wore a black wedding dress and entered the venue early."

"However, as expected of a female star, as soon as she appears, everyone else will be eclipsed."

"Yeah, I only saw your daughter-in-law on TV before, but I didn't expect her to be a hundred times more alive in real life than on the screen. Your son is so lucky!"

The compliments from others came, Ye Mu's mouth twitched, and she reluctantly said: " really brave." Reckless!

Actually wearing a black wedding dress to enter the arena, this is a curse to their Ye family!

"Where's Ye Fei?" Fang Tong couldn't control that much, she grabbed a waiter's hand and asked anxiously.

The waiter blushed and said, "Ye, Mr. Ye went to the bathroom."

"What about Li Jingchen?!" Fang Tong asked again.

The waiter swallowed, looked at her dully and said, "I, I don't know."


"Li Jingchen went upstairs, I saw it with my own eyes."

At this time, a charming voice sounded from behind Fang Tong.

Fang Tong was startled, turned around and shouted, "Sister Yan!"

Lin Yan came to her, admired her, and asked, "Why are you looking for Li Jingchen?"

"It's like this..." Fang Tong hurriedly told about Lu Wanwan helping her to break up.